I don’t know if you had the same problem up there as we did in the state of California. The logging companies used to clear out the dead wood for free but the crazy Californians demanded that it be stopped because the companies made a small profit. That was over 30 years ago and they are paying the price big time now as forest fires have plenty of kindling to feed them.

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We have pine bark beetle in many areas of the US.

We bought 32 acres and had all the pines select cut immediately. In the SE US much of the land is owned by big pulp paper mills. They manage their trees well and carefully. We seldom have forest fires in those areas.

All they would need to do is cut the specific trees that are affected. I believe it's only a couple of species. The trees that have become infested can be sold, while.the others need to be treated or burned. Many companies would probably ly love to have the wood and would cut the long dead ones, while cutting the others.

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Gov.ca is not looking to solve problems, they are happy to see any destruction of wildlife & human Peons. Butt & Turdy with Freeland are too busy raping and pillaging the people of Canada for their own escape to foreign lands and to satisfy their UN Cronies demands. Most of your tax money goes overseas. ICLEI is an arm of UN & EU. Soros=Sorrows

Where are the profits from resources? Look up Lima Agreement 1972 where they neutered Canada's Industries & Farming. Read 'Another Season's Promise' none of this is new.

Keep sending in those donations .....tax & otherwise.

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Trudeau is doing his best to burn down Canada, sure going after the western provinces, keep spraying shit and it ends up exploding. Tell people to restrict watering, is that so your properties burn better, do we really have a shortage of water? Smart meters and smart crap all make your house denigrate.

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The US has so much federal land that they have been stealing from us for decades and they can’t even manage what they have now and continue to steal more.

Since they can’t manage it properly, what do they do ?

Let it burn.

Why ???

I bet we can all come up with a thousand reasons why.

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All planned to destroy us!

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Isn't this seem strange?

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