You stand in the most important intersection of history imaginable. Because you are those who stand in the fray for us all. You do. Therefore I write you and ask that you use every power to stop the passage of this Bill C-293.
The first issue with the bill is that it is overly broad.
There is nothing that a "One Health Approach" doesn't cover.
It makes "central" to the pandemic all conceivable matters in human existence, whether through plants, animals, and ecosystems. It makes every relationship with government subject to governance under this bill through the Welfare interface. Thus it awards in one Act an unfathomable amount of power.
Remember too, that once the WHO declares a PHEIC, the idea of 'emergency powers' means that it prevents the challenges of excessive powers because the WHO is crafting at the same time a declaration that may prevent Canadians to claw back illegitimate uses of power. So ONE HEALTH means anything under the sun or that the government invented through the welfare interface is possibly part of the the Plan.
"Whereas a One Health approach — a multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaborative approach that focuses on the human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and welfare interface — is central to preventing the risk of future pandemics;
All that is central? Anything in man’s imagination becomes central?
As such this is a method to undermine the ability of the people to decide how it is they are governed. This one act creates a pure unaccountable government. Maybe even in perpetuity.
This One Health approach is both in the Act and in the Preamble. It is a non-starter that any legitimate arm of the government would turn over this broad a mandate to any department to administer.
This means that under the guise of regulating the prevention of ANY RISK of pandemic, any possible and imaginable plan can be created. Because there is no draft plan, Canadians cannot even criticize or debate actual plan provisions, but know that the plan itself can touch on any subject matter under the sun or in the welfare interface. This is a gross over reach. Tell me what isn’t covered? Nothing. Tell me what isn’t a plant, animal, human, or part of an ecosystem. then tell me what isn’t part of the welfare interface?
2) The pandemic prevention and preparedness plan must
(a) set out a summary of mitigation strategies that the Minister of Health intends to implement in order to prevent the risk of and prepare for disease outbreaks that could lead to pandemics, as well as a projected timeline for their implementation;
could? the risk? how small a risk?
The governance through this plan just has to involve 'the risk', not substantial risk. Not material risk. It just has to involve something that 'could lead to pandemic'. This type of language means that any possible risk, or anything that 'could lead' to pandemics goes into the plan. This with ONE HEALTH is an absurd grant of power.
Do we have people with brains working in the House, or Senate? Clearly already this bill is problematic for anyone still able to think critically.
It is overly broad in terms of materiality and allows an overly broad infringement on the lives of Canadians. It is a black box, that means the plan itself is in the hands of Public Health which the world witnessed an incredible infringement on the lives of citizens- the world over. The offices of global public health the world around only took. Yes they took freedoms, livelihoods, health, independence, business, mobility, and autonomy. For safety.
2 b) identify the key drivers of pandemic risk and describe how Canadian activities, domestic and abroad, contribute to the risk;
It is overly broad in terms of geographical scope. It allows governance through AN UNSEEN PLAN, that can affect Canadians not even in Canada. Thus it has a global jurisdiction and can be oppressive in manners not considered by the House or Senate.
How can this absurd grant of jurisdiction be provided. If you let this pass, you let a terrible tragedy unfold and move forward. This is historic. But it is the kind of historic that has the potential to be also barbaric.
2c) ensure sustained collaboration between the Minister of Health and provincial governments and Indigenous communities in the development of the plan in order to align approaches and address any jurisdictional challenges, including with respect to the collection and sharing of data;
Sustained collaboration? So ongoing like a poisoning infiltration in ever part of government. It turns all offices, into this office.
address Jurisdictional challenges?
It purports to eliminate Jurisdictional issues between the Provincial and Federal governments.
Jurisdiction. This can involve the Jurisdiction of the Courts to reign in excessive powers. Jurisdiction. This can be the provincial jurisdiction over health or over resources. Jurisdiction? That Canadians become governed by a foreign unelected NGO?
Therefore it intrudes on the domain allocated in the Constitution that is prima facie the domain and jurisdiction of the provincial governments. And since in a 'pandemic' or suspected pandemic, or whatever gets declared by the WHO, the idea of 'emergency' is also proposed. Emergency is martial law and the further suspension of Canadians rights.
