Especially raw dairy farming, which does not require artificial intervention by government apparatchiks: Pasteurization inspections, producing fees and fines for the Federal leviathan.
Pasteurization and Homogenization are both unnatural and unhealthful; the result is a denatured product, with altered/destroyed nutrients.
Such massive evil. Such utter lack of empathy - for the birds, the farmers, the consumers. And then ... the banality of evil, on the surface. But explore a bit, not banal at all.
If you tried to write insane fiction that was so bad it wouldn’t work because so implausible. This is worse. Like all Democrats in History a lust for killing innocent animals. This lady must be related to Fauci and his Beagles and Bill Gates and his human animal slaughters by man made gain of function viruses and his not effective and not safe genetic interference shots for profit.
The egg fiasco is only the latest attack on the middle and lower classes. All inflation, every single bit of it, is/was engineered and implemented by the vile filth that has been voted into office; voted in by people who we all know. Voted in by our neighbors and co-workers and more than likely some of our own family members. We all know some of them, others you can spot by their face masks and “I got my vaccine today” stickers. These people are the viruses that keep ruining our economic stability.
Who puts a ccp witch in charge? 🤔 👀 😳...Satanic Government and Trump is no better...she's killing chickens but Trump will kill more children and you Warp Speed 5G AI style.🙄
The "grass-fed" movement, largely inspired by Weston Price, DDS, with its emphasis on the "X Factor" (Vitamin K2), has received a great deal of deserved attention. However, milk and butter from grass-fed cows and goats also yield another nearly-eliminated phyto-nutrient.
Rosalind Wulzen, Ph.D. (the first woman to receive a doctorate in Biochemistry from UC Berkeley), discovered "The Anti-Stiffness Factor" (i.e., anti-arthritis factor) in raw dairy milk fat from grass-fed cattle; she learned that Pasteurization not only destroyed it, but that Pasteurized milk actually induced arthritis. This was her life's work.
Leading scientists were so convinced by her decades of research that they formed a coalition to have this substance declared a necessary "vitamin" in the 1940s. The USDA, which obtained funds from Pasteurization mandates - inspection fees and violation fines - infiltrated and sabotaged the group.
Follow the money. Follow the power. Follow the control.
The USDA has (almost) single-handedly destroyed farming in America.
Especially raw dairy farming, which does not require artificial intervention by government apparatchiks: Pasteurization inspections, producing fees and fines for the Federal leviathan.
Pasteurization and Homogenization are both unnatural and unhealthful; the result is a denatured product, with altered/destroyed nutrients.
all in the name of globalist WEFer WHOer and U.N. No we will not eat your fn bugs!
We will shove them down your throats! And do not ever put "Bug Flower " in our food!
FN sicko USDA! Jail and ...........for Gates, Soros and their likes! NWO great reset is
the greatest crime ever committed against humanity!
Such massive evil. Such utter lack of empathy - for the birds, the farmers, the consumers. And then ... the banality of evil, on the surface. But explore a bit, not banal at all.
We are the Buffalo and the first nations part of history. After the disease. It's the food.
If you tried to write insane fiction that was so bad it wouldn’t work because so implausible. This is worse. Like all Democrats in History a lust for killing innocent animals. This lady must be related to Fauci and his Beagles and Bill Gates and his human animal slaughters by man made gain of function viruses and his not effective and not safe genetic interference shots for profit.
All Fing fabricated LIES!
CCP infiltration and who put her there? Bidum is too dumb! This will be quite interesting going forward.
Her price has shot through the roof too, the price to defend her!
she should fry with the chickens she had killed with a useless PCR test bullshite!!! I pray
Président Trump and RFK jr. adress this!
Pam Bondi is ramping up to go after them. You can bet on that!
I come to the same conclusion as I did on your last post.
Do not test and if you do test then don’t report the results.
PCR is a lab only test it does not prove nada! They have manipulated it for their
purposes...i.e. plandemics!
Yup….just ramp up the cycles and you could detect Abraham Lincoln on your own clothes.
I really laughed when we, here in Canada, could use the same home covid test for bird flu……and they said it with a straight face🙄
Thèse people need comeuppance in a real bad way!
The egg fiasco is only the latest attack on the middle and lower classes. All inflation, every single bit of it, is/was engineered and implemented by the vile filth that has been voted into office; voted in by people who we all know. Voted in by our neighbors and co-workers and more than likely some of our own family members. We all know some of them, others you can spot by their face masks and “I got my vaccine today” stickers. These people are the viruses that keep ruining our economic stability.
I just posted this article on Facebook in a private group post this morning and my account access was shut off.
Crimes agains’t humanity continue ……
Who puts a ccp witch in charge? 🤔 👀 😳...Satanic Government and Trump is no better...she's killing chickens but Trump will kill more children and you Warp Speed 5G AI style.🙄
Thank you.
The "grass-fed" movement, largely inspired by Weston Price, DDS, with its emphasis on the "X Factor" (Vitamin K2), has received a great deal of deserved attention. However, milk and butter from grass-fed cows and goats also yield another nearly-eliminated phyto-nutrient.
Rosalind Wulzen, Ph.D. (the first woman to receive a doctorate in Biochemistry from UC Berkeley), discovered "The Anti-Stiffness Factor" (i.e., anti-arthritis factor) in raw dairy milk fat from grass-fed cattle; she learned that Pasteurization not only destroyed it, but that Pasteurized milk actually induced arthritis. This was her life's work.
Leading scientists were so convinced by her decades of research that they formed a coalition to have this substance declared a necessary "vitamin" in the 1940s. The USDA, which obtained funds from Pasteurization mandates - inspection fees and violation fines - infiltrated and sabotaged the group.
Follow the money. Follow the power. Follow the control.
Pristine work. Thank you🦅
Mass murders always start with the mutating and killing of innocent animals.
We are and have always been next in line.
One can see it in her smile, as to say, boy is this going to be fun.
Ostrich Farm in BC granted a month long reprieve from culling their birds due to PCR scam. Hopefully this is the turnaround.