May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

The conventional protocols of the elites' Department of Dirty Tricks, correct? It seems to align with their typical approach. In my view, the op-ed should also have considered the potential outcome of the elites' Agenda 2030 and its counterpart to achieve it, the WHO pandemic Treaty set to be signed on May 27, which, of course, could be "the Holodomor pandemic, one to control us through food."

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

The sale of unpasteurized milk is illegal in Canada. The non-msm should do the correct thing and not even mention it. Kill their ability to spread fear before it begins.

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If You Are Reading This

You Are A Holocaust Survivor.

So Far.


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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa





“The stupidity of this idea is unfathomable but yet it raised $26m. What they propose isn't even scientifically possible. The support from WEF and WHO is yet another indication of how they intend to destroy our human rights and freedoms. Wake the fcuk up everyone who is asleep and thinks this is conspiracy theory.

The evil behind it should no longer be tolerated. How is BG still free and not arrested and jailed for all his crimes against humanity and insider dealing”


Gates-backed startup raises $26 million for climate vaccines

Company develops climate vaccines for livestock as drugmakers eye climate vaccines for humans


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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

My blood boils when I hear that insane Tam spew her crap along with the others. If they all think we're going to go along with this they're sadly mistaking. If we start losing our meat due to these psychopaths there will be a revolution in Canada. Theres no way people will sit back and allow them to starve us. Im getting closer and closer to just leaving the country, Im 72 years old, Im not spending my time wondering where Ill get my next meal from. Don't get me wrong, my husband and I have prepared for over 4 years, it started before the plandemic just because we would buy extra, but after this started we jumped in with both feet, we have enough food and water along with other things to stay alive but I don't want to have to struggle if things get worse so we can leave and live somewhere they aren't doing this crap.

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May 21Liked by LawyerLisa

Excellent work Lisa!!!! SHARE SHARE SHARE!

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