Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

You're not alone in noticing. 'Trans women must be protected!' (because they're men, of course, but they don't say it out loud). Everything from sport to women's toilets - we don't count anymore.

Of course we have to go, and men have to be feminised - creating no real opposition.

I don't understand, not really, but then - I'm not some demonic psychopath.

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they created a womb to make babies without women. that's it. they can eliminate all others who can do it and sell humans, or create their slaves all infertile.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by LawyerLisa

in this, your vision of the developing tyranny extends beyond mine. But then I am a man.

This almost to Irrelevant, but I imagine the cabal Elite itself wishes to remain human Including with their own wombs. Satan, of course, will not tolerate this.

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A quote:

"Based on current scientific advances, it is likely that, following thorough clinical research, PLS [ie placenta] technology will ultimately be introduced into clinical practice (10), as an alternative treatment option to conventional neonatal car


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Jun 26·edited Jun 26


"Partial ectogenesis would make

an abortion no longer necessary: the fetus could

be removed from the mother’s womb and transferred into the artificial one, "

[ ]

"allowing fertile women

to have a biologically related child without the

need to ever have a pregnancy; that would make

women more similar to men

in that regard"

[ ]

& some footnotes:

[ ]

7) Singer P, Wells D. Ectogenesis. In: Gelfand S, Shook JR, eds. Ectogenesis. Artificial Womb Technology and The Future of Human reproduction. Amsterdam/New York: Editions Rodopi, B.V.;

2006, pp. 9-25.

  8) Blackshaw BP, Rodger D. Ectogenesis and the case against the right to the death of the foetus. Bioethics 2019; 33: 76-81.

  9) Cavaliere G. Gestation, equality and freedom: ectogenesis as a political perspective. J Med Ethics

2020; 46: 76-82.

10) MacKay K. The ‘tyranny of reproduction’: Could

ectogenesis further women’s liberation?. Bioethics 2020;

34: 346-353.

11) Romanis EC. Artificial womb technology and the significance of birth: why gestatelings are not newborns (or fetuses). J Med Ethics 2020; 45: 728-731.


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Shulamith Firestone had an opinion this liberated women from gender oppression.[(The Dialectics of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution)] [Author: Shulamith Firestone] published on (April, 2015) Paperback – April 1, 2015

by Shulamith Firestone

Originally published in 1970, when Shulamith Firestone was just twenty-five years old, and going on to become a bestseller, The Dialectic of Sex was the first book of the women's liberation movement to put forth a feminist theory of politics.

Beginning with a look at the radical and grassroots history of the first wave (with its foundation in the abolition movement of the time), Firestone documents its major victory, the granting of the vote to women in 1920, and the fifty years of ridicule that followed. She goes on to deftly synthesize the work of Freud, Marx, de Beauvoir, and Engels to create a cogent argument for feminist revolution. Identifying women as a caste, she declares that they must seize the means of reproduction for as long as women (and only women) are required to bear and rear children, they will be singled out as inferior. Ultimately she presents feminism as the key radical ideology, the missing link between Marx and Freud, uniting their visions of the political and the personal.

In the wake of recent headlines bemoaning women's squandered fertility and the ongoing debate over the appropriate role of genetics in the future of humanity, The Dialectic of Sex is revealed as remarkably relevant to today's society, a testament to Shulamith Firestone's startlingly prescient vision.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

The radicals have produced DEI et al. they are nothing more than the guards of the palace for the elite and the means and manner to eliminate all that stands in the way of the goals of the elite. those goals now include the elimination of women. so we are full circle. In the pursuit of freedom from 'birth' and 'child rearing', we have created the pursuit of the technology that makes the need for women obsolete.

the pursuit created the technology and then created anti-humanism.

We are in fact now at hiving children into slavery. with women the widget that competes with this.

DEI are the attack dogs that enable the pursuit of this program in silence..

Feminism must now be to not only uproot this radicalism BUT also get at the masters, the puppeteers who think we are so enfeebled as to consent to this re engineering of society.

ALL THE WEF, ALL THE GLOBAL YOUNG LEADERS, and ALL those who work for them THIRST FOR US TO WIN AND feel helpless in their roles. DO YOU know how badly they want an alternative to their anti-human fascism. they dare not leave the 'safety' of their 'hive'. they the MK ultra of our universe. owned.

We must win a few battles. because. it shall be like the French supporting the Colonial army won't it. the French had to see that the insurgents had a chance at winning before joining against the British.

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"We are in fact now at hiving children into slavery. with women the widget that competes with this." Fine. Let's go to the Bronze Age and Lysistrata. I do think Firestone's core point is fair. "Identifying women as a caste, she declares that they must seize the means of reproduction for as long as women (and only women) are required to bear and rear children, they will be singled out as inferior." Her solution crazed. Obviously women in 1970 were not as welcome in circles of affluence and power as equals. I dare suggest this barely has altered in 50 years. My strong preference then and now was to drop out of this death system. She on the other hand I think was colonized by the Patriarchy she rejected as a Lesbian radical.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

I am my merits. My compensation defined is what. Money is the system that classifies compensation and thus us? But my value as mother is not defined. The idea that is labor for trade is feminism placing it the very hallmark of the male exchange.

