Pandemic Profiteering: Exposing WHO and Pharmaceutical Giants - James Roguski with Eddie Hobbs



They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 


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Done ,sent email to all Alberta MPs and thanks for listing the MPs

I will continue to distribute this email.

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2 comments? Every freedom loving human being living in bankrupt Western Govts have only ONE common enemy - an enemy that wants you DEAD. That would be your fakely elected and fully controlled Federal Governments that are ALL and everyone facing economic Armageddon. Simply, its either you or them. And for them and their AI technocrats taking 90% of our jobs away in less than 10/yrs, any death is good but better sooner than later from the 3 man made genocidal methods: Bioweapons/Cures, Net Zero or Nuclear Armageddon. Here is why and please pass on:


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I would like to know more about the protest.

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