We have seen suspension of the rights of Canadians. So another jurisdiction is involved. Our personal sovereignty and jurisdiction is involved.
It creates a very dangerous area of elimination of jurisdiction. Since 'any jurisdictional challenge' includes the courts to reign in the executive and legislature, this is problematic. Any jurisdictional challenge might be the challenge to the operation of unelected hostile NGOS. Any Jurisdictional challenge means again this is overly broad, and attacks the fundamental protections of citizens including our Indigenous citizens.
Any jurisdiction purports to remove remedies that would otherwise be afforded through the balance of power and separation of powers.
This clause is therefore problematic and clearly to a purpose. This legislation attacks the principle foundations of Canadian and Western values all ready under attack through globalism and globalist unaccountable NGOs.
d) provide for training programs, including collaborative activities, with other levels of government, Indigenous communities and relevant agencies;
Therefore this provision allows governance of all levels of government, indigenous communities and agencies that are deemed relevant. Again this is overly broad and untenable. Training?
Provide training programs to ALL LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT INDIGENOUS AND RELEVANT AGENCIES: the Plan that followed similar type of legislation in New Zealand included police being able to assist WITH FORCE the chief medical officer of health with quarantining places people things animals; SO EVERYTHING. It also allowed the police to administer (assist chief medical officer of health with force if necessary) preventative medications. thus New Zealand's Pandemic Prevention Plan should be a caution with where this legislation can go and what it can enable. It can enable a brute police state. Why letters in this order are put forth for legitimate consideration can only be because evil is moving.
Consider the National Defence Act was altered so that the army can perform civil authority. That is the army is to be used for the first time in history AGAINST Canadians.
What is afoot?
Consider that Blair bemoaned that non citizens were taking too long to get approved in the army. New immigrants for civil authority? While the New Zealand Pandemic Plan allowed police (civil authority) assist the taking into quarantine people, places, things, animals, and to use force if necessary.
It does not take a rocket science to see where this is going.
What one OECD country does the next parrots. This in fact is the goal of the OECD. We are talking about a dystopian nightmare through these words.
Canada must stand up for the world Canada must show the world we do not bend to this dystopia. We either value humans, humanity, or we adhere to a one health approach in which we are equivalent to the blade of grass, or microbe, or rat in the field.
History has shown that more people die from the acts of evil governments than they ever do of disease. We need to reign in the powers of governments to do anything under the guise of our safety.
(f) describe the state of research in relation to preventing and responding to infectious diseases that could lead to pandemics;
THE STATE OF research. Please review the Harvard TH Chan school of public health that has a very oppressive view of all man's activities and in terms of how the tenuously lead to pandemics. There’s your ‘expertise’ that leads to massive dystopia.,or%20people%20and%20share%20germ
g) provide for the establishment and interlinking of surveillance systems for infectious diseases in Canada and for infectious diseases of concern outside Canada;
Canadians do not consent to the constant increasing excuses for surveillance. This is far too intrusive. Interlinking surveillance systems include the concept of being known online, and known in the smart city, without possibility for privacy and or anonymity.
The state is creating the concept of omnipotence over individuals. This approximates too easily what history has shown all malfeasance of the state and can lead directly to mass casualties and horrific abuses of rights.
A state that wishes to take all this creates a balance of power between the state and the individual that leads to the individual having ZERO redress over abuses by the state. How horrific that you are an MP, or Senate or Governor General that enables this.
The concept that the need to 'make safe' requires an omnipotent government is an absurd over reach that will create omnipotence not merely for this generation. We are talking a vast over-reach by government.
(i) identify preparedness strategies for public health services across Canada including in respect of
(i) the protection of vulnerable and marginalized populations,
We have seen this as the basis to shut down all of society. The entire economy, and mostly small businesses. We through this act empower a few people to do this on a dime and in perpetuity to all of CANADA. This we now see includes dialogue that makes religious communities offensive to ‘marginalized populations.’ in which direction might this lead? Simply the State provides to itself power not the ability to benefit anyone. It is clear that is not an objective. But rather the ability to punish a group they feel will stand in the way of anti-life policies.