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clarify please the position that she has 'seizing the means of reproduction'.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by LawyerLisa

When I read her originally in 1974 I was 17. I was not Left exactly, more Anarchist in that I thought this Thing called a State was inherently oppressive. I disagreed with her Brave New World solution. Her SF idea of asexual reproduction has roots in Plato. Plato of course merely advocated no parents. The State overcomes family. I see her belief system is highly colored with Utopian ideology. And at the same time does articulate the actually existing reality of the dead male hand of the Victorians. Women are discriminated against but now an integral aspect of labor. Is it because one can pay a very smart woman $30 or $40K less?

I am adding an additional thought which only arose now. I am greatly biased by the 60's, 70's, 80's being 40 in 1997. Much work of the 60's and 70's in areas that interest me did not come from college but my own reading. Ellul is one example. When I think back to the Vietnam War and this American culture of Crusade and Profit and the massive confusion among the very best of the accepted elites I map it to Ellul and his ideas regarding Technique. If we had a human centered nation state a radical named Shulamith Firestone never would be. Instead the Technique of Education sculpts her. The zeitgeist is Rodin and she a caryatide crushed by a stone sparking a feminist prairie fire of resistance.

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The oppression of the state is a bit hard to hide. But the left is in power and its mostly the right trying to wrestle it within the architecture of the state. Or we could say the left is now trying to dismantle the state, like it's anarchist roots, only to bring in a mechanism of power far more oppressive. Ectogenesis requires complete elimination and or infertility of women. So the end result of this program of liberation through biology has resulted in a mafia cabal bringing about life without women. Instead of being liberated, women must be fixed like cat, or drowned in a bag like kittens. Or aborted in selective sexual infanticide or chromosomal excised. It has become existential

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And it is an open question why we demand one state fit all free people? The law is not just it is just what judges say is law based upon the case and legal precedents. I see no need for a strong Federal Empire and many reasons for a return to the Articles of Confederation idea of power lying in the people in a state as citizens of this polity.

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Government as a purpose, think of an early tribe.to secure the people from outside warring tribes and insure resources are exploited for the people to sustain or increase property. Think of communities that raised walls around them so that a barrier of protection physically prevented looting and rape. No borders no law. We are witnessing the end of the nation state by stepwise purpose. But the walls that come next are different. They fence each individual. Tag them. Isolate them. Rfid them. The new laws are the tyranny of the algorithm. We witness the dismantling if the state for the loss of all freedom. Not 3ven our exchange is permitted, next stage globalists tyranny

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No state needed. As I recall the urban organization arose for trade. Walls later. And reasonably an appeal to deep antiquity only can speak of the failure of how we think about both the past and the present. Prior to Capitalism and after it’s rise created this new technological entity by the hour of Napoleon. Covid demonstrated the Global aspect of this new civilization coming from the hybrid of transnational Capitalism and transnational Total War. The global open air concentration camp.

Augsto Del Noce in The Crisis of Modernity writes "I have already said that scientism is more opposed to tradition than Communism because in Communism we can still find messianic and biblical archetypes (e.g., in the idea of the proletariat as the universal mediator) which give it the appearance of what was often described as a “secular religion.” Nikolai Berdyaev, now forgotten, wrote that the Marxist revolution carries within itself “the reflected light of the apocalypse” and that it was able to succeed because of the strong inclination toward an apocalyptic mindset found in the Russian soul and in the large majority of Russian intellectuals at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. This was the reason why Marxism could appear, from this Russian perspective, as “a doctrine of deliverance, of the messianic vocation of the proletariat, of the future perfect society in which man will not be dependent on economics.” Now, this messianic aspect, which allowed Marxism to put down roots in the Russian tradition, is precisely what is being rejected by scientism and by the technological society.

But, in light of this, we understand why scientistic anti-traditionalism can express itself only by dissolving the “fatherlands” “where it was born. Because of the very nature of science, which provides means but does not determine any ends, scientism lends itself to be used as a tool by some group. Which group? The answer is completely obvious: once the fatherlands are gone, all that is left are the great economic organisms, which look more and more like fiefdoms. States become their executive instruments, confirming the old Marxist-Leninist thesis, but through a different route from that predicted by Marxism-Leninism.”

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Yes and Gloria Steinem was CIA. I am sure the Feminist movement since the 19th century has been backed by regressive elites. Of course Shulamith also-partially translated before her book -likely was also inspired by https://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1926/autobiography.htm

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Yes the state never withers away but certainly changes. The fact that the new “ Enoclosures” and the current “Highland Clearances” have been state sanctioned like the old ones and now view the human as private property of the state does make me wonder why people trust a government of an abstract “Thing” to work for them

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by LawyerLisa

In the 1970s, I can only imagine that ‘Siezing the means of reproduction’ simply meant to Firestone having a complete personal access to abortion, fully funded by the state, a well as elimination of religion.

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I am not sure on your last point but within scope of her overall ideology.

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exceptional piece again. I am baffled how so many can be so blind to the war that is afoot. IF they extinguish women, and by extension the family unit, its game set match for humanity. Men must stand up beside our women, beside our families..if we aren't prepared to stand up for that as human beings, what are we doing here why are we here.. I can feel the shame and disappointment of God as he looks upon his children wondering how we let it all go so wrong so fast..

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The next natural disaster of colossal fury the elites should fear? A solar storm of such sudden fury that acts as a total EMF weapon.

The flood netted the rainbow and the olive branch.

This new tower of babel is crumbled by EMF through solar activity. If fury was the result of man anointing himself god of creation, while simultaneously denuding the human spirit of freedom for creation (where is art and praise, in a world neural linked to an algorithm). The extreme deride us "naturaluats". Theyvtgink we need engineering into units of data and labor

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