While I agree that smart cities are one of their agendas, I think you should have focused on the question asked in the caption to one of the photos you posted, namely, how did homes burn to ash while trees with leaves were left standing? Or does everyone who reads your post already understand that someone (probably the military) attacked the people of L.A. with a weapon?
Excuse - you? Being sarcastic is not a formula for cooperation. My comment is legitimate. Because, if you saw the gas lines still flaming in the news reporting, when the reporter literally said "gas lines are still burning gas", well after the structures burned out and if you know anything about interior residential gas utilities. Common sense would explain why the homes burned to the ground so hot and fast. I didn't provide or wanted to explain why a lot of 40 ft palm trees or what ever didn't all burn down around the homes but it might actually explain why and how quickly the homes burned down. Because the interior gas lines burst when the pipedope melts away at extreme temperature. Therefore the gas exacerbates the intensity and interior spread of the flames once the lines reach an expulsion point. So, thank you, for allowing me to elaborate on the comment.
You're welcome. I started this thread, and you've had plenty of opportunity to have your say.
Now, about your comment "I didn't provide or wanted to explain why a lot of 40 ft palm trees or what ever didn't all burn". Explaining it is somewhat germane to this discussion, so why don't you?
But you prefer to ignore all the well known anomalies associated with DEWs then perhaps others here will not be afraid to look into it. People such as this:
The fix is easy stop ll chem trails. suspend all air traffic for a month and nature can rebalance. After 9/11 , all air traffic was suspended abd the skies truned blue. Its the chemtrails thats planting seeds of destruction
As I have said before…….. how bad is it really going to get beforehand of me not owning anything and being happy about it…… Don’t forget you won’t own your body either….
Let’s not forget the people will be living in cracker box size apartments and will ONLY be ALLOWED a few items of clothing. As the years pass the amount of clothing is restricted to 1 piece a year…Oh! & don’t forget! You will be eating fake meat and bugs plus vaxxed to the max! “Take that you useless eaters!”
Wow, wonder what it is really going to take to wake people up. Guess they are so addicted to their cell phones they cannot see or refuse to see that, that little device is wrecking havoc on their healthy bodies. When will they wake up to all the fires that the smart meter and smart appliances are flatten these homes. The Canadian fires, how many have gotten their homes built, has Merritt, Lynton, Jasper, Okanagan etc.....they are fighting for their insurances to pay. Cancelling and not renewing insurances. All planned for years.
The people will not conform to the radical destructive agenda so they are lied to. Looking at the results tells so much more about the actual agenda beyond the smoke screen.
Any idea where the destruction will result in Ontario re these city ideas ? I would assume we have one as well since this is agenda is well mapped out for a global one world idea for living and health .
"We look forward to achieving these goals in partnerships with business and community leaders," were the very same words said by fascist founder Benito Mussolini.
While I agree that smart cities are one of their agendas, I think you should have focused on the question asked in the caption to one of the photos you posted, namely, how did homes burn to ash while trees with leaves were left standing? Or does everyone who reads your post already understand that someone (probably the military) attacked the people of L.A. with a weapon?
I do have a very educated audience. But great point
Because your posts are thought-provoking, and some of your insights are quite brilliant IMHO.
Most likely it was the gas lines. Once the heat from the flames melt the pipe thread sealant, koboom.
And gas fires/explosions don't touch the trees or the plastic trash cans. Glad you figured it out.
Excuse - you? Being sarcastic is not a formula for cooperation. My comment is legitimate. Because, if you saw the gas lines still flaming in the news reporting, when the reporter literally said "gas lines are still burning gas", well after the structures burned out and if you know anything about interior residential gas utilities. Common sense would explain why the homes burned to the ground so hot and fast. I didn't provide or wanted to explain why a lot of 40 ft palm trees or what ever didn't all burn down around the homes but it might actually explain why and how quickly the homes burned down. Because the interior gas lines burst when the pipedope melts away at extreme temperature. Therefore the gas exacerbates the intensity and interior spread of the flames once the lines reach an expulsion point. So, thank you, for allowing me to elaborate on the comment.
You're welcome. I started this thread, and you've had plenty of opportunity to have your say.
Now, about your comment "I didn't provide or wanted to explain why a lot of 40 ft palm trees or what ever didn't all burn". Explaining it is somewhat germane to this discussion, so why don't you?
But you prefer to ignore all the well known anomalies associated with DEWs then perhaps others here will not be afraid to look into it. People such as this:
This isn't out of the realm of reality....so we better start paying more attention
Yes I'm a TJ subscriber, saw that. We need more than just a fringe minority to pay attention.
Need to look at these events as National Security Threats ...
The fix is easy stop ll chem trails. suspend all air traffic for a month and nature can rebalance. After 9/11 , all air traffic was suspended abd the skies truned blue. Its the chemtrails thats planting seeds of destruction
Yes, but, D.E.W. Ignites…
It's all part of "you will own nothing and be happy."
As I have said before…….. how bad is it really going to get beforehand of me not owning anything and being happy about it…… Don’t forget you won’t own your body either….
Let’s not forget the people will be living in cracker box size apartments and will ONLY be ALLOWED a few items of clothing. As the years pass the amount of clothing is restricted to 1 piece a year…Oh! & don’t forget! You will be eating fake meat and bugs plus vaxxed to the max! “Take that you useless eaters!”
Wow, wonder what it is really going to take to wake people up. Guess they are so addicted to their cell phones they cannot see or refuse to see that, that little device is wrecking havoc on their healthy bodies. When will they wake up to all the fires that the smart meter and smart appliances are flatten these homes. The Canadian fires, how many have gotten their homes built, has Merritt, Lynton, Jasper, Okanagan etc.....they are fighting for their insurances to pay. Cancelling and not renewing insurances. All planned for years.
The people will not conform to the radical destructive agenda so they are lied to. Looking at the results tells so much more about the actual agenda beyond the smoke screen.
Any idea where the destruction will result in Ontario re these city ideas ? I would assume we have one as well since this is agenda is well mapped out for a global one world idea for living and health .
Obtained through criminal deeds. Eleven dead people were reported in these fires.
LA 2028 smart city
"We look forward to achieving these goals in partnerships with business and community leaders," were the very same words said by fascist founder Benito Mussolini.
So you Like being Controlled by the Government then, is that what I’m hearing from you right
How best to disrupt the plans? You do it by getting out the word as much as possible.
All this was planned behind closed doors, in our back, without our knowing; we didn't vote for our own demise. This is not democracy; far from it.
They don’t care. You are considered a useless eater. ‘They’ want us dead.
Am afraid that most of the 1% think they are in the “club” not realizing they are just the hired hands working for the club.
I hope I am dead wrong !!!
...maddening, this is...thanks LL... https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/los-angeles-smart-city-smartla-2028-palisades-fire/ ... the LA '28 pdf file is included...
Here’s the Link
Precisely, it's like a global leader memo; they're All onboard and power drunk. Incompetence is a qualification.
Eggsellent assertion!
Agenda 21, 22, 23, 24 ,25....