We are witnessing a recurrence of the same atrocities that occurred in societies during communist takeovers in the 20th century.

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I agree

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Jul 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Definitely! When they couldn’t kill the Dutch cows because of “climate change” they moved on to the bird flu now.

People are not realizing that after the humiliation stage is the starvation stage and we are at the beginning of it.

I’m reading a lot about canning and I’ve gotten my first jars. I’ve planted fruit trees as well. it’s just a small start, but I’m much more prepared than the people who are still sleeping. At least I will have a chance.

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I'm making dill pickles tonight from my own cucumbers. Last year I learned to make jam. We have some berries. I feel like tossing fruit pits on walks. My Ukrainian friend is astonished no one plants fruit trees. The haphazard homestead on YouTube teaches you what grows wild that is edible.

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Jul 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Thank you for telling me that Lisa! I am going to Look that up. And your friend is right it’s crazy not to have more trees and plants producing food around us. I’m sure the government disapproves

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Edible landscaping is fabulous. Strawberries as ground cover for instance. Raspberries aslong the fence. I'm into vegetables that are perennials. Because you immediately get a few things growing without much effort. Good king Henry, sorrell, chives, asparagus. I hope the canning goes well.

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Jul 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Omg I did not know you could eat Maple leaves or Pineneedles!! amazing

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Pine needle tea in winter is free vitamin c!

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Yes! I planted strawberries and hope they grow wild again next year! Thanks!

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Jul 25Liked by LawyerLisa

Interesting how “they”(the powers that be working against us) picked the bird flu to frighten and terrify people with — right hot on the heels of the cv19 scamdemic. Evidence clearly indicates the experimental covid injections weaken the immune system and can cause heart damage. Chicken protein in particular (notice they’re culling millions of chickens) contains significant levels of the amino acid, l-arginine, which helps strengthen the heart. Coincidence? 🤔😐🤫 You tell me. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-l-arginine/art-20364681 BTW— many smoothie protein powders today are using pea protein — instead of whey. Whey is dairy based and is also a source of l-arginine. Get the picture?

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Jul 25Liked by LawyerLisa

It’s like when they tried to ban NAC as a supplement despite FDA approval for n 1975 for lung conditions at the beginning of COVID. They lost that one

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They also put a list of about 240 supplements before legislators that they wanted banned. Another heads up - pharma companies are buying up natural therapy clinics mpanies. Just look at the number of companies under the iHerb banner- very suss.

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That is more bad news/black pills

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Covid round 2

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I get it. Food commissars!

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