Carney is the poster boy for the banality of evil. That is what net zero and mandated carbon quotas will do. Also, Presumptive PM Carney to officially make Canada a CCP Proxy
"the fading Liberal Party of Canada"? Just one faction of Canada's Uniparty: We have one too. When Pierre Poilievre gets in, expect more of the same WEF bootlicking / Climate change fascism and Zionazi bullshit.
Net zero? What does that mean? It sounds like they're trying to spin the idea that we can have a fully functional technological society with eight billion people in it or more without using oil or natural gas. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. There is no substitute for oil in the first place, and in the second place oil reserves are declining, and becoming less energetic.
They know that only too well, and are trying to wave their arms about how wonderful and desirable their Net Zero future is going to be. What it really will amount to is that there will be far fewer people alive in the near future (one way or another). Managed die-off, that's what it means. Zero energy use for most of the remaining humans, and fewer of them to begin with.
Net zero is actually in reference to the Liberal Party's collective IQ. And that includes anyone that would vote for another 4 years of their cunning stunts. Yes, those stunned c*nts too.
He's an economist. If he's so good why does he need emergency powers? Why is he talking sledge hammer when a feather is required? Canada just when through near four years of authoritarian bullshit from nearly every god damned politician in the nation. Right down to those pissant mindless C-40 lemmings running our cities into the ground and they want to flex?
I think the fxxking canadian public has had god damned enough of their fxxking flexing. I am really angry that these pirates use this language and demeanor on the world stage when all of them except the current quisling hold doctorates. I don't.
There is not a damn thing that the Carney mouse will do if the Trump elephant rolls over. Nothing. Nothing economic, nothing social, nothing militant because at the end of the day they'll come take it through manifest destiny and a military the size of the country. The time is ripe and the talk is cheap. Mark Carney can't and won't do a thing except act like another global communist who will take everything we own, feed us shit, kill our kids, and take away the last of our traditions before flushing the toilet on what is left of our fxxking heritage through DEI. Yes canada still thinks shitting on their own people to make others welcome is a thing. It's like everyone is suddenly french and unsatisfied with their lot. Wake the hell up canada. If you care about your nation. If not, roll over because that is all Carney has left. But then again, maybe that is the plan. One world government is the goal. What better way? Sorry for the rant. I’m so fed up.
Mark Carney... Rothschild padawan extraordinaire. 🙄 I have a very interesting book in my library; "The Web of Debt" by Ellen Brown; you may want to read it some day. Right up there with "The Creature from Jeckyl Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy and Muammar Gaddafi all eventually demonstrated what happens when you run afoul of these creatures...🤔
I suspect he's our next PM no matter what. Far as I'm concerned unification with America under Trump can't happen fast enough: At least then we'd have the slender protections of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 14th Amendments. Not to mention "Impeachment".
Just because that little girl is very pretty, doesn't change the fact she's an innocent child and your predations against her utterly monstrous. Trump is "the (ONE) reason it didn't fly out"? There's (((dozens))) of reasons it didn't fly out – And as Julian Assange, John Magufuli, Pierre Nkurunziza, Shinzo Abe, Jovenel Moïse, Gonzalo Lira, Reiner Fuellmich, Anne Hecht and Rashid Buttar amongst dozens of others demonstrated... you speak out about the truth of it on your living peril. Since 2017 when my home was stolen from me and our politicians Federal and Provincial all stood by with their thumbs jammed up their assholes and did nothing, I have experienced and read about corruption worldwide enough to gag an army of maggots. All our leaders in any sphere? They're all bought; name one American Federal Politician who *wasn't* on the Lolita Express... And it's not just "Climate Change" or "Covid" among a dozen other patent frauds at least: It's EVERYTHING.
I keep telling people, you thought JT was scary. JT was a puppet. Mark Carnage is one of the puppet masters! This guy is truely evil
“You are the carbon they want to reduce”
You know we r in very deep trouble! This was all hatched before Carney stepped back into the picture.
This is a plan- Trudeau puts another into power because he was so disliked. Carney has been the plan, KF is supporting him!
Is Carney really a Godfather to one of her children? Or is that just a rumour?
It’s a plan people. The puppet masters think Carney is” the one”
Lord help the Commonwealth Countries‼️🙏
Be Brave and take action!
We can not sit back.
Use that Share Button EVERY DAY!
Wake your loved ones up!
Most Canadians have misunderstanding of the US.
Seeing Trump as our Canadian Enemy.
Carney , Trudeau and Freeland- all have been deeply involved with the WEF.
World Economic Forum!!!!!
Get this stuff out their!
