The practice of euthanasia is philosipcally, ethically, and morally disturbing. Taking my religious and personal opinion into consideration. This needs to stop.

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I should go into marketing.

Here I the new tagline for Trudeau, the Liberal party of Canada, Health Canada…….it is very versatile.

‘Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’

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Comment of the day!

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The title says March of 2024 and the article says March of 2026. Regardless anyone in the health care field that practices euthanasia is a criminal.

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It was used on my son by the Victorian law brought in, in 2021 and his wife administered the drugs with no experience on administering drugs and the poor man suffered dreadfully

He certainly did not die peacefully with his family around they fled from home

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Well the various medical professionals injured or killed many people with the Covid-10 shots, perform near birth abortions. This is just another step on the road to population control and genocide.

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Wow, just wow, get that vax into everyone, make them sick or they die. And get so sick and depressed, now here you go the only treatment we have is MAID. Trudy is one sick individual along with his handlers.

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first kill off the old as useless eaters; then sterilize the youth which the state may deem mentally weak; then set up the political prisons through prison through speech;

then deem those who don't chose vaccine health as mentally unfit;

then divide those through a data passport system not on your arm as a band;

we are watching eugenics like a rerun. I can't remember where I've seen this before.

chickens are mass culled using CO2.


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How to get away with murder in Canada…

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MAiD/Abortion & anyone in between if they get in our way.

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Do they have a course for taking out law makers of murder laws?

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... i had to reply here LL, couldn't reply under ur reply??... ...shocking, LL, have u written that piece?...a link to it, if u have when u have time?, btw that comment of Oppenheimer's paraphrased from the Bhagavad Gita is apt...Parahamansa's Gita translation and commentary is invaluable, i have it with me, his Chapter XVI on the nature of Good and Evil is really in depth...

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Thanks for all you do!

This MAID thing is so sickening and evil!

Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

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...thought first u was trippin LL!...what with ur imagination an all!...fkn 'ell!... 🙏➕🙏...(edit: inversion...it's like round-table seances 'cept they're for deathly contact with the living...)

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Draft stage still. Stay posted

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Incredibly insane eh. I have a piece on killing chickens for bird flu with CO2 gas chambers. Sure you want bill gates investing in CO2 pipelines.

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They did it to Socrates.

The ultimate "cancellation".

Groupthink R Us.

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Is trump getting out of the UN before Trudeau unleashed our very own plandemic law so he can dictate for life.

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