May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Schwab is a freak. and he can go screw himself. Just because he has money he doesn't have the right to tell us how we can live. Im 72 and Ive had a good life, I ignored all their bullshit thru covid and Im intending to continue to ignore this. I don't care if I have to go live in forest in a cabin, I will do whatever I have to, to not go along with that psychopaths' dictates. I really every Canadian thought like me in this regard.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Most Canadians are now mind controlled, and you know why.

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Two of my most ardent holdouts gave indication they flipped on the shots. "Its too late I took them." The other lamenting all her health concerns. Prodding... what do you think caused this...she knew what I thought. Walking into the conversation....

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This Canadian thinks the same, time to arrest this lieberal government. I am with you in living in the country away from these crazy Useless Eviler's.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

I believe they have initiated all this chaos through pinning the people against each other. Through race they have achieved the divide and conquer. Every move they make will have a distraction chess piece. Buy we must ask God for discernment for what's too come. 🙏

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God is such great guidance. I love the idea that we praise God in the valley. Not just on the mountain. We can't both give thanks and be in fear. The truth of giving thanks for our blessings in times of difficulty should ring loud for all. He is the true inclusion. Made us all in his image.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa


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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Sounds like they think a person can drive more than 1 vehicle at the same time. Interesting. Thus has to do with control nit “saving the planet.”

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Their studies are all paid for a result not actual observations. We are always to deny our observations.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

I live in Australia, and I’d like to know where this “survey “ was done. We are a vast country. Not everyone lives in a major city. As for Australia’s green energy policies we are headed back to the Stone Age. They are forbidding. Gas, shutting down coal fired power stations, have banned nuclear. Just gave a billionaire and a multimillionaire a billion in taxpayer dollars to make solar panels despite there being a worldwide glut from China. Then there’s the billions being given for hydrogen power- despite no evidence of an ability to create it in quantity anywhere in the world. Then there’s the problem sue of refineries we need not have two left in the country, our emergency oil supplies are kept in the USA- you know the reserve supplies Joe is selling to his son’s mates in China. And then there’s the crisis alarm gnome Greta has now turned her focus to Gaza. She’s a paid agitator for sure.

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Its for cruelty. They are doing the worst. But people are coming God through it. One definition of Evil is possibly forcing us from our God given observations. And forcing us from our God given reason. That any man can sense, and once he does he recognizes evil. On his own accord in disgust he commences his search for good. There he finds so patient God. The fools are driving a revival in love of our fellow man. A love of God.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Yes, all things are possible with God. I will have more to say in the morning & tomorrow; I have to get my beauty sleep 😴 (too late for that, should have done that about 50 years ago! Lol!

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa


I’ve seen posted it on Telegram a letter from the BC government to all healthcare employees that the UN working group on arbitrary detention is coming to visit British Columbia May 19 and 20. Employees are instructed to give the visitors their complete cooperation.

Most concerning is that the visitors will arrive at any facility without notice, and they are expected And permitted to interview patients – – I’m sure that violates protocols and Ethics rules – – I expect Managers Will overrule any inhibitions an employee may have In that regard.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

"WEF Calls for limits on car ownership. "

On a related note, WEF says that "ordinary" families having more than one child have to euthanize the excess kids.

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Not far off from their intent. I had an epiphany that the project about full term abortion was for the government. Not for women. It dies not even fit with the abort the mission narrative. It is fulfill and kill. No women were asking for this. Yet no one on the left can articulate anything against the cult belief system. The prevention of life has hit ardent levels. Here we are. Church of satan says abortion is their ritual. Right in our face. My children’s natural repulsion of abortion was very interesting to me. To go in where the child is most safe and kill it there. It blew their minds. Their disgust and horror was instructive to me. Children are closer to God. We have government funded programs for killing us at all our life stages from abortion to euthanasia and have added surgery on minors genitalia and reproductive abilities and the coin doesn't drop for many. Be loud in the square championing it as a right and is is a religious foundation and cult.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Uptick in Cancer due to the jabs will initiate this:


Look at the film clip compared to recent newsroom interview. Comment section on the vid also shows people noticing a lot. We need to get ten steps ahead of them before it's too late.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

I agree to stop this stupidly the climate change fraud needs to be called out. Europe is looking at digital id/CBDC for the sake of climate change...where is the logic. Trudeau does not want to step down because he wants to save us from climate change and it goes on....we are dying because of climate change...The masses must be dumbed down if they cannot see how illogical this all is. The governments are using the same logic as with Covid.

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He is not suppose to step down. That is their authority

. He is supposed to trigger an election to reject all their policies. Next up ding bat will just continue the WEF program. They want us to rethink democracy as just leaders they selectvretire and replace. No he doesn't resign. He is voted out to pasture. These elites have no imagination. It is impossible to for them to like the world they attemp to craft. They should hope ardently we win.

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May 22Liked by LawyerLisa

Conversation with a work colleague today:

- Did you see Klaus Schwab is being retired?

"Who's Klaus Schwab?"

- Leader of the WEF.

"Who's the WEF?"

- The maniacs behind Agenda30.

"What's Agenda30?"

- The plan to outlaw private ownership, cars, ban travel, stop you eating meat.

"I don't think they could do that".

- Haven't you seen all the chickens they're slaughtering because of bird flu?

"What's bird flu?"


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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Jay Leno must be very afraid 181 cars and 160 motorbikes. https://www.thesun.co.uk/motors/27243464/jay-lenos-car-collection-photos-steam-powered/

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How about a one less private jet movement?

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im 81. coming up the name "liberal" meant anti-totalitarian!

then somewhere along the way, words turned into their opposite. "neo-liberal" was anything but. Clinton et. al. ...anything but!!!!!!

please, for me, stop using these tired useless labels. they're assholes folks! both sides chockabloc with assholes!!!!!!

thank you.

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