The World Health Organization is not to be trusted. The United Nations is not our government, nor is it anyone else's government. They are an international organization, that once, maybe, had the intention of doing good. That ideal of doing good has long passed. It strongly positions itself in a manner that forcefully imposes its will on others. It clearly aligns with other organizations that bullying everyone else into dramatic restrictive behavior under the guise of an emergency, that they orchestrate the solution.

When I read through Bill C-293, I was utterly amazed at how centralized and top-down the solutions were. It had very little to do with community needs. I then refreshed my memory on the Pandemic and Emergency Agreement the W.H.O. was peddling. It is a very similar phenomenon. It gives the United Nations the power that they crave. It gives Canadians little choice to be inoculated with a non vaccine, that are likely dangerous to animals, let alone humans. With the censorship on medical information, who knows what information people will get. I also agree that OneHealth is a method that will not meet the standards of the scientific method.

Canadians do not need pseudo science and faulty medicine based on ideas of ngos and big pharma with the money of asset companies and central banks.

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(In response to John Klar's cross posting)

No, you are not wrong.

Evil walks among us; confidently; assuming that deception is no longer necessary.

A time of choosing is upon us all.

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WoW! Thank you Lisa. You are one Beautiful brave human being.

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Just posted it on "X" Question: Is this letter actually going out to all the above listed politicians.? Doesn't this bill go against our Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

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I'm sending it with a video I'm editing tonight. There may be a peaceful protest scheduled September 11 at every legislature, Parliament or local court house. Stay tuned and continue to push back. Every one must write.

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CANADA: An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act and An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

Second reading in progress https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/c-63

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I know.

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I contacted my MP in Oxford Country who is Conservative. I am yet to contact my senate representative.

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EXCELLENT - you are a “Gem”.

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The WHO is an illegitimate entity posing as The Authority on Your Health, yet another ponzi scheme designed to separate you from your money. The director gleans nearly a thousand dollars every day from our collective pockets.

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this is great Lisa. so do you recommend we copy paste the entirety of this post? Or just the highlighted bolded portions? It seems as though the commentary is critical to between the highlighted potions.

Also got you newest substack with the lists of all the Gov emails too bad they dio not copy paste over in a batch if you do not have outlook express, but we will get it done one way or the other. Great work. ty again.

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This bill is the next absolute disgrace coming from the Canadian legislation. It needs to be stopped at any cost, along with C-63.

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Thanks for sharing the legality of this new bill C-293. I am sharing it with my friends. This bill is not only for pandemics that big pharma labs make, but to control our food, environment, our lives. The politicians whom we vote in to take care of our needs, obviously do not take the effort to read new bills. So why have them. We need a new political system.

G. Jenner

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Even if they do care, if they don't vote as the party tells them, they get booted anyway. Yay for "democracy". Doesn't feel much different from a dictatorship sometimes, just fancier trappings.

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Thanks for speaking truth during dark times! You might appreciate how I’m exposing T-Mobile as the WEF, they created the Vaccine Passports for the WHO and EU, they created the Digital ID being used by the EU, and they have everything needed to enslave humanity with the fourth Industrial Revolution.

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That is scary

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The scarier part is most people don’t care, they only want to talk about voting for Trump to save the world.

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There are too many weird things happening together. Many politicans are taking orders from the UN and WEF. It is wise to watch politicians' words and actions. Many of them are lying to the public.

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I’ve now come to the conclusion they’re all lying. It’s sad but it is what it is. I’m happy I’m awake to it and I know I can’t change it. Check out my Substack if you want to see my documented story.

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I pray they listen!

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Beautiful, Learned Friend Lisa! Unfortunately, it will not be read by its political addressees, even with all typos corrected. I twice sent emails to every MP, Senator and ON MLA (during the 'pandemic' including a spreadsheet based on official stats that showed that there was no 'pandemic' and (minus the MLAs) during the Emergency Act, reminding them of their Oaths of Office and to vote on conscience vice partisanship, to no effect whatsoever.

There has to be a "Freedom Convoy" equivalent at every Court House in Canada - especially in Ottawa - to have an effect. The 'rats' are scurrying to save themselves in a quick election while they think they still have a chance, so I hope this is being organized as a legal assembly, a 'friendly visit' to our Courts to show that we support them, since there is no time to 'guesstimate' numbers and notify demonstrations across Canada. Our chances to impact our politicians are diminishing rapidly. Thanks for your efforts, and best, Herb.

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Yet after publishing the letter...

Something cracked within days.

The ndp libtard alliance. Probably a coincidence.

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MUST is interchangeable with MAY if my legalese is correct!

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"Must" is the strongest word and indicates non-negotiable requirement. "Shall" has been considered equivalent to "must" and was, until recently, taught in law schools as such but has been downgraded by the US Supreme Court to mean "may" (meaning optional.)

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