I am writing you regarding the proposed Bill C-63 aka the Online Hate Bill. I have a suggestion for the very first case to be tried. The rationale for doing so is summarized below:
• The QUR’AN has been around for 1400 years now.
• There are likely thousands of copies of it in homes right across Canada.
• Canadian Imams quote from it weekly in their Friday sermons.
• IMO the text of the QUR’AN is the single largest source of Hate Speech in the Country.
• The QUR’AN and the Hadiths are constantly referred to by Canadian Muslims as a Source of Truth, and all SHARIA LAW.
• I’d guess that it is referenced on the Internet by thousands of Canadian Muslims weekly if not daily.
If Canadian courts do not agree with that, and do not find the text of the QUR’AN problematic, then they are helping to define what hateful language in Canada is, and what it is not. That will make prosecuting anyone for any 10-20 word utterances that are less hateful rather difficult. The Qur’an will be the text that everything is measured against.
OK, now go ahead and read the few examples that I’ve included below.
See the problem ? Would C-63 not constitute very SELECTIVE PROSECUTION ???
According to Sharia law:
1. Muslims are to subjugate the world under Islam (Quran 9:29).
2. Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
3. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death.
4. Criminals of genocide, mass-rape, looting etc (Hiraba) will not be punished if they repent.
5. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
6. Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38)
7. No retaliation for parents and grandparents for killing their offspring.
8. Amputation punishments for successive thefts: 1st left hand, 2nd right hand, 3rd left foot, 4th right foot, 5th head.
9. You can enslave for sex or work (Quran 4:3 4:24 5:89 33:50 58:3 70:30)
10. One can have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is clear of her period and/or delivery. If she has a husband, then her marriage is abrogated when she becomes a captive.
11. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in Heaven (Quran 9:111)
12. Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab. Taharrush Gamea is the coordinated seхual assault of a girl or a woman in public by a mass of Muslim men. Taharrush Gamea is not a "game" as some Muslims claim. In Arabic, Taharrush means "harassment," Jinsi means "seхual," and Gamea (pronounced and spelled, Jamai by non-Egyptian Muslims) means "mass" or "group."
13. You can beat sex slaves (Quran 4:34)
14. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay a Jizya tax (Quran 9:29)
15. You will terrorize non-Muslims (Quran 8:12 8:60)
16. A Muslim shall not be put to death for murdering an unbeliever.
17. Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve Mohammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
18. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
19. A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
20. A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
21. A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
22. Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
23. A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
24. A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death.
25. A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
26. A woman can have 1 husband, a man can have up to 4 wives, but Muhammad can have 9.
27. A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
28. Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
29. A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34).
30. A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.
31. A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
32. A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
33. A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
34. A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
35. Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal."
36. Husbands are obliged to provide only food, clothes and accommodation to wives. Anything else including doctor’s fees, medicines etc is a charity to her. A rebellious wife does not get anything.
Taharrush Games is the coordinated seхual assault of a girl or a woman in public by a mass of Muslim men. In arabic, Taharrush means "Harassment," Jinsi means "Seхual," and Games (pronounced and spelled, Jamai by non-Egyptian Muslims) means "mass" or "group."
Following are some of the stylistic and subject characteristics of Madinah Surahs:
• Mention of ‘JIHAD” and detailing on its rulings.
• Details of Islamic jurisprudence and legal system as well as laws governing family, money transaction, international law and acts of worship
• Mention of ‘’hypocracy’ and dealing with hypocrites.
• Any verse that starts with ‘O you who believe ..’
• Long verses and/or Easy vocabulary
• Discussions regarding People of the Book (Christians and Jews).
The 26 Surahs of the Madinah period include: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 22, 24, 33, 47, 48, 49,
55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 76, 98, 110. Those written last include:
bill 63 will certainly come for all religions, that is the point of it. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, etc. anything that provides a reason to stand against the Globalists. Since Trudeau relies on the Muslims to vote left and since his bill 63 will target them I do hope that means they will join us in voting him out!
Fostering animus between the religions is not my purpose or intent. the divide and conquer is the tool the the leading elites. I for one am prepared to see allies in other religions freely.
Also consider this statement that asks the faiths to work together to uphold the charter. https://www.macnet.ca/2023/official-statements/joint-statement-sept18/ My Christian view point on this is that I don't judge people of other faiths to hold those faiths or belief, but expect the same tolerance. I do not want my government handing me a mandatory religion to believe through DEI. This is what I now see the government has to be obeyed. I am not sure the Muslims will vote for Trudeau. Muslim families came to Catholic School board meetings to stand in solidarity. we are in trying times for sure.