NO I SAY NO. I do not consent. I urge you to listen to your conscience. If you are an MP that is not conservative. Cross the floor defeat this government and defeat and repeal all the legislations passing that defeat the purposes of the Nation State. The setting up of any omnipotence as a necessary component of governance all while ignoring serious duties for administering law and order and a sound economy is absurd.
Stand because that is how you want history to judge you.
(ii) working conditions of essential workers across all sectors,
All sectors? what is essential? Those in charge of the plan get to say.
working conditions allows them to craft permanent work from home, or requirements to work in a 15 minute city perimeter, any possible condition can be set and yet none is discussed.
it is a complete black box and involves all sectors.
This addresses employer employee relationships.
This again is overly broad and overly intrusive.
We saw what happened in Covid and saw that working conditions can include ineffectual masking, vax mandates, shutting down entire sectors.
(v) communication of risk to the public;
This means that the plan dictates only those 'in charge' of the narrative get to communicate the risk of the WHATEVER ‘pandemic’ is to the public.
that means that any other discussion is shut down.
this makes even their communication unaccountable, and not subject to review.
THIS one provision purports to once again OWN THE SCIENCE. Look at the leaps of logic in the Harvar T Chan school of public health study referenced to see how the ends justify the means. This Act is driving to a purpose.
You are able to understand that purpose. It is an ultimate control.
the control over the ‘risk’ :
Well that led to massive misinformation by globalist polluted public health mafiosos
they advanced the elimination bodily autonomy.
We saw the elimination of the principles of Nuremberg and informed consent.
This Act grants to public health with deep connections to the WHO once again, or in perpetuity the sole power to 'communicate the risk to the public'.
This is again the desire to be omnipotent over communications. This is where censorship comes from.
This is where control of debate or shutting down debate comes from. There is a directionality of this legislation.
The ability to challenge absurd grabs of power can be shut down with this idea that only they can communicate the risk to the public.
This assumes one group of individuals only THAT precise group of individuals are omnipotent and other groups of individuals are subservient in mind and caste and law to this self appointed group. What horrific blatant power anointment.
We saw in covid the mass transfer of wealth too. Conflicts of interest mean that wealth can pervert even justice.
Why are we setting this up at all.
No sound member of the Senate of Parliament can in good conscience let one group 'own communications'. Either they are human with the rest of us or not. If they are, they can get it wrong, be wrong, be compromised, be in a conflict of interest.
It takes courage to stand up to this globalist tripe but that is why we are alive. In our times we must live up the the challenges we face and not shirk because of how difficult it seems.
All problems have a solution. Granting one group such omnipotent powers over humanity is wrong ab initio. It further leads to crimes of conscience, that should plague any member of the House or Senate that participates in it.
Saying no and reversing course is now yours to do.
(k) include the following information, to be provided by the Minister of Industry:
(i) the manufacturing capacity in Canada with respect to any product relevant to pandemic preparedness, including vaccines, testing equipment and personal protective equipment, and the measures that the Minister of Industry intends to take to address any supply chain gaps identified, and
Any product? wow. any product.
Anything the ministry of Industry governs, in the One Health dictate goes This overly broad. it says ‘including” that always reads and means NOT LIMITED TO.
The only limit is the imagination of the writer and drafter of the plan.
Please look at New Zealand's drafted plan. This Pandemic prevention plan allows the taking into quarantine persons, places, animals things.
This is a route to hell in a handbasket. You are who and what stands between us and this. You will hear from people the world over. You will not stop hearing from us. Because you will know that you are placed in time and space for a reason. Live up to that requirement to stand for the side of good and for humanity.
(ii) the communications capacity and infrastructure for electronic platforms and tools, including electronic applications that enable contact tracing of persons exposed to infectious diseases that could lead to pandemics;
this obviously is a QR code type system, and vaccine passport type system
TOOLS including SO AKA NOT LIMITED TO electronic applications ...
Wow another provision that gives a small group of people authority over communications infrastructure, under the guise of preventing a pandemic.
Public Health was named a satellite office of the WHO pursuant to the 2005 IHR. So we are already talking about a foreign entity governing public health. Then they get to appoint who creates this plan. This is diabolical excess of grant of power that Canadians will immediately feel. This is an all hands on deck moment.
