Knowing what's coming down the pipeline is burdensome but better than living as a sycophant slave to the matrix that keeps trying to draw you in. We are heading into theatrics and stagings that will control how most people think. Free thinkers will fail their social credit score tests for daring to think freely. Prepare accordingly to survive the storm.

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Jul 19Liked by LawyerLisa

Bravo, add this to geologists like Plimer, Curry etc. This Death Cult has to stop.

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Future Ice Age historians will remark that the CO2 "scam" was the most costly event in the history of humanity, eclipsing even malaria in its eventual death numbers.

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Jul 19Liked by LawyerLisa

More insight if you're interested

Global(ist) Warming - Proof it's Total BS


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Did you know that the climate hysteria agenda can be proven via historical argument to be a manifestation of a very old, very real Malthusian conspiracy? I first hypothesized its existence 25 years ago and then set out to confirm it (which I was successful at doing) through extensive historical research. Although this beast goes all the way back to Europe, I’ve personally traced it back over two centuries here in the U.S. Furthermore, it can be shown that it is this very conspiracy that is behind other instances of madness at the present. I’m new here on Substack and have just recently published my first article. Although it isn’t exactly pertaining to this conspiracy per se, it nonetheless provides a bit of interesting insight into it — such as how the conspirators took control of the recording and teaching of history from the outset in order to prevent the conspiracy’s exposure.

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