"JOINT STATEMENT: Statement by Canadian Muslim Organizations on the #1MillionMarch4Children
September 18, 2023
We, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and the Canadian Council of Imams (CCI), are aware of multiple protests scheduled to take place across Canada on September 20, 2023. Neither of our organizations play a role in organizing these demonstrations and we lack sufficient information about the parties involved in the march in different cities. While we do not endorse the March, we respect the freedom to protest peacefully. We do not discourage individuals from making the decision to attend or not for themselves. For those who choose to attend, we advise all participants to behave in a legally and morally responsible manner.
We recognise the intended purpose of community members to hold these protests is to maintain the rights of parents to be actively involved in their children’s education, and for children to uphold their religious beliefs. We are concerned about certain groups who might attempt to divert attention away from this purpose, possibly incite violence or harm. We call upon all groups to reject such attempts publicly and forcefully.
We remain committed to advocating for the concerns of parents and ensuring the well-being of children. We also encourage parents to continue to engage with their local school boards to effectively address these concerns that are affecting their children.
For further information on the Islamic positions on sexual orientation and gender identity, please click here to read the Navigating Differences statement issued by Islamic scholars earlier this year.
We call for the following:
Canada is regrettably moving in a direction where advocates of sexual and gender ethics contrary to the Islamic faith are going beyond their limits by imposing their worldview on our children, often without the knowledge or consent of parents. By doing so, they both deny parents the right to guide their children’s development and exploit the power imbalance that makes it difficult for children to express conscientious objection.
We demand that the constitutional rights of parents and children be respected as enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, emphasizing religious freedom and expression.
Enforcing agreement with beliefs and practices that are incompatible with the Islamic moral code is harmful to our children. This means that mandated celebration or affirmation of LGBTQ, including direct or indirect impositions to participate in “Pride” events and activities, constitutes an infringement on the legal rights of Muslims.
We demand that every child deserves a coercion-free educational environment, where they are not forced to engage in activities contrary to their faith. In this regard, we call upon all politicians, school boards and districts, principals and staff to guarantee the safety and religious rights of all students, and to ensure students are not penalized for upholding their religious beliefs without enforcing them upon others.
We recognize the growing frustrations among parents with school boards and teachers overruling the right of parents to awareness and participation in their child’s education, both in class and in extra-curricular activities. While some Provincial governments have supported parental rights, others have yet to sufficiently clarify their stance on protecting the religious rights of both children and parents while implementing policies to safeguard such rights.
We call for government policies to balance between the rights of the parents as the ultimate deciders for their children’s education and values, and the government mandated obligations under their respective education legislation.
These concerns transcend the Canadian Muslim community, touching the hearts of families and communities across Canada.
We call for a unified front among diverse faith communities and all who uphold the tenets of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.'
If we get there. I'm sure the intent is martial law to suspend elections for war in Taiwan next and ww3 to be declared or who pandemic treaty invoked for disease x or climate.
There's no way to predict what this IDIOT will do next. A few days ago Rachel Emmanuel, a journo with True North said that she no longer believes Trudeau is misguided, but that he truly has a MALICIOUS INTENT. Brad Salzberg of CAP on SubStack, and a few others would agree with that too.
This really is a very scary situation. IMO Justin seemed to lose it when Gerald Butts left, and stopped whispering instructions in his ear.
There's little he can do now to save his A$$, other that hope for another opportunity to invoke the Emergencies Act . When he screws up he consistently Doubles-Down.
The Muslim Association of Canada strongly condemns remarks on recent protests made by certain politicians, including our Prime Minister, as well as statements from school boards, unions, and reports from some media outlets.
By characterizing the peaceful protests of thousands of concerned parents as hateful, Canadian leaders and school boards are setting a dangerous precedent of using their position of influence to unjustly demonize families, and alienate countless students.
On Wednesday September 20th, thousands of Muslims, joined by other faith-based groups, protested to raise their concerns, calling for their rights as parents in relation to their children’s education. Their intent was to be heard, not to sow division. Parents should have the absolute right to advocate for the wellbeing of their children.
The statements from Canadian leaders and school boards increase the potential for Muslim children to face increased bullying and harassment in schools, both by educators and peers, a trend that’s already distressingly escalating. Civil rights organizations and Muslim organizations across the country have documented numerous validated accounts detailing situations where children have been coerced into activities that contradict their faith, or where parents teaching religious values to their offspring have been unfairly attacked.
We call on politicians and school boards, beginning with Prime Minister Trudeau, to retract their deeply inflammatory and divisive comments and issue an apology to the thousands of Canadian parents hurt by these comments."
They both advocate for parents and Muslim parents and for other faith groups. It was a good statement.
Forget the MAC ... The NCCM (aka CAIR or Muslim Brotherhood) is run by the top 12 IMAMS and it will determine the direction of CDN Muslims during the election.