A tool in this above provision can be envisioned as an RFID tag, it could be envisioned as anything.
The EU in 2017 studied chipping it's citizens. It is certainly a tool. This bill needs to die a sudden and hard death and we need to use that momentum to help safeguard other citizens around the world. We can either have a sense of history or not. This bill marches with an agenda. There are forces of good and evil. Safety is the word that is most misused ever.
(l) after consultation with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Minister of Industry and provincial governments, provide for measures to
(ii) regulate commercial activities that can contribute to pandemic risk, including industrial animal agriculture,
(iii) promote commercial activities that can help reduce pandemic risk, including the production of alternative proteins, and
(iv) phase out commercial activities that disproportionately contribute to pandemic risk, including activities that involve high-risk species;
This means they are going after FARMING, FOOD, ANIMAL AGRICULTURE all under the guise of reducing pandemics.
AND PHASE OUT COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES that disproportionately contribute to pandemic risk... this is ‘anything’ look at the TH Chan school of public health that means human activities contribute to pandemic. they get our GDP. They can terminate means of subsistencethiThis is a war on GDP. See th chan article. It is anything.
I mean this is a transfer of power, health, autonomy full stop to govern all matters. Once property rights change, or access to food is altered under the guise of pandemics, well it means, those subjected to this arbitrary grab for power are left weak, and demoralized.
This is not something individuals of conscience with a sense of history pass. No. I say no. I say NO and no and no.
Include the following information, to be provided by the Minister of the Environment:
(i) after consultation with relevant provincial ministers, a summary of changes in land use in Canada, including in relation to disturbed habitats, that could contribute to pandemic risk, such as deforestation, encroachment on wildlife habitats and urbanization and that were made,
*** This language is licence to expropriate Canadians from land because of the tenuous connection that living outside of the city contributes to Pandemics. *******
You think you will be spared? I think you will be the most useful idiot of all if you think so. The Canada you are idle and do nothing to protect, will not be recognizable.
Add to all the information available about this objective at the UN and with agenda 2030:
we are now seeing codified in a Canadian legislation the means to eliminate property rights through the reduction of pandemics.
Talk about throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Is there any question why sufficient housing is not materializing in a Trudeau government? Or why WEF Singh does no real or meaningful act of opposition? it is up the MPs to cross the floor. Or the Senate to deny this Bill.
expropriation is a possibility IN ORDER TO REDUCE PANDEMICS. I want a Senate that is good and mad. I want a Senate that uses every breath in their lungs and every ability in their minds to argue against the evil we are seeing in wordsthiThis is a dystopia on the march. unequivocally.
I want to see MPs cross the floor. I want to see Premieres agitated and taking legal action preemptively.
I want to see professionals lean in, citizens lean in, new immigrants lean in: all those weaponized in identity politics to see each other as ‘enemies’ must work together to defeat this.
I say no. I say no for all of those I love.
I say no for those I have never met, those who I disagree with politically. I say no, for those who are my neighbours, my friends, not even my enemies deserve this legislation.
I say no endlessly and now. I say no.
I say no to the herding of humans like cattle. I say no to the creating of a power system because of 'pandemics'
I say no to the entire fraud that this is.
I say no adamantly.
This is so blatantly a power grab and a denuding of rights from citizens.
It is so transparent. this is a pox on our house. It is a pox on our Senate. It is a dystopia of unfathomable proportions. I say no. I say no. I want every member of the Senate to understand their value, their humanity, their beauty and their right to stand up not merely for Canadians but for the citizens around the world. No. no to this dystopia for the 'sake' of disease.
If we lose our freedoms, our speech, and our important ability to challenge government, if we lose our food, our sources of food, our mobility and our property rights, what are we left with?
We are left looking at a hollow Senate and parliament that sees us as chattels. That sees us as a form of property, that takes dominion over us.
Do governments get their power from the people? yes they do.
Do laws get their validity from their morality. yes. First and foremost they do. there is NOT ever any compulsion to ever in any realm to obey immoral laws.
What of a representative who passes such immoral tripe as this under the important guise of reducing pandemics.
NO. We as Canadians en mass say no.
