In fact,you may be spot on about Newscum connected to Xi,and other governors as well.( Tim Walz?)and a few D.C.leaders. You are performing great service,forthright and dependable. Please keep it up!
Everyone has seen the California rain water collection system in action movies with scenes of cars racing through. I have been saying for decades to my sister in California that the rain water going into those conduits is wasting valuable water that should be diverted. Every home and business should have a cistern. It is craziness to me that people in southern California aren’t more creative with water usage. Gray water can easily be used as well.
L.A. sewage system 40 years ago was fantastic, with filters to remove gold/silver and other metals from water, 10,000 housepower gas turbines to drive air compressors, discharge water to ocean cleaner than ocean water, etc. I serviced /started their centrifugal air compressors about 1980. They continuously make improvements (I hope) today. 88&8s,Dave
Lisa: California water is divided into 2 areas i.e. Northern extending from Oregon to the Gay Bay (San Francisco) and Southern from the Gay Bay to Baja, Mexico. See this URL
which is Northern California, as you see has plenty of water. There is a canal heading down to Southern California, which is now flowing 100%. California is trying to increase that flow, but to ship more water is expensive. In the north is Shasta Dam, which they want to extend 20' higher, but Native American burial grounds are fighting that.
I'm anti-democrat but see Mayor Bass & Governor Newsome NOT at fault for the fires. Homes in Malibu, Palisades, etc. should be required to have swimming pools to adequately fight fires. Homes that were set up that way (which I know of 2), were saved when the fires went through. I have a degree in Fire Protection Engineering, and pools could even be set up to provide auto sprinkler systems inside/outside so homes would not have to be occupied. Cost of this certainly would be under 15% value of home and State could give tax refunds, such as power companies give for solar panels.
Pools would not use extra water, as pools can be automatically covered when not in use. There is so much potential with fire protection, but so little brains doing anything. Knowing fire insurance companies, I doubt if many will pay for So.CA damage. I had to leave my 1st job out of college with FIA (Factory Insurance Company) due to their unfair policies. 88&8s,Dave
Interesting. Just to clarify but the 15 ms rain is not in cubic acres but in ft per acre. This is the quantity of water 12" deep over about 40000 ft (acre).
In fact,you may be spot on about Newscum connected to Xi,and other governors as well.( Tim Walz?)and a few D.C.leaders. You are performing great service,forthright and dependable. Please keep it up!
Everyone has seen the California rain water collection system in action movies with scenes of cars racing through. I have been saying for decades to my sister in California that the rain water going into those conduits is wasting valuable water that should be diverted. Every home and business should have a cistern. It is craziness to me that people in southern California aren’t more creative with water usage. Gray water can easily be used as well.
L.A. sewage system 40 years ago was fantastic, with filters to remove gold/silver and other metals from water, 10,000 housepower gas turbines to drive air compressors, discharge water to ocean cleaner than ocean water, etc. I serviced /started their centrifugal air compressors about 1980. They continuously make improvements (I hope) today. 88&8s,Dave
SUCH IMPORTANT INFO. Thank you once again.
Lisa: California water is divided into 2 areas i.e. Northern extending from Oregon to the Gay Bay (San Francisco) and Southern from the Gay Bay to Baja, Mexico. See this URL
which is Northern California, as you see has plenty of water. There is a canal heading down to Southern California, which is now flowing 100%. California is trying to increase that flow, but to ship more water is expensive. In the north is Shasta Dam, which they want to extend 20' higher, but Native American burial grounds are fighting that.
I'm anti-democrat but see Mayor Bass & Governor Newsome NOT at fault for the fires. Homes in Malibu, Palisades, etc. should be required to have swimming pools to adequately fight fires. Homes that were set up that way (which I know of 2), were saved when the fires went through. I have a degree in Fire Protection Engineering, and pools could even be set up to provide auto sprinkler systems inside/outside so homes would not have to be occupied. Cost of this certainly would be under 15% value of home and State could give tax refunds, such as power companies give for solar panels.
Pools would not use extra water, as pools can be automatically covered when not in use. There is so much potential with fire protection, but so little brains doing anything. Knowing fire insurance companies, I doubt if many will pay for So.CA damage. I had to leave my 1st job out of college with FIA (Factory Insurance Company) due to their unfair policies. 88&8s,Dave
undeacribed waste and huge contribution to global devastation, by the ????green movement.
Interesting. Just to clarify but the 15 ms rain is not in cubic acres but in ft per acre. This is the quantity of water 12" deep over about 40000 ft (acre).
Superior has 9,799,680,000 ft acres.