Alter weather patterns??? Just think if you wanted everyone to crawl into a fifteen minute city... would you.. I mean start extreme weather events as 'new proof' of climate.. na... although ... na.
I trust them.
Especially with blocking the sun.
What if you wanted a global government. Would you need the justification of global problems?
Like as a raison d'etre? Na. I trust them.
Would you see the UN pact for theFuture passing? Like last weekend? Na....
I trust them.
or would you see the WHO pandemic Treaty, IHR AMENDMENTS and bills like BILLC293 in Canada?
Na... I trust them
because government paid mouth boxes on screens tells me to.
I trust them.
Because Our parks are full of tents and fentanyl.
I trust them.
Because Our borders are dots on maps erased in real time and noticing is disallowed speech.
I trust them
because of arrows in grocery stores and masks that dance in restaurants assume viruses read and only infect hosts while standing or playing ice hockey in groups greater than five.
I trust them
because of sudden cancer and new young death.
I trust them
Because autismed babies and front holes as newspeak for vaginas.
I trust them because Our schools are political hotbeds that lost history texts and found themselves teaching how to do fisting.
I trust them
because kids need their new sex career to start any time.
I trust them because speech is bad and trafficking in children isn't called slavery by those with careers spinning fast cards of DIE (freedom).
I trust them because Our hospitals dispense euthanasia and the consent form can be signed by A person if you're not 'able’ to
I trust them Because Immigrants are funded as locals are lost under hurricanes.
I trust them
because Saying no to sterilization is hate, and killing a full term baby is a right.
I trust them because new religious freedom can't let me havsavioSavior and because 112 churches in Canada burn in silence.
I trust them because the jab was safe and messaging was silmulcrom effective.
Ya. No.
For sure I trust them.
If you don't you must be…
. Thinking just how very sad our world has become.
There is no point living in the world they want to create. The only thing they will end up with is themselves and machines . They’ll be left fucking each other and their children. Oh wait they already do that.
History shows that wars were started for a lot less than that giant list of Government discrepancies.
America's civilians are suffering and dying ALONG WITH TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.
I rest my case..