Do your little bit- start sharing BIG TIME
And Pray Big🙏❤️🇨🇦
Carney is the poster boy for the banality of evil. That is what net zero and mandated carbon quotas will do. Also, Presumptive PM Carney to officially make Canada a CCP Proxy
canada's biggest problem is our apathy. It's our most successful export and a well practiced canadian tradition.
The guy in the picture looks like he has horns growing on his head.
you'd be right
I have been looking into marketing and mind control and climate change ticks off the big box…….agreement.
“We all agree that climate change is an issue”
Once you agree they have you in their hands……….once you see/hear it you can’t go back🤔
Marx Carney is a brutalist totalitarian climate-pumping scumbag. Just another corrupt neo-commie Trudeau buddy in the fading Liberal Party of Canada.
"the fading Liberal Party of Canada"? Just one faction of Canada's Uniparty: We have one too. When Pierre Poilievre gets in, expect more of the same WEF bootlicking / Climate change fascism and Zionazi bullshit.
Trudeau’s authoritarian-style regime appears to be reaching the end of its cycle and on the verge of collapse, regardless of who succeeds him.
Net zero? What does that mean? It sounds like they're trying to spin the idea that we can have a fully functional technological society with eight billion people in it or more without using oil or natural gas. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. There is no substitute for oil in the first place, and in the second place oil reserves are declining, and becoming less energetic.
They know that only too well, and are trying to wave their arms about how wonderful and desirable their Net Zero future is going to be. What it really will amount to is that there will be far fewer people alive in the near future (one way or another). Managed die-off, that's what it means. Zero energy use for most of the remaining humans, and fewer of them to begin with.
Net zero is actually in reference to the Liberal Party's collective IQ. And that includes anyone that would vote for another 4 years of their cunning stunts. Yes, those stunned c*nts too.
Me too ! DONE!
Blackrock is pulling out of climate change scam, dont think Trump is going along with. If he tries anything stupid there could be an uprising.
He's an economist. If he's so good why does he need emergency powers? Why is he talking sledge hammer when a feather is required? Canada just when through near four years of authoritarian bullshit from nearly every god damned politician in the nation. Right down to those pissant mindless C-40 lemmings running our cities into the ground and they want to flex?
I think the fxxking canadian public has had god damned enough of their fxxking flexing. I am really angry that these pirates use this language and demeanor on the world stage when all of them except the current quisling hold doctorates. I don't.
There is not a damn thing that the Carney mouse will do if the Trump elephant rolls over. Nothing. Nothing economic, nothing social, nothing militant because at the end of the day they'll come take it through manifest destiny and a military the size of the country. The time is ripe and the talk is cheap. Mark Carney can't and won't do a thing except act like another global communist who will take everything we own, feed us shit, kill our kids, and take away the last of our traditions before flushing the toilet on what is left of our fxxking heritage through DEI. Yes canada still thinks shitting on their own people to make others welcome is a thing. It's like everyone is suddenly french and unsatisfied with their lot. Wake the hell up canada. If you care about your nation. If not, roll over because that is all Carney has left. But then again, maybe that is the plan. One world government is the goal. What better way? Sorry for the rant. I’m so fed up.
ask Britain (UK) what he did to their economy. they loath him too.
Mark Carney... Rothschild padawan extraordinaire. 🙄 I have a very interesting book in my library; "The Web of Debt" by Ellen Brown; you may want to read it some day. Right up there with "The Creature from Jeckyl Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy and Muammar Gaddafi all eventually demonstrated what happens when you run afoul of these creatures...🤔
I suspect he's our next PM no matter what. Far as I'm concerned unification with America under Trump can't happen fast enough: At least then we'd have the slender protections of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 14th Amendments. Not to mention "Impeachment".
you know all the crap on the Epstein list. I'll bet dollars to donuts he's the (ONE) reason it didn't fly out.
Just because that little girl is very pretty, doesn't change the fact she's an innocent child and your predations against her utterly monstrous. Trump is "the (ONE) reason it didn't fly out"? There's (((dozens))) of reasons it didn't fly out – And as Julian Assange, John Magufuli, Pierre Nkurunziza, Shinzo Abe, Jovenel Moïse, Gonzalo Lira, Reiner Fuellmich, Anne Hecht and Rashid Buttar amongst dozens of others demonstrated... you speak out about the truth of it on your living peril. Since 2017 when my home was stolen from me and our politicians Federal and Provincial all stood by with their thumbs jammed up their assholes and did nothing, I have experienced and read about corruption worldwide enough to gag an army of maggots. All our leaders in any sphere? They're all bought; name one American Federal Politician who *wasn't* on the Lolita Express... And it's not just "Climate Change" or "Covid" among a dozen other patent frauds at least: It's EVERYTHING.
Got it!
Carney's world tour, Bankrupting one country at a time....