(iii) a summary of the measures the Minister of the Environment intends to take to protect global biodiversity and to halt and reverse global deforestation;
Global. Again, we see an omnipotent provision in this bill.
How exactly do you protect global biodiversity?
it is not humans this bill is concerned with. So the circular logic goes: we need to reduce the risk of pandemics because those are bad for humans. AND WE ARE GOING TO DO IT WITH ALL OF THESE TOOLS AND OMINIPOTENT POWER that are HORRIFIC to humans.
shove right off.
humans are merely a point of data among many in this system.
This further envisions the endless printing of money to go into the broader world and take rural populations and haul them into cities in their regions.
which will have as a consequences a further war on GDP.
even those who work in pharma or the industries that benefit have to start wondering what kind of society is envisioned here.
remember the Harvard article shows that its agriculture and rural living that is the source of deforestation and therefore the threat to global biodiversity.
(n) include a summary, to be provided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, of the measures that that minister intends to take to support global health equity, including measures to increase public health capacity around the world and to ensure equitable access to vaccines, testing equipment and treatment;
So if someone is starving someplace we all must?
equity is Stalin,
equity is Mao.
this is another global measure that involves our funds dissipating for goals Canadians do not have. This means using our funds to vaccinate (and possibly sterilize) populations around the world.
This seems a sin on another scale. What were the results of fertility post covid vaccination. I defer to Dr. Thorpe. I defer to those doctors who dared stand up to the immorality proceeding like a plague. The true plague is that this evil is tolerated by good men and women.
NO MORE. no more. we do NOT. no more. I DO NOT TOLERATE evil in my name.
I do not tolerate doing evil to others in the name of some good and useless safety devised as a word to lull the masses.
some good prevention.
all evil done in the name of prevention is the biggest hoax. It is visible. we see it. we are calling it.
we are saying no. I say no. I say no. I say no and I shout it out. I say NO. You do not have my consent to hurt other populations in my name, without anything but a flimsy emergency use authorization and no testing.
The objective is far more than financial. We see it. we name it. you are not operating in the dark. We Canadians say no. we say no on behalf of new Canadians. We say no on behalf of our young ones. We say no.
(o) set out, in consultation with relevant ministers, a summary of key cooperative measures or agreements on disease outbreak prevention and preparedness between the Government of Canada, other foreign governments and key international organizations, including the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and
And another black box that provides powers to outside forces then those within Canada.
another provision that takes the decision making to include unaccountable NGOS who doubly are endowed with diplomatic immunity.
Thus ANY HORROR can be done and no ability to ratchet back through the operation through democracy: that is this provision.
Have the senators and MPS looked at the agendas of all these organizations and assented for all of us living in Canada on our behalves?
I say no. I say this is a power grab and the ability to defer to a globalist unaccountable architecture. What a horrific bill you propose to pass on your watch.
How dare you. How dare you deign to give away all of this power.
How dare you. You who do are then the pox on Canada. It is not the pandemics, it is the architecture of power that should be feared.
No. No and NO.
(p) set out, in consultation with the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and other relevant ministers, the routes by which and rates at which pathogens that could lead to pandemics could enter Canada and a summary of border-related measures that would be implemented to reduce any risk.
Could they come by plane, by train, by foot, could they come by internal combustion bus, by car, by transport. oh the places it will go. This is the Dr. Zeus version of grabbing our means of transportation.
OH NO by diesel truck that brings us our food.
the routes that pathogens could take? oh any route they could take.
We saw the border related measures before.
This can be the method to shut down aviation, travel industries. Again. It is clear and obvious that the 'pandemic's' most EXISTENTIAL THREAT is how man wants to use it to abuse our fellow man.
Tell me I'm wrong. Not even you think I'm wrong.
What comes next with people like this? what are you voting for? some infinitesimal access to wealth or privilege?
You are voting for your time on earth being used for evil.
We will reign in this evil we will. because we must. don't you doubt it. Don't you doubt it at all. Jump off this evil ship.
