Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

The original LGB community along with dare I add the newer genuine trans people’s community has been co-opted and corrupted by the pRide movement which is all about who you have sex with along with maps- minor attracted persons cause love is love ya know?

I don’t care who they have sex with I just don’t want it shoved down my throat but having once had 3 young children I do very much care about the movements push to try to normalize maps and the movements push to confuse, mislead, and to indoctrinate in order to sterilize children who are the next generation!

I find their flags being absolutely everywhere menacing and at a school my friend’s son attends she tells me there is a large Ukrainian flag on the left and a large pRide flag on the right with a tiny insignificant Canadian flag in the background in the hallway you enter from the front entrance. Visual reference to what the school considers important.

This pRide movement is for depopulation through sterilization and to destroy masculinity in boys so they don’t fight back. It is not a natural grassroots movement with all Western establishments fully behind endorsing it and supporting it and protecting it from the silent majority and even the lesbians gays bisexuals and genuine trans are now recognizing that their movement has been co-opted and is being used for an altogether different and much darker agenda.

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Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

Ummm, paint a mural on a street, you're going to get tire tracks on it. Maybr even a few skid marks. The evil powers that shouldn't be couldn't be without the help of despicable suck ups like that witness and those in the prosecutor's office

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Insanity at its finest! That crap shouldn't be forced on the public in the first place, and to imprison children is unconscionable! To do so is sentencing them to unthinkable depravity! God help us all!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

Sinking in their own muck..........censorship in Canada and Violent offenders in the House of Commons.

It's coming........ it's called running backwards, the pendulum will swing all the way back.


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Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

Omg. We went through downtown WPB Florida yesterday & I made a joke about a burnout. My love was like I’m not going to jail … & we laughed. 😢

This is insanity at its finest

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I'm guessing they night even be manned by 'ready witnesses'.

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Zebra's are NOT happy.🦓🦓🦓

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SURREAL! Unfortunately in our new Woke Canada, where all genders are equal and some more equal than others..

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Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

lol. 😂 sorry. Stole your line.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Which one

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

By the courthouse ..

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Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

It's gonna take a war?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Apparently in Norway they burned all them down last year so they didn't go up this year.

The line in the sand between oppressed and oppressor is apparently a thin line. This is not LGBT but power. And boy, there are a lot hook line and sinker confused about the difference between the oppression and celebration.

Someone in power wants the war, it seems to me that if they do, its a trap. .

Best way is to convert the rainbow to sanity. Then they will be left with the pedos and Epstein. (No I don't think he died in prison)

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Certainly power wants war. It's a money/power thing. War checks all the boxes, i.e. distraction from the societal disintegration policies and schemes they have foisted upon us all these millennia. And just as certainly it's a trap. My Hope is that the Creator God of my understanding will intervene using His Faithful, to avert that. Failing that, I hope it can be an action of the People vs. the Power. If it goes that way, We can clean their clocks and institute a governance of Reason where actual value is supreme.

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Maybe in the US. Here in Canada the criminals have guns but not the people. So we have to figure it out through numbers affecting change.

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

We are fortunate here in that the criminals (Govt) are outnumbered by armed citizens. I wish you luck. We are unfortunate the Govt criminals have been so successful at instituting the invasion army's infiltration all across this Country. That's problematic.

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All of you patriots are in my heart. Their plans are the best laid plans of mice and men. ..

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Thank you. You are a patriot among us, as are the vast majority whom I think of as "everyday Citizens" everywhere. We're all tired of the bs foisted on us by the "Cabal" globally. My sense is that a) we have reached, or very nearly reached critical mass and b) there is no retreat strategy possible or desirable to the criminals who abuse us so. So... We'll see.

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Jun 26Liked by LawyerLisa

Very unsettling!

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

How's that for communism.

Communism? You're kidding right, this is quite obviously fascism. Per definition; the amalgamation of corporate and state power (ie public-private partnerships). This is fucking FASCISM, and the Nazis are now trying to kill us all.

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Equity is communism. Identity politics is Maos china. But really why quibble, because the elements of both are quite the pinnacle of evil.

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Your logic would suggest China is fascist, but that contradicts the reality that it is communist. Therefore there must be some kind of error or misinterpretaton in your analysis.

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa


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Divide to conquer. Its got nothing to do with gay, straight, retard, or whatever one self identifies as. Useful idiots have their purpose.

Every time they get a negative rise out of you, they are emboldened.

Stay aware, stay safe, stay calm and rational.

Stupid will destroy itself.

Then we can build back better.

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