You have mapped quite precisely our current disordered desires and thinking and weakened wills to their supernatural source which is to the Father of Lies.

The billionaires and Mensa IQ’s at the WEF are just being pimped by Satan while thinking they are the true architects and revolutionaries. Just like the demi-God Stalin when he was depressed over Hitler’s “irrational” and “unexpected” attack on Russia having just signed a non-aggression pact earlier.

We need to better appreciate how Satan is appearing to many as an Angel of Light with his superior spirituality (not stultifying Judeo-Christian religion) and his new theology ( providing real meaning here and now by saving the planet from climate change and being good stewards transcending rapacious capitalism with stakeholder capitalism and ESG by recycling vs saving one’s soul by enduring an endless list of proscriptions); his new morality ( where everyone is finally free to love who you want, the way that you want, whenever and wherever you want without the cruel judgement and punishment for even Christ said, who are you to judge ) and his new liturgy ( Pachamama and the superior temple of nature itself and all humyn spiritual practices including Satanism and recycling and using plastic straws and eating bugs ).

You are a brilliant lawyer and loving woman who see’s reality clearly and is passing it along. Chesterton said the business of a man is to discover reality and once he has to pass it along.

Thank you for sharing reality. Your previous reality shares regarding smart cities and energy were so detailed and powerful that I forwarded them to my state Senate.

God Bless!

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God Bless. Where do you live?

Human expansion into artistic beauty required a middle class. The idea that it is progress to microcontrol humanity into rigidity is so odd. They absorbed with control, the plebes plugged into the control matrix. Who is left to create. They want a world without creation. No art, no beauty. Ao to entertain. I loath the ai art photos bing and Microsoft produce with the perceptible serpent in each creation.

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I live in New Hampshire.

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The logic of industrial civilization derives from Enlightenment Philosophy; one of the chief objectives of that movement was the disregarding of God. That objective has been realized for many people today. But the ultimate origin of Enlightenment Philosophy is within the kingdom of the Powers of Darkness. And that orientation does not have logic on its side, it has irrationality, specifically, disordered thinking on the plane of the suprarational: in other words, they are evil.

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It's stunning to observe. I think I should have broken this piece up into smaller pieces because the content throughout is important. Attali was fascinating to read. Our socialist world is frightening. The collective decides the utility and the acceptance of behavior. The enlightenment meets Marx with a shot of paganism and purple hair dye

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yes, gulp-able sections would be easier for my brain to decipher at first dawn. A lot of great content for deep thinkers :)) Well done.

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As we have become more selfish, while the "I deserve It" Mantra was bashed into our brains. The Joy & Wonder of 'the child' has been robbed from them and us. Having a child means immersing yourself in another's life. No room for selfish. A baby will die if not touched and held. The Joy & Wonder of watching a new life discover are gone to strollers with attachable car seats, distraction devices to free a mother or father for me time. Men become jealous from lack of attention they had received before any 'child' entered the scene. Where lust replaces love becomes blowing your wad at the first bonus hole in view as the like of cattle, horses & sheep. No time for Joy & Wonder in a world with Wads of Money.

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