Their base is upset. The MSM coverage of the parental protest woke a ton up to the media control. Many are choosing to home school. Some of their concerns involve the intense immigration because it keeps wages low and costs high, and because they need always to focus on helping integrate new families, which their communities do. Trudeau has not been good to Canadians, and I give them enough credit to see it. I do not know the 12 imams. I think if the globalists are successful, the faiths will be helping each more and more. In fact it will become a conduit of information, when all other sources are lost. If the globalists are defeated, it will be because people not used to coming together do. I will not judge other people's source of solace in a world that is frightening. I will not assume my brother is my enemy. I know the war now further polarizes people. But my eye is on this ball to defeat the globalists stalking us in every manner through all weaponized laws.
Just wondering, could countries declare treason on the basis of a foreign party such as an ngo or rogue state hijacking policy to instate totalitarianism in western countries. The hijacking of policy led to negative economic, political and social consequences. The people's health and well-being was is also negatively effected by these actions. The supposed leaders sat back and let this happen.
Do get me started on covid, net-zero and transgenderism.
I suggest the foundation of their deception is the legal entity known as the citizen. A citizen is a legal fiction and isn't our property. So a vote is meaningless.
To: Arif Virani, Attorney General of Canada
From: Jack the Prophet (PBUH)
I am writing you regarding the proposed Bill C-63 aka the Online Hate Bill. I have a suggestion for the very first case to be tried. The rationale for doing so is summarized below:
• The QUR’AN has been around for 1400 years now.
• There are likely thousands of copies of it in homes right across Canada.
• Canadian Imams quote from it weekly in their Friday sermons.
• IMO the text of the QUR’AN is the single largest source of Hate Speech in the Country.
• The QUR’AN and the Hadiths are constantly referred to by Canadian Muslims as a Source of Truth, and all SHARIA LAW.
• I’d guess that it is referenced on the Internet by thousands of Canadian Muslims weekly if not daily.
If Canadian courts do not agree with that, and do not find the text of the QUR’AN problematic, then they are helping to define what hateful language in Canada is, and what it is not. That will make prosecuting anyone for any 10-20 word utterances that are less hateful rather difficult. The Qur’an will be the text that everything is measured against.
OK, now go ahead and read the few examples that I’ve included below.
See the problem ? Would C-63 not constitute very SELECTIVE PROSECUTION ???
According to Sharia law:
1. Muslims are to subjugate the world under Islam (Quran 9:29).
2. Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
3. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death.
4. Criminals of genocide, mass-rape, looting etc (Hiraba) will not be punished if they repent.
5. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
6. Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38)
7. No retaliation for parents and grandparents for killing their offspring.
8. Amputation punishments for successive thefts: 1st left hand, 2nd right hand, 3rd left foot, 4th right foot, 5th head.
9. You can enslave for sex or work (Quran 4:3 4:24 5:89 33:50 58:3 70:30)
10. One can have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is clear of her period and/or delivery. If she has a husband, then her marriage is abrogated when she becomes a captive.
11. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in Heaven (Quran 9:111)
12. Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab. Taharrush Gamea is the coordinated seхual assault of a girl or a woman in public by a mass of Muslim men. Taharrush Gamea is not a "game" as some Muslims claim. In Arabic, Taharrush means "harassment," Jinsi means "seхual," and Gamea (pronounced and spelled, Jamai by non-Egyptian Muslims) means "mass" or "group."
13. You can beat sex slaves (Quran 4:34)
14. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay a Jizya tax (Quran 9:29)
15. You will terrorize non-Muslims (Quran 8:12 8:60)
16. A Muslim shall not be put to death for murdering an unbeliever.
17. Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve Mohammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
18. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
19. A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
20. A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
21. A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
22. Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
23. A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
24. A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death.
25. A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
26. A woman can have 1 husband, a man can have up to 4 wives, but Muhammad can have 9.
27. A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
28. Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
29. A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34).
30. A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.
31. A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
32. A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
33. A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
34. A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
35. Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal."
36. Husbands are obliged to provide only food, clothes and accommodation to wives. Anything else including doctor’s fees, medicines etc is a charity to her. A rebellious wife does not get anything.
Taharrush Games is the coordinated seхual assault of a girl or a woman in public by a mass of Muslim men. In arabic, Taharrush means "Harassment," Jinsi means "Seхual," and Games (pronounced and spelled, Jamai by non-Egyptian Muslims) means "mass" or "group."
Following are some of the stylistic and subject characteristics of Madinah Surahs:
• Mention of ‘JIHAD” and detailing on its rulings.
• Details of Islamic jurisprudence and legal system as well as laws governing family, money transaction, international law and acts of worship
• Mention of ‘’hypocracy’ and dealing with hypocrites.
• Any verse that starts with ‘O you who believe ..’
