These people are sociopaths. While they pretend to be engaged in a table top exercise to answer the question of how do we get a public-private partnership to come up with a universal flu vaccine and who will fund it they already knew ( Baric-Fauci years earlier collaborating on a more infectious and deadly respiratory virus ); (Fauci had given money to Daschak for GOF in China) (Bio-n-tech in Germany was building a plant to make m-rna vaccines funded by Gates) (Birx was plucked from Africa to be positioned to head Covid task force) ( Moderna had already secured patents for m-rna vaccines) (Drosten in Germany already using PCR test improperly) etc etc.

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It was all planned at least since 2018:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s a Bio-BOMB, yet less lethal than the vx ... not what you were drilled


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Thank You God

For Making Me

So Much Smarter

Than So Many Others.

I Owe You One.


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Thank you, Lisa. I am sure you already know this, but if not, the universal vaccine the Army is now working on is based on ferritin nanoparticle technology = remote control of cell function through EMF Frequencies. No conjecture, it's all in the patents.

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Bottom line is ALL vaccines kill or disable more people than disease. There are no safe or effective vaccines. When they say "safe and effective" what do they really mean?? If they mean the depopulation of humanity then they are correct (which is their real meaning of the words) But if they are saying safe and effective means stopping death from disease then they are flat out lying. Anyone that does not see that is either on the payroll of the vaccine pushers, wants to be on their payroll or is just an outright depopulation ghoul.

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Part of a very long paper trail involving Mr Fauci who recieved a 65% pay raise that year: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/expanded-biodefense-role-national-institutes-health

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