For me and for many other people the covid shenigans (in addition to other shenanigans in past years prior to covid) have thrown everything offered by the medical industrial complex into question-- that's the problem. It's like, some guy you thought was a great caretaker turns out to have been stealing from you and torturing your cat and anyway just totally does not give a dang about you as a fellow human being. So, yeah, maybe the guy still makes great compost and can clip the hedges, and etc-- but WHY WOULD YOU TRUST HIM? Why is he even still anywhere on your property?

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I just keep thinking about what I know. Unless and until they recall all the shots, mea culpa on the shots, and follow through with Rule of Law type consequences, then the failure to do so indicates a follows: The legal, medical and political systems are weaponized against the people. True believers? No I believe all that's left in the public are paid shills, ai bots and or those who form a religion around the belief. That is, in order to be seen as progressive they must support facts that are ideologies rather than facts.

For the rest of us, we view every interaction with the medical system as now something to avoid. We will be coded, have conditions for care that include the shot, or have to take new cures we now mistrust. They have ruined health care.

We must take it all back.

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We all know that any 'social contract' has been wildly broken, but how to prove it in a court of law. Apparently it is our duty to not contribute to helping a corrupt government, and in fact do all we can to eliminate that corruption. They are killing us fast with multiple methods, in a concerted and coordinated fashion all over the world.

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Low and behold Pfizer just bought a cancer curing company and they now have a cure for all cancers!!! Likely to be administered via a MRNA JAB! Sorry FUCK THEM ALL TO HELL!

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It's getting crowded down there. It's like they eagerly pre-bought some new 'constructions' in hell. I went to a hotel in mexico. "Planet Hollywood'. Over top of the beds were images of dark wings. ie/ the dark angel. the symbols on the mirrors were pentagrams, triangles within triangles (like the pedo symbols) and on the walls scenes from movies: they had this massive demon every 3rd or 4th poster. It was literally built as a homage to sATAN. I hated it, despite the sun and good food. I hated being in their temples. Once you see their symbols and worshiping it is also everywhere. who else noticed. FEW I bet.

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I agree with the article except for the very last word. Democracy is the reason for the situation we are in. That word should be freedom.

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We who know how evil those who planed and pushed the death jabs are, know they are doing every immoral demented act that they can to kill and cripple as many as they can. I told my wife they being what they are would use the flu shot as well as anything they could think of to depopulate the planet as much as they could. So we would be fools to think the gene therapy jabs are the only poison being used on us. These people are not capable of remorse, empathy or any human feelings what so ever, how could they and still do what they are doing?

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