No drive yet. I just checked the mail. The flock better figure out soon that they're churches have been lying to them. They don't get the churches were infiltrated by the enemy and they are also the ones who came up with the rapture doctrine. They are going to lose faith when He doesn't show up when it gets worse and it's going to get a lot worse in the next handful of years. I have faith when Christ said he won't lose one of His sheep.
Yeah, I keep an eye out. It was a holiday week so that actually delayed some other mail that was to come in this week. It won't be here until next week. Hopefully, it arrives next week. I'll let you know.
I have seen countless comments similar to what you just wrote. They don't care about the system we're in. They don't care about jobs. They don't care about the money. They don't care about the military. They just don't care anymore. Many do care about God, their country, family and their people. I feel the same. Even though I care about my family, what good does it do for me to just watch it all go down the drain. It's hard to explain. This is becoming the mindset among our people now. It really looks like they don't have nothing to lose, and this is dangerous area. We've seen it before. The enemy is probably already terrified after everything that has transpired over the past month. They have become unhinged and even many commentators have noticed and mentioned it. They showed their true colors while outing themselves. I've never seen anything like it. I can see right through many who think they're here to help. They're gatekeeping to give people their dose of hopeium but that's even starting to not work.
You are everywhere. I didn't know you were on Substack. Seeker Sees here.
get your drive? Yeah I spend hours warning the flock - Lord knows not many do
No drive yet. I just checked the mail. The flock better figure out soon that they're churches have been lying to them. They don't get the churches were infiltrated by the enemy and they are also the ones who came up with the rapture doctrine. They are going to lose faith when He doesn't show up when it gets worse and it's going to get a lot worse in the next handful of years. I have faith when Christ said he won't lose one of His sheep.
let me know if it does not arrive
Yeah, I keep an eye out. It was a holiday week so that actually delayed some other mail that was to come in this week. It won't be here until next week. Hopefully, it arrives next week. I'll let you know.
well did the drive arrive?
It arrived a long time ago. You mut have forgot I sent you an email letting you know.
me getting old thanks
You got a few years over me, but I already feel like a piece of worn-out sandpaper. I'm tired and starting no to care about anything anymore.
I know the feeling - when you have nothing to lose the enemy better be concerned
I have seen countless comments similar to what you just wrote. They don't care about the system we're in. They don't care about jobs. They don't care about the money. They don't care about the military. They just don't care anymore. Many do care about God, their country, family and their people. I feel the same. Even though I care about my family, what good does it do for me to just watch it all go down the drain. It's hard to explain. This is becoming the mindset among our people now. It really looks like they don't have nothing to lose, and this is dangerous area. We've seen it before. The enemy is probably already terrified after everything that has transpired over the past month. They have become unhinged and even many commentators have noticed and mentioned it. They showed their true colors while outing themselves. I've never seen anything like it. I can see right through many who think they're here to help. They're gatekeeping to give people their dose of hopeium but that's even starting to not work.