(3) When establishing the plan under subsection (1) or when providing the required information under subsection (2), the Minister of Health or the ministers referred to in subsection (2), as the case may be, ******must*********
(a) use a multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaborative approach, known as a One Health approach, that focuses on the human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and welfare interface;
(b) take into account the best scientific information available;
(c) leverage international expertise by using internationally developed metrics for pandemic prevention and preparedness, when applicable; and
You are telling us that the plan MUST: put humans in the satanic view point that we are no better than a microbe.
than please shove off with the moral high ground that you are doing this for us.
this is not for us this is not for humanity or mankind. This is for humans as slaves in a new operating system where we are but one of the data points in the control matrix.
shove right off.
the best scientific information available' like that Harvard study? there's enough rot in academia to light methane fires in perpetuity.
The science is the science used to justify the ends. The ends are amply apparent. Those who fell for this because of the concept of 'progress' should cry foul. This is written to a purpose. I do not consent. If this is progress what other synonym to that word you might imagine?
I ask you to denounce this bill with all the force of your heart, with the force of your love of humanity. And. Where applicable with your love of God, and Country. Certainly I claim that for myself. I write for love of humanity and for love of God and Country. I write for the unborn, because surely our voices now are all that ever will be if this horrific vision comes to pass.
I am honored to write you and honoured to be speaking to you in times such as this. I am glad I am alive to help with such an ordeal that this is. I hope you feel the honour as well. You are honoured with the ability to change the course of how millions and millions will live.
you must value yourself and others and act accordingly.
(4) Within two years after the day on which this Act comes into force, the Minister of Health must prepare a report setting out the plan and cause it to be tabled in each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting after it is completed.
Imagine that the bill was tabled in 2022, they should have demanded the draft plan.
Amendment to the Department of Health Act
5 The Department of Health Act is amended by adding the following after section 4.1:
National coordinator — pandemic prevention and preparedness
4.11 For the purpose of coordinating the activities under the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, the Minister shall appoint a national pandemic prevention and preparedness coordinator from among the officials of the Public Health Agency of Canada and delegate to the coordinator the powers, duties and functions that the Minister considers appropriate.
That is the discussion of the Act. However I say too: we need to consider the 'IHR Focal Points’ in Canada. aka the satellite offices of the WHO. Because then you see who develops this plan is truly not even a domestic ally, but a long time supporter of the WHO architecture:
The WHO International Health Regulations (2005) - Toolkit for implementation in national legislation states: The National IHR Focal Point was developed by the Secretariat of the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to requests for guidance on legislative implementation of the requirements concerning the designation or establishment and functioning of the National IHR Focal Point (NFP) under the International Health Regulations (2005) ("IHR (2005)" or "Regulations"). This toolkit complements other related legal guidance on the role and assessment of national legislation for IHR (2005) implementation, including the legislative reference and assessment tool and compilation of examples of legislation.1 The International Health Regulations (2005): Areas of work for implementation and other guidance developed by the WHO Secretariat assist States Parties with the IHR (2005) implementation process.
The National IHR Focal Points (NFPs) are critical to the implementation of the IHR as they conduct the communications aspects of the IHR, both within countries and internationally. A functioning NFP network is therefore key to the successful implementation of the IHR by WHO and the 196 States Parties that have agreed to be bound by them. As the designated point of contact between WHO and States Parties it is essential that NFPs are provided with the necessary authority, capacity, training and resources to effectively carry out their functions required of them by the IHR.
Under the IHR, each State Party is required to designate or establish a NFP, a national office or center (not individual person) that is accessible at all times for IHR-related communications with WHO and relevant sectors within the country. States Parties may have varying perspectives concerning the specific roles for their NFPs and the appropriate positioning of the NFP within the national governmental structure. Given the differences in these structures and roles, some variation in practice is inevitable regarding the implementation of related obligations under the IHR. At the same time, a level of global standardization is required for the global network of NFPs to operate effectively. To this end, IHR Secretariat has produced the NFP guide intended to assist Member States in understanding and clarifying how they can meet their relevant obligations under the IHR (2005). It is anticipated that this guidance will be revised based on the findings of a global study on NFPs’ experiences and needs.
