From what I am seeing, many countries are going towards policies that are based on harmful agendas. I see the push to all these forced interventions without any public consultation. The article you posted on chipping in the EU yesterday was very disturbing. I am trying to inform myself and then sharing information with others. I have been attending Canada 4 Canada meetings over the last few months. I have trying to follow things at the city, province and federal level while attending meetings when I can. I have also been recently attending a new church and take time to pray on a regular basis.

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They will chip me just as soon as they pry my 2nd Amendment rights out of my cold, dead clammy hands... and right after God deals with their hubris, just like he did, say, with Roland Friesler, Hitler's judge.

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Thanks for putting this together. Although many believe the opposite, this is so true:

“We are totally loveable trying to save humanity, from legal and technical tyranny.” ❤️

I’d love to chat more and brainstorm ideas on how to get the word out, message me anytime.

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Yes, its all horrible. And yet Biden and his bosses are all-in to hand over our rights (and our lives). He is or will be guilty of treason in my view. That animals and plants come under The WHO's control is a laugh. They -The WHO - have no demonstrated expertise in wildlife preservation. But whatever they say seems to be green lighted by their supporters, many or most of our "elected" officials who seem to have lost their minds (and their moral compasses). Some states may opt-out but it seems they will be in the extreme minority. And how long will that last until they are pressured in?

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I am truly disturbed on the European Union and Canada government partnership to the dystopian nightmare. I am troubled by the partnership to go forward with digital identification, surveillance of population online and censorship of misinformation online (according to the agenda of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum). I want to stop this deceit by governments who take their people and essentially sell them to the United Nations.

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