Here is an analysis of the snowmelt from the Sierra Nevadas and rainfall. It sent almost 30 million cubic acres of water into the Sacramento River Delta over the past 15 months.
In a colossal waste, only 23% was sent to productive use in farmland irrigation and homes.
77% was sent to the ocean a horrific mismanagement. you'd think he was working for Xi.
The greens perpetuate the scam of a multiyear "drought" affecting most of California. It is man-made.
This is California under Gavin Newscum. Climate change my….
In fact,you may be spot on about Newscum connected to Xi,and other governors as well.( Tim Walz?)and a few D.C.leaders. You are performing great service,forthright and dependable. Please keep it up!
Everyone has seen the California rain water collection system in action movies with scenes of cars racing through. I have been saying for decades to my sister in California that the rain water going into those conduits is wasting valuable water that should be diverted. Every home and business should have a cistern. It is craziness to me that people in southern California aren’t more creative with water usage. Gray water can easily be used as well.