Fallacious neo-Marxist ideological crap, contrived by academia, that is inconsistent with human behaviour and survival. Academia is an organized crime cult promulgating strategic divisive social change through the medium of propaganda. Pseudo-intellectual prostitutes.

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Higher education isn’t exactly a pleasant place to be, is it?

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No longer just crap. Purposeful maybe treasonous crap that leads to the global order.

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“The work of care”………that cutesy phrase reminded me of the crown corporation I worked for.

We didn’t have a Director of HR noooo we had a “Head People Person”…I shit you not.

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I believe you!

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Confront them about this, because it's coming (unless we stop it/them):

The WEF Wants Your House to Be Worth ZERO, to Achieve "Net Zero" Carbon

Most homes & buildings will become "Stranded Assets" (you will be forced out of your home; you will not be allowed to sell it nor rent it out)...


DEC 8, 2022


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Higher education isn’t exactly a pleasant place to be, is it?

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