There is no point living in the world they want to create. The only thing they will end up with is themselves and machines . They’ll be left fucking each other and their children. Oh wait they already do that.

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EXACTLY!!! Excellent comment!

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Warrior, couldn't have said it better.

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History shows that wars were started for a lot less than that giant list of Government discrepancies.

America's civilians are suffering and dying ALONG WITH TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

I rest my case..

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And doing Jack doo doo about it . For the most part, Americans are compliant zombies who trust their fucked up government

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so cloud seeding is a conspiracy theory you say?

Concerned Citizen


“Cloud Seeding is Booming”

If Weather Modification is just a conspiracy then why is it a 100 + Billions Dollar Industry?


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Operation Popeye. Look it up.

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Good question. But the stupid people will never see this.

I know...let's just tax the stupid people?

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Amen sister Amen. The fools will destroy the planet as well as us useless eaters.

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We aren't rolling over!

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I know I ain’t ! Give me liberty or give me death !!!

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Excellent list of things to ponder on.

At this point if anyone still trusts and believes their double speak, they don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear or they choose not to use them.

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Mike drop…💣💣💣boom 👏👏👏👏!!

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lots of weather intel today, the History channel also covered Operation Popeye ironically

Sam Parker-ucas Gage🇺🇲


"Weather Warfare" (History Channel, 2009) explains in detail how HAARP can modify weather & cause earthquakes.

Practically scrubbed from the internet, I give it to you in its full glory.


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Now there's a potential backfiring I hadn't thought of - "...and *back away from* carbon reductions." I wish..but I doubt the evil would want to give up that poisonous killing spree, regardless. Too much $ and power to be had in carrying on.

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Should have also mentioned, if anyone's interested, go to InPowerMovement, get a (very reasonable) annual membership, and start learning how their process, based on Merchant Law (which the rotten power structure uses) rips the monetary foundation out from under their legs, using "conditional acceptance" of an "offer to contract" and billing. Their Geoengineering cause is now available for a few countries. (also offer 3 other causes, all staple parts of the global agenda) A couple of quick intros:



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Brennan is a never Trumper and a muslim convert. Are muslims against solar radiation management? Or is that mostly just the Ashkenazi "Jews" and the goys they control?

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