Jun 12Liked by LawyerLisa

The Trans Agenda is a front for the Transhumasim & the coming crisper tech that allows for chimeras…. That’s why they are pushing it on the young. To make them acceptable of all this new technology that is here.

Neo-Biology / Synthetic Biology / forced bio-synthetic human evolution

Not about SEX and GENDER anymore.

Wake up …. It’s way more EVIL

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Jun 12Liked by LawyerLisa

Being Catholic we do not accept men being with other men, it's a sin, or women being with other women. God made us the way He did so we could procreate, He wanted us to have children. The world of today is so evil and demonic, everything thats being pushed on kids is to destroy them, satan thrives on it. We need to find our inner strength and speak out, we need to pray more, we need to be proud Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, we need to turn our backs to the evil, we can never allow those demons to win, and we simply must protect children, so many worldwide have been destroyed mentally and physically by "doctors" who've cut off their body parts. Its like they're sacrificing them to moloch.

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We are all sinners so it doesn't matter what the sin. If only those without sin could have God's grace only Jesus would have it. Itvis that satanists molach observers as you say occupy the space, that we recoil so much. But bibles are brought to the worst criminals in prison. I love many gay people. That won't stop. I let them decide their path. Molach however cannot have my children.

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Jun 12Liked by LawyerLisa

I don't dislike gays, I have had many friends that were gay, I just don't believe in their way of life and I have spoken to some about it, they respect my views. When it comes to kids, we all feel the same, leave our kids alone.

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Unfortunately, MANY Catholic churches accept pretty much anything these days. I’m a “recovered” Catholic (12 years of Catholic school).

I now belong to no organized religion.

I connect with God/Creator, and leave out the “middleman”. It’s a beautiful thing!

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I know the "pope" is trying to destroy the church and Latin Mass, I believe he's working for satan. The reason I go to church is to meet God in His Home, I get the sacrament of Holy Communion and I go to confession to help rid myself of my sins. Im sorry you felt leaving the church was better for you.

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The “Church” is inside you😉. Through prayer, and Nature (among other things), I know God/Creator like I never have before in my life (and pain).

I find the Catholic religion soul destroying, and that’s just my own opinion, and experience.

God is EVERYWHERE, especially within each person-He made us to connect with Him! ✝️🌞 🙌🌞

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Simply, be you but don't try to make me be you, stay away from children, keep your gay doctrine to yourselves but live your life like everyone else and that's all you get. We all get the same thing and we don't try to change society into some weird concept. Stay in your lane is the best advice for all living people and those co-existing here on earth. The nuclear family; father, mother, children is the key to continuing. Simple. God lives within us. Pray for guidance and peace.

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The Good News Is

We Don’t Have To Re-Imagine Liberals.

We Don’t Even Have To Imagine Them.

They’re Complete Fucking Idiots.


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