Crazy times! Thanks for the update.

I appreciate your ability to question everything, God bless and protect you.

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No more quibbling on size!

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Check your legislation, in Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard removed the word woman from the sex discrimination act. Given her recent 7 minute waffle when asked to define woman , she seems terribly confused and referred to it as a “gotcha” question.

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the real long view is they must have perfected ecto-genesis and women need to phase out because we are competition for the widget womb.

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If a woman is now to be called a "person with a vagina" then a man must surely be now called a "person with a dick."

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So the judge confused sex and gender. I wish to enlighten the poor judge: Our Sex is the word used (male or female, man or Woman)for what we are born with. Gender is a social construct.

But of course, anyone in front of one of these judges is a legal fiction or entity / person. So, they are not even alive!

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I just love the image you put on!!!! LOL!!! This "whatever gender" thing is becoming so stupid and complicated. I frankly gave up when I read a short while ago the 72 genders list. What God so ignorant he just created 2?? anyways, the 2 were crazy enough to invent new ones and sc...w up the originals... I never thought in my life there would be more genders than icecream flavors. Yeah, I'm that old.

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This judge should be haulded out into the public square and shot for not with holding the Constitutuin if America. This is not a judge byt a transmobster.

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God made two sexes male and female, man and woman.

We have a priest that proclaims this truth in his homily.

Some May walk out, but he says we need to pray for them!

He is not afraid to speak the truth!

Not politically correct, but God correct!

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Interesting that here in New Zealand, our adverts are becoming more woke and more offensive. The advert for womens smears now uses NOT the well known phrase from past years using "women between the age of" No, they now say "For anyone with a cervix" avoiding the use of the word "women" at all. But, they still dare to use children (emotive) to push the narrative where they are on their bikes saying do it for us, do it for the whanau! I dont watch mainstream but its all over Youtube. As I see the advert coming on, I mute the politicized crap.

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