Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

Indeed, very concerning. It appears we have treasonous politicians leading Western civilization, steering us toward a disastrous population clash.

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Registered practitioners - e.g. doctors, nurses, pharmacists - should never have collaborated with mandated medical interventions, i.e. mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, or any mandatory vaccination.

They have violated voluntary informed consent.

I've written this up from a detailed Australian perspective, which is also relevant internationally, see: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

It's really quite stunning!!! The medical 'profession' has been violating voluntary informed consent for years, even though the Australian Government and the regulator of practitioners, AHPRA, have confirmed the obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

Informed consent cannot be obtained under coercion and mandates...

There's no 'consent' if you can't say 'no'...

Here it is, straight from the Australian Government, in a letter to my colleague Emma McArthur dated 21 December 2021: "I can advise that informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://humanityattheprecipice.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/doh-reply-21-12-2021.pdf

Here it is again, in a letter to me, Elizabeth Hart, from the Australian Government, in a letter dated 17 November 2022: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

And again, in a letter to me, Elizabeth Hart, from AHPRA, in a letter dated 20 September 2021: "Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved." https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

Oh, and here it is again in a letter to me from AHPRA...in a letter dated 5 October 2017! "Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia provides guidance to medical practitioners. Informed consent is a key element of good medical practice. A medical practitioner must obtain informed consent before undertaking an examination or providing treatment, including providing vaccines." https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ahpra-response-october-2017-1.pdf

Clear, unambiguous advice that informed consent should be obtained for vaccination, that I have shared with others many times, and yet there appears to be little or no interest in pursuing this angle!!!

It's bizarre!

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My new working hypothesis is that DOCTORS NURSES FRONT LINE staff (teachers police first responders union members with skill sets and vets) are selected to be first in line for death and destruction. The new health care by AI means face to face health care is redundant. To achieve this, the current generation of medecine will be terminated. Those who are not productive per the HARARI et al are not going to find themselves doctors or remedied. Hospitals perform euthanasia as health care in Canada already. Think.... they are groomed for obedience and deference to the ama governing bodies. All in line. Slow to wake up. THEY ARE ALL LEMINGS. THE CLIFF IS BUILT FOR first and foremost for this segment of society

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Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

Along with the elderly (shareholders) and disabled. The T-4 program. They along with all those you mentioned, were first.

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I've got say the comments today are on fire and the caliber of my audience is stunning.

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And the World 'Health' Organization appears to be clueless about the obligation for informed consent for vaccination, see: How can the World Health Organization support mandatory vaccination? This violates voluntary informed consent: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/how-can-the-world-health-organization

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Not clueless. We are cattle for elimination.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

We are in battle in what is primarily spiritual war. It is unwise to believe we are facing isolated, individual instances of human failure, corruption, and omissions.

Note. Not us, but the demons understand fully what is taking place, for They, not limited by biological intelligence and geography, are orchestrating events through their human servants and slaves.

The current situation has been In development for decades, extends across many human endeavors. For instance, our food supply and food safety systems are corrupted , Intended to degrade human health. In closing, a small example

Widely Used and Deemed Safe, These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa
Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

There is no rule of law. Bye bye. It is now rule by law. HELLO!

The sheep i know will not wake up. Complicit and comfortable. Whatever happens to their jabbed kids will be seen as bad luck. Point is, the dots will never connect.

I didnt and will not comply. But i still feel the idiots are enabling the evil ones.

Until consequences are felt, rationalizing this all away falls on deaf ears and frankly, pisses me off as i’ve tried a 1000 times to discuss and i fail time and time again.

So what is my point: do we have to wait for mass consequences to bridge the gap between the evil doers, their sheep puppets and folks like me/us? I think we do. Stupid will solve itself, key is to stay away from it.

I no longer believe in justice but i do believe in change.

Im losing myself in my own rant here. I’ll sum it all up: im fucking tired of stupid :)

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justice is a concept worth chasing. where it ends up coming from may be different. The cabal keeps running into their unintended consequences. forcus your energy on strangers and or physical notations of the pack. stickers on gas pumps, public bathrooms, restaurants etc. we are in the resistance and we have to use physical as well as digital communications. add snipets like I'm not going back to lock downs. or I'm not going to wear masks again. or you have to use cash. wear them down. you wake my sheep. I wake yours. it gets bigger and bigger. trust the pro cess. don't give up.

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Good advice. Thank you!!

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Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

Jesus loved the lepers, we're in great company.👍🇦🇺

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Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

The US Spreme Court just set up the US population for the kill. From Epoch Times: "U.S. Supreme Court justices on June 24 rejected appeals brought over COVID-19 vaccines by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a nonprofit founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate running for president.

The nation’s top court rejected an appeal seeking to overturn lower court rulings that said CHD and its members lacked standing to sue the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its emergency authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines for minors. (killing children is fine)

The justices also rebuffed another CHD appeal in a case that challenged the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed on students at Rutgers University, a public college in New Jersey." (killing students is fine). Killing all of us is fine.

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Those are now just the outlines of power. like spiders webs. they will hold us back only in so far as they have weight and morality that we imbue to them.

should they fail on morality wholly. then laws and the enforcers cease to have weight.

they become immaterial if they serve tyranny. words strung together that spell tyranny are nothing. there is ZERO moral compulsion to get in line with immorality. LAW when it becomes a façade, a veneer, for fraud and genocide, well it is nothing. It clears nothing. if words are the signs or guideposts to evil, they are nothing. They cease being guide posts and must be crushed.

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It won't let me like your post. However, I do! This part especially: "LAW when it becomes a façade, a veneer, for fraud and genocide, well it is nothing." That is what just happened in the US. It appears to be an important method of implementing NWO policies and makes sense given that bribing or blackmailing a small group on the Supreme Court really isn't all that difficult.

