“Should Indian and Caucasian Americans ask for an apology en masse?”

Even if we did we would never get one.

She, like so many politicians, is an actor on a stage given her role and lines by the director to create a performance that the audience will accept as the truth.

Once we realize the intensions of the director, we will realize the whole show is a fraud. Just like her, the actor.

In fact we are all part of one race, the human race, made in the image of God.

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Another move from the progressive communist playbook...they have been trying to convince our children that they were born in the "wrong" bodies. That GOD made a mistake. That they should be ashamed of who they are and "become" who they want to be. There is no reality any more, it's "your truth" and "my truth". Satan knows there is only one truth, GOD'S Truth, and he can't run from that so he set out to kill, steal and destroy those who live by it. Deception is his game, he is the father of lies and his minions who worship him are liars too... BUT one day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD! Until then, we continue to stand in faith and in GOD'S truth and on His promises. GOD Bless you Lisa for your courage and strength in these trying times.

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Amen !!!

Well said.

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Maybe an 'apology' from those that try do divide us with race.

When 'aliens' finally show up to destroy us, no-one will be seeking an apology then, we all bleed red and that's good enough for us all.

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