Yes, the bigger issues are individuality versus collectivism, in general. Eventually people will probably "consent" by their actions to let their consciousness be merged with AI, since wearing a VR helmet and escaping into a VR world governed by AI is your tacit agreement. If you spend most of your time there, then you consent to be there forever, sucked into a fake world. We already exist in a fake, simulated world: video games, movies, TV shows, fake news, fake rulers called government, fiction books (even though reading is becoming a lost art), fake laws (legal stuff really as God's law cannot be written down on paper, and is only written on the heart, aka conscience), etc, etc.... so I think it very probable that the masses will happily spend most of their time in a fake VR simulated world, and hence transition one day and find themselves trapped there and the VR "dragon" will walk about doing any insane evil it desires to consented after all. I like to say Communism is a wonderful idea, as long as it is 100% voluntary, which of course it never is in this reality without suffering/punishment of some sort to coerce will eventually be -100% voluntary in the simulated matrix where you will do whatever your evil AI god tells you, lest you suffer in insane ways nobody can imagine.
Woe to them indeed
That reminds me of the Singularity;
The AI Hive Mind.
Could Singularity be Communism of the soul for the Soulless?
Been thinking of this comment. Communism of the soul. Quite a metaphor
Yes, the bigger issues are individuality versus collectivism, in general. Eventually people will probably "consent" by their actions to let their consciousness be merged with AI, since wearing a VR helmet and escaping into a VR world governed by AI is your tacit agreement. If you spend most of your time there, then you consent to be there forever, sucked into a fake world. We already exist in a fake, simulated world: video games, movies, TV shows, fake news, fake rulers called government, fiction books (even though reading is becoming a lost art), fake laws (legal stuff really as God's law cannot be written down on paper, and is only written on the heart, aka conscience), etc, etc.... so I think it very probable that the masses will happily spend most of their time in a fake VR simulated world, and hence transition one day and find themselves trapped there and the VR "dragon" will walk about doing any insane evil it desires to consented after all. I like to say Communism is a wonderful idea, as long as it is 100% voluntary, which of course it never is in this reality without suffering/punishment of some sort to coerce will eventually be -100% voluntary in the simulated matrix where you will do whatever your evil AI god tells you, lest you suffer in insane ways nobody can imagine.
Terrifying Times -- unless one has Him....
Isiaih 2:8 "Their land is also full of idols;
They worship the work of their own hands,
That which their own fingers have made."
Techno-mysticism. Escaping the working of the land commanded by God in Genesis 4..... It ends in famine (Rev 6).
So much is in the Bible
Much beautiful truth, in dark times. One book, more wise and precious than all the law school libraries of the world combined!
Blessings friend.
God Bless John. So glad we have these ways to know and bolster oneanother.
I was reading the Bible the other day too and felt inspired to write and I suspect the prophet Jeremiah agrees completely with my use of his words!