I’ve been thinking about this. At face value we have to believe that:
a new form of turbo cancer has arisen;
likely from weaponized shots;
but we don’t suspect they’ve weaponized the cancer medication?
We have heard the need for ‘depopulation’ because of ‘resource use’ by ‘useless eaters’
But we don’t suspect the cancer medication?
Midazolam was used on those who were ill.
But we don’t suspect the cancer cures?
I guess once bit, Twice shy.
That’s it. That’s all. If we think the turbo cancers could be the shots. Why couldn’t it be the cure again. I wonder if there is a way to test this theory.
A neighbor disclosed his friend’s son was diagnosed with a leukemia that galloped through this boy and in no time the teen was dead.
I know we demonize those who trust ‘establishment’ and who gobble up the ‘legacy media’ and want to trust their government. Naivety. Some I suspect want to die with that idea intact. Denial is a powerful force. I don’t blame them the way some do. I think the trauma of the concept may just be too much.
And then there’s the rest of us. Are we a majority now? Pretty close.
If you are a sceptic of the medical system because you think it is weaponized, then couldn’t stage two also be weaponized. It could. That’s it. That’s all. Who trusts the medical system that is awake now.
I’m putting the idea out for discussion. Who makes the cancer ‘cures’ patients take? I assume Dr. William Makis may have some ideas to take my theory a bit further. Turbo cancer might just have a turbo “cure”. What we are seeing could be another weaponization of the medical system - or just the shots from the initial weaponization of the medical public health system. Very few would have to be in on it.
The one fact you can’t get by is that: the safety profile of the product named ‘vaccine’ is now known. They know or ought to know, and their complicity with allowing the ‘vaccine’s to remain on the market? It means WHAT exactly?
Gerber baby formula recalled for possible bacteria contamination
ByABC7 Chicago Digital Team Saturday, March 18, 2023 7:20PM
The number of published peer reviewed studies is enormous. Well you circle around that fact again and again. You dissect it. You look at if from every angle for plausible reasons it can exist and not be indicative of a government that is not merely callous, but who sits by, or is complicit with a bioweapon being injected into their citizens. Really. So they are bought off? It’s for money? It is for money, but its also for something else? For establishing a new form of power structure? And they know and want to do this? Or only a tiny portion do and the rest are moving along with the current? Or are fools? Or are busy? Or are incompetent?
There’s the true power brokers, and then there’s the elected officials and bureaucrats, who may be profiting and certainly are absconding their fiduciary duties. They are permitting the weaponization of laws, legal systems and medical systems. But is their participation merely part of moving with the ‘current’. It is impossible that they are all ‘in on it’. No, some are just fools. Some are bought. Some are constrained by the prisons of those legal structures still and don’t see what they have been turning our society into. Some like to be liked and are easily manipulated. Some don’t want to be thought ‘politically incorrect’ with new-think.
When I read some of the legislation I’ve reviewed, what strikes me most is that some pretty thorough lawyers drafted it. So talented lawyers. Smart ones. Brilliant even. So with all that intelligence what do they hope to gain. Their bills paid. Enormous wealth. For what? killing unicorns? Killing their own way of life that caused them to rise to the level of power they have. So are they earmarked for the promise land? They are saved, valued, chosen? In my view they are drafted the words of their own prison. Either because there will be no more rule of law if their perfect prison plans are followed - or because if there is justice and they are found criminals there also should be prison. How do you want to draft the words that lead to a world that you can’t stand. What are the ways to stand it?
so I’m back at: De-populate? Well if that is the power brokers goals, and they had wild success with the jabs, why wouldn’t they go to the next stage: the 'other ‘cures’. Do you want their medicines? Do you trust their other jibbies? Do you? NOT A CHANCE. You don’t want anything they touch.

Decriminalize hard drugs? open borders? Inflation which disproportionately affects the poor? homelessness? Where does this all go?
We are in an era where sitting on the sidelines and not thinking is going to be dangerous to our way of life. Or to being alive. There are heroes still and I believe in them.
When I was younger I believed in unicorns. I believed they did exist. But not like other little girls did. I believed they were hunted to extinction for their magnificent corns. They were destroyed for being beautiful. Twisted little theory I guess.
The way rhinos or elephants are hunted for their tusks. If such a beautiful animal existed it would be prized by those who would want to capture and kill it. Those who see beauty and want to destroy it; BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Is democracy a unicorn? Such that future generations who will ‘read’ or ‘learn’ what they’re taught, will wonder about? Jabbed into their technocracy land, grateful for their ‘cures’, will they wonder as they Rule Follow, whether the unicorn of democracy once existed?
This is just how beautiful auto-determination is. The idea that the majority picks the path, but a Charter of rights protects the minority from the majority’s deprivation of any of life liberty and fundamental freedoms. What a balance. Such a beautiful animal.
Is that what is happening; another CURE has come for us, and ultimately what we are standing for Democracy.
For me and for many other people the covid shenigans (in addition to other shenanigans in past years prior to covid) have thrown everything offered by the medical industrial complex into question-- that's the problem. It's like, some guy you thought was a great caretaker turns out to have been stealing from you and torturing your cat and anyway just totally does not give a dang about you as a fellow human being. So, yeah, maybe the guy still makes great compost and can clip the hedges, and etc-- but WHY WOULD YOU TRUST HIM? Why is he even still anywhere on your property?
Low and behold Pfizer just bought a cancer curing company and they now have a cure for all cancers!!! Likely to be administered via a MRNA JAB! Sorry FUCK THEM ALL TO HELL!