In BC, it emulates much of the lack that you mentioned. It also shows that the province is not life affirming. It unfortunately demonstrates attributes that play into a agenda of destruction and depopulation.

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Apr 23Liked by LawyerLisa

Anyone peddling this filth should be sodomised with a cactus and scotch bonnet chili lube.

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It seems that BC people are a little brain dead or controlled. I just recently moved from Vancouver to Nanaimo, I am so happy to be out of the city as it has become a sess pool of druggies. You cannot walk around the west end without getting attacked from one of these druggies. We were attacked right outside of Safeway on Davie st. I was just recently in a store in Nanaimo, I like to chat so started chatting with the young man in the store. Has children and had moved from the city 15 years ago. We got on how bad Vancouver was as he has not been there for awhile. We got on the drug bit and the giving drugs bs. I brought up thanks to Trudeau and his realise and giving drugs. Holy hell I was shocked he attacked me verbally it is not Trudeaus fault it is the provinces and thinks giving drugs to druggies works....Like WTF he does not seem worried about his children. I had to walk out of the store and just about bit off my tongue. And said you need to wake the fuck up. Guess I will not be shopping there in the near future. He says as I am leaving you must listen to alternate media, I said as a matter of fact this shit is on Global. So wake up...It scares me that too many people are all ready being controlled with this 5g nightmare and covid bio weapon. Just read a woman after her 5th shot is trying to speak out now, after she is injured and cannot walk or talk or swallow. How many more need to die and be injured before these brain dead people wake up. The tsunami is coming when our medical system collapse from this.

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Whatever happened to reading, writing, and arithmetic? It seems to me that all these schools care about is sexualizing the children! So sick of this! Parents really need to take a stand and keep their children out of the public schools!

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