I wrote them and signed to stop this bullshit.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by LawyerLisa

The level of demoralization western societies have accepted, should be clear and alarming to all who are paying attention- which should be everyone - because we have all been assaulted in one way or another.

As I have said hundreds of times now - while they are happy to tyrannically oppress, coerce and cudgel you into compliance, you are not the target - the children are their targets and always have been. With all the radical, society destroying agendas we've seen rise in the past 5-10 years, they were always presented to and aimed at the 2, 3, 5 and 10 year old first, by introducing them in their daycares and classrooms with bright colors and perverted "teachers". This is just another example of that. By introducing this INCRIMENTALLY, you inject the idea daily, via those propaganda peddlers in califukya and then the commercials and brightly colored materials that will be distributed in schools as part of the climate crisis/save the world systemic propagandizing.

Ask yourselves where this will stop. At what point will the masses rise up and push back in mass - not just because of bugs, but because the assaults on the populous are non-stop and dismantling. Will it be when they suggest eating cow dung or drink cow urine?? How about cannibalizing the dead?

They have imperceptibly gotten societies around the world to move their "red lines" so far out, that poisoning you, jailing you, bankrupting you and raping and assaulting you brings not a revolt, but a shoulder shrug, as you look up from your screens. Hell, they're actively pushing the normalization pedophilia and nary a peep, from people around the world.

You either pull your heads out of you asses now, unite and get mobilized in taking back your cultures and countries or doom yourselves and your children to live as serfs and chattel. You're not far from that, now.

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Not to worry, all bugs are created equal except some bugs are created more equal than others...

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all the ways we can stop. I suggest a few. we are headed for the conciousness of CANADIANS AMERICAN PATRIOTS, FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLES EVERYWHERE.

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I sent an email to every senator and only 12 of the 97 were ever opened never mind read by the senator personally... so I sent a second email to every one of the 85 who never even bothered to open the first one... 11 more were opened (but not necessarily read). So less than a quarter of senators give a shit about what we think or write.

We've got to stop pleading and take back control of our own lives. Absolutely, we have the power to say NO... https://donfindlay.substack.com/p/last-call-for-canada

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I am not going to eat ze bugs, out of respect for Trudeau's extended family!

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Eating ze bugs is what vampire spawns are supposed to do - no? Unless their masters allow them a juicier rats...

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There are worse things than eating bugs. What we do to our environment by eating living animals is far worse. What diet we support is mostly decided by our parents and we are taught to eat animals. Look them in the eye, they are mostly sentient and would trust you with their lives as do our dogs and cats. (which are also eaten in some areas)

I am more concerned about the control worldwide that WHO is seeking, and the control over our medical choices.

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Give the dog and cat pets bugs and look them in the eye. Sorry about your totalitarian wish to control my diet.

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Our environment? Environmentalists have become a threat to humanity. Shall they claim rabbits are sentient and prevent the coyote from murdering the rabbit? Will all animals be forced to eat only the bugs? Erroneous measures will lead to catastrophic results. The cat does not care about the sentient eyes of the mouse.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

@Lisa I just found your work a couple weeks ago and LOVE YOU and your beautiful work! Thank you for all you do. SO I take it C-293 got passed in the Senate this week? (I don't listen to the news) I sent the emails and made the calls ... and those f**k**s still passed it eh? ... FFS.

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