Yesterday I watched Viva/Barnes and Barnes analysis of standing and of the income tax vis a vis our Constitution. As I listened it became completely clear that taking people's assets will be done through income tax as blessed by our SC. I told me husband, they are implementing the WEF you will own nothing program in those rulings.

The rulings today implements the "we can kill anyone, anywhere or enslave anyone" WEF program.

This is a criminal conspiracy against our people. The SC is probably the easiest part of the conspiracy to implement. I see that your judiciary has stopped a part of the program but implements others. For those that have been stopped, they will have other methods.

We the people are each other's last line of defense. We need to be smart, courageous, informed and strong.

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Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

Rocco Galati and his clients were also saying this from the beginning of the covid operation. As in the US, I think Canadian laws are very clear that all the covid measures were unlawful and violated people's Charter/Constitutional Rights.

The problem for our nations (and many others) has been treason by those in power. Or, when not treason, extreme fear causing the inability to examine evidence (especially disturbing in the judiciary) and people being subjected to a military grade psy-op along with force techniques such as denial of basic needs unless one did as they are told.

We have the evidence that this was done, that it was ordered above the nation state level, that the perpetrators had planned it for a long time and they executed this evil on the people with the willing help of lackeys who had been put in place because they have no moral care for what they are doing to others. And I mean, NO CARE. This is not over. They are coming for us on multiple levels.

One of our best weapons against falling into the trap is exactly what you said-- think for yourself. Nothing about the covid measures made/makes sense. If we can see this we can understand what these measures were actually put in place for.

I ran across this petition yesterday. I do not know if it's legitimate but I'm linking to it in case it is a legitimate attempt to hold people to account in Canada:


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The Vaccinated

Are Just

Marching Toward Utopia


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I d9nt know who the he'll this woman is...but I already admire her HUGELY, Is this the same lawyer Lisa on youtube?

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We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up toxins; ingest/inject. We cyclically purge toxins from our body to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF in our environment.


1) Seasonal Earth Tilt

Earth's axis-tilt changes the angular momentum of its electromagnetic field, which, via inductance, re-calibrates our weaker, cellular EMF. All magnetic fields are torroidal in nature. All cells have a weak electrical charge. The Earth has a magnetic field, which, via inductance, shapes the magnetic field of our cells, such as a strong magnet warps/re-aligns the field of a weaker magnet. Field Theory is not just hypothesis.

2) New EMF Tech

New, wide-spread EMF tech precedes all "pandemics"; an undeniable fact, which includes the COV-2 “pandemic” that started when Wuhan launched/activated the first city-wide 5G towers in China. When environmental electromagnetic frequencies/polarity change it causes, via inductance, the body to re-calibrate EMF/polarity on a molecular level, which triggers a natural detox process/cycle that brings cellular EMF of our cells into homeostasis with our environment.


• 1918: Spanish Flu - Ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the US by 1918.

• 1957: Asian Flu - Hong Kong television began May 1957

• 2003: SARS - From 2002-2003, 3G networks launched globally

• 2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan activated 1,580 5G towers mid-October, 2019. 5G deployed worldwide 2019.

3) Injected/Ingested Toxins

• Vaxx to Kill/Disable Billions Over 10-15 Years: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

• Vaccines are Catalysts for all Autoimmune Diseases: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autoimmune-diseases


• Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Graphine, Luciferase, 5G. It Controls Gene Expression, Cell Signaling and Cellular Processes: https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable

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Which Charter are you referring to Lisa?

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I’ve been wondering, or asking myself if the lawyers making appeals to Charter violations are taking the right approach.?

I recall that when Humphrey Waldock defended a BC nurse refusing to serve abortions in BC hospitals, he explained in a talk how he used principles of law that were not well known locally – – he was a British trained Lawyer. This case pitted him against team of British Columbia NDP Government lawyers, I think in the 1990s, and he won the case.

or is our failure to gain traction in the courts largely a case of judicial corruption?

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Judges are the whole reason the CBC (BBC, CNN) exists. apparently 5% of the population watch it. All the age group of judges. The air of reality is created by that otherwise useless monstrosity, if for their myopia.

It will be the medical profession who finally enlighten the judges. Ivory towers are filled to the brim with dung, and our judges penning judgement of the foul air of CBC.

the medical professional will BECAUSE he will finally understand AI healthcare and understand he is competition and must be eliminated.

new health care is all data movement. has nothing to do with our idea of 'health' it's maintenance or loss. face to face health care is for the one in a million. the rest will be replaceable and or not fixed. Euthanasia.

once doctors realize the ENDLESS BOOSTER MANDATES are to achieve the result. the result they deny as 'safe', they will understand. they are being killed for the new vision of AI. let's hope the judges can do a fast enough about face.

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It's less that it was a violation of charters & constitutions, and more that people in general are fundamentally confused about the nature of the arrangement between themselves as individuals and the organized crime that is the largely unaccountable relatively tiny number of people who leverage the bureaucracy of governmental structures and blind obedience that comes with to fulfill their own objectives. They know they can get away with it when "the courts" are also in their pocket. Crime Minister Trudeau appointing the "Liberal Justice" to oversee the inquiry in Canada was a perfect example of this. It was clear as day that this person could not possibly be impartial and that the kangaroo setup could not possibly provide any sort of outcome resembling justice or accountability. But people act surprised about all that, every single time. They never were going to "respect the charter/constitution", nor be brought to any kind of justice for anything they did. That is not possible without what most people deem to be unthinkable or unacceptable.

The cold hard fact of the matter is that none of these charters/constitutions that people imagine restrain the government, actually restrain them whatsoever, and there is zero mechanism to make them honest or not be the abusers that they are, or punish them for it in any way.

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