I don't have a patriotic bone in my body. Any that was left, was erased by the last 4 years of tyranny. I love all the immigrants and it may be that they are the answer to turning the corner on this nightmare, but I am not holding my breath. What I stand up for today is the heroic Canadian men & women that stood up for truth the last 4 years, at great cost. The likes of Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Makis, Dr. Jessica Rose, and many others. Most in the medical field or scientists that had the courage of a lion. They are the first out the door and set the example for all of us as we go forward. Thanks for your posts, although sometimes I have a hard time understanding them ;).

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New heros for our land. Great perspective...I will do better..sometimes my dyslexia cracks open all over my efforts.

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I have nothing but admiration for the families I have known that have come to this country, worked hard and integrated into our culture. Going to a new country for me has been about learning about their culture. I'm not the standard tourist, first thing I do is go to a hardware store and look to see what things are there that we don't generally have and are interesting to me. Then I go to the grocery store, then the restaurants. I haven't travelled internationally since maybe a year after 9/11. Different circumstances and I can't handle the storm troopers.

When people come here and demand that we adopt their culture with no regard for our own, they need to leave.

You don't need to love your government to love your country. And I do.

Happy Canada Day.

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Thankyou!! Now the left says the culture is drag. Integration is all the genders on a pan sexual display.. what we will find is immigrantsfamily first culture may rub off too. The culture wars take on next level.

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Someone said something that resonates with me.

Feminism teaches women to compete with men. Women should complete men.

They don't want that, it makes us too powerful.

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Breaking the links, in communities, in families in relationships then weaponizing those relationships is reflected in the globalists agenda. First they took out grandparents. And put them in homes. Then you lost the help and love there. But you got prepared foods, day cares, tutors, baby sitters. The grandparents got lonely sad and sick and the funds were funneled to expensive end of life care, pharmaceuticals. Then they introduced endless hook up culture and made dating like hunting or conquest rather than a search for a mate to make a life with. Shared goals over love i never begrudged anyone seeking it. Then they took religion from the public square and introduced Satanism in the entertainment square...we are in challenging times. The answer is to bring relationships back. The vote, equal pay and not being regarded as chattel is something I would keep though. The new Frontier is genetics, artificial placental technology and biotecnical conversion. Eomen are being replaced because this is here

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Daddy Government.

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Indeed, about WEF's globalism:


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Lovely story. Lovely orientation. Lovely, tough woman!

Stay on the case!!

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Thank-you for sharing your experiences this Canada Day Weekend 🇨🇦. It is not the government (globalists) that make Canada. It is the people and traditions that make Canada. Our lack of true leadership is showing. We, as Canadians are the True North Strong and Free. Yes, God will keep our country and land glorious and free. We need to work together from sea to sea.

Happy Canada Day

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