Related links
Mandatory functions
While the exact role and organization of the NFP are left to each State Party to decide based on their specific national context, some functions and operational requirements for efficient communications derive directly from the Regulations and are mandatory functions for NFPs. Under IHR Article 4, NFPs are responsible for notifying WHO of relevant health events on behalf of the State Party concerned, responding to WHO Secretariat’s requests for event-related information, and ensuring that messages and advice from WHO are disseminated to the relevant sectors of the State Party. To fulfill these functions, NFPs need to establish links and coordination mechanisms with existing national health emergency committees and mechanisms, within and outside the health sector.
The mandatory functions of NFPs require their availability at all times for urgent communications with WHO regional IHR Contact Points. To ensure accessibility on a 24 hour and 7 day basis, NFPs must continuously update and confirm their contact details to the WHO Secretariat as required by the Regulations. NFPs need to be contactable by direct telephone or fax and ideally via a generic institutional e-mail address, preferably one indicating its affiliation with the IHR NFP (e.g. IHRNFP@gov.state).
In order to fulfil its information sharing obligations, the WHO Secretariat also established a secure web-based platform – the Event Information Site (EIS) – for communications with NFPs. Through the EIS, the WHO Secretariat shares information and alerts about acute public health risks with possible international implications. In addition, this password-protected website provides the contact details of all NFPs, and thereby enables direct communication among States Parties at the NFP level. At the national level, NFPs are required to establish communication channels and coordination mechanisms with all relevant sectors for obtaining and disseminating event-related and other information concerning IHR implementation. In addition to communicating with WHO and relevant authorities within the country, States Parties are also increasingly communicating with each other through their NFPs.”
so what organizations are designated as Canada's National Focal Point???
Canada's focal point or satellite office:
Address: 525 Twenty-Third St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 USA
Tel.: +1 (202) 974-3000
Fax: +1 (202) 974-3663
Country Office Website:
According to their site:
The PAHO-Canada Portal is envisioned as a collaborative user-friendly space for discussion of health issues in the Americas. It is an initiative led by PAHO in collaboration with the following Government of Canada institutions, who work regularly with PAHO.
The Health Portfolio includes:
The Office of International Affairs for the Health Portfolio is the focal point for PAHO/WHO in Canada. The Office of International Affairs, located in the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), is responsible for the Government of Canada's overall relations with the Organization.”
So this Act requires that someone from the PHAC Public Health Agency of Canada, who reports to the WHO, write the plan? the broad plan? that touches anything that is plant, animal, human, ecosystem health AND welfare interface. That is carte blanche handing to the WHO our governance. You can act surprised and say oh no that is some conspiracy theory. Yet here it is in its fully ugly black and white. We see what you are doing and we say no. we want this no to be the NO that is heard around the world.
Incidentally Paho includes
So what Research is conducted, What mandates and directives are sent to our doctors, the Food that gets declared safe, and the organization that approves of pharma interventions. So. It is clear that together with the satellite offices of the WHO in Canada and this new Act that a wholesale coup is taking place.
I say no. I ask the Governor General and every MP and Senate and Premiere and Canadian with a conscience to stop this bill irrespective of what stage this is at.
we see you. We are Canadians. We say no. And we will make the NO HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.
Lisa Miron LLB LLM, BSc in Environmental Science and Canadian.
The World Health Organization is not to be trusted. The United Nations is not our government, nor is it anyone else's government. They are an international organization, that once, maybe, had the intention of doing good. That ideal of doing good has long passed. It strongly positions itself in a manner that forcefully imposes its will on others. It clearly aligns with other organizations that bullying everyone else into dramatic restrictive behavior under the guise of an emergency, that they orchestrate the solution.
When I read through Bill C-293, I was utterly amazed at how centralized and top-down the solutions were. It had very little to do with community needs. I then refreshed my memory on the Pandemic and Emergency Agreement the W.H.O. was peddling. It is a very similar phenomenon. It gives the United Nations the power that they crave. It gives Canadians little choice to be inoculated with a non vaccine, that are likely dangerous to animals, let alone humans. With the censorship on medical information, who knows what information people will get. I also agree that OneHealth is a method that will not meet the standards of the scientific method.
Canadians do not need pseudo science and faulty medicine based on ideas of ngos and big pharma with the money of asset companies and central banks.
(In response to John Klar's cross posting)
No, you are not wrong.
Evil walks among us; confidently; assuming that deception is no longer necessary.
A time of choosing is upon us all.