• Long verses and/or Easy vocabulary
• Discussions regarding People of the Book (Christians and Jews).
The 26 Surahs of the Madinah period include: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 22, 24, 33, 47, 48, 49,
55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 76, 98, 110. Those written last include:
Surah or Verse Time Sequence Name
63 104 Munafiqun
58 105 Mujadila
49 106 Hujurat
66 107 Tahrim
64 108 Taghabun
61 109 Saff
62 110 Jumah
48 111 Fath
5 112 Maidah
9 113 Taubah
110 114 Nasr
bill 63 will certainly come for all religions, that is the point of it. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, etc. anything that provides a reason to stand against the Globalists. Since Trudeau relies on the Muslims to vote left and since his bill 63 will target them I do hope that means they will join us in voting him out!
Fostering animus between the religions is not my purpose or intent. the divide and conquer is the tool the the leading elites. I for one am prepared to see allies in other religions freely.
Muslims ALWAYS vote in a BLOCK and follow the instructions handed down by their IMAMS.
Also consider this statement that asks the faiths to work together to uphold the charter. https://www.macnet.ca/2023/official-statements/joint-statement-sept18/ My Christian view point on this is that I don't judge people of other faiths to hold those faiths or belief, but expect the same tolerance. I do not want my government handing me a mandatory religion to believe through DEI. This is what I now see the government has to be obeyed. I am not sure the Muslims will vote for Trudeau. Muslim families came to Catholic School board meetings to stand in solidarity. we are in trying times for sure.
"JOINT STATEMENT: Statement by Canadian Muslim Organizations on the #1MillionMarch4Children
September 18, 2023
We, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and the Canadian Council of Imams (CCI), are aware of multiple protests scheduled to take place across Canada on September 20, 2023. Neither of our organizations play a role in organizing these demonstrations and we lack sufficient information about the parties involved in the march in different cities. While we do not endorse the March, we respect the freedom to protest peacefully. We do not discourage individuals from making the decision to attend or not for themselves. For those who choose to attend, we advise all participants to behave in a legally and morally responsible manner.
We recognise the intended purpose of community members to hold these protests is to maintain the rights of parents to be actively involved in their children’s education, and for children to uphold their religious beliefs. We are concerned about certain groups who might attempt to divert attention away from this purpose, possibly incite violence or harm. We call upon all groups to reject such attempts publicly and forcefully.
We remain committed to advocating for the concerns of parents and ensuring the well-being of children. We also encourage parents to continue to engage with their local school boards to effectively address these concerns that are affecting their children.
For further information on the Islamic positions on sexual orientation and gender identity, please click here to read the Navigating Differences statement issued by Islamic scholars earlier this year.
We call for the following:
Canada is regrettably moving in a direction where advocates of sexual and gender ethics contrary to the Islamic faith are going beyond their limits by imposing their worldview on our children, often without the knowledge or consent of parents. By doing so, they both deny parents the right to guide their children’s development and exploit the power imbalance that makes it difficult for children to express conscientious objection.
We demand that the constitutional rights of parents and children be respected as enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, emphasizing religious freedom and expression.
Enforcing agreement with beliefs and practices that are incompatible with the Islamic moral code is harmful to our children. This means that mandated celebration or affirmation of LGBTQ, including direct or indirect impositions to participate in “Pride” events and activities, constitutes an infringement on the legal rights of Muslims.
We demand that every child deserves a coercion-free educational environment, where they are not forced to engage in activities contrary to their faith. In this regard, we call upon all politicians, school boards and districts, principals and staff to guarantee the safety and religious rights of all students, and to ensure students are not penalized for upholding their religious beliefs without enforcing them upon others.
We recognize the growing frustrations among parents with school boards and teachers overruling the right of parents to awareness and participation in their child’s education, both in class and in extra-curricular activities. While some Provincial governments have supported parental rights, others have yet to sufficiently clarify their stance on protecting the religious rights of both children and parents while implementing policies to safeguard such rights.
We call for government policies to balance between the rights of the parents as the ultimate deciders for their children’s education and values, and the government mandated obligations under their respective education legislation.
These concerns transcend the Canadian Muslim community, touching the hearts of families and communities across Canada.
We call for a unified front among diverse faith communities and all who uphold the tenets of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.'
WAR IS DECEPTION is a very well known Muslim saying.
Wait for the Oct 2025 election, then tell me if you think they voted as Individuals, or as one large Monolithic Block.
If we get there. I'm sure the intent is martial law to suspend elections for war in Taiwan next and ww3 to be declared or who pandemic treaty invoked for disease x or climate.
This is what a Prime Minister sounds like …
And this is what a Part-Time Drama Teacher sounds like …
There's no way to predict what this IDIOT will do next. A few days ago Rachel Emmanuel, a journo with True North said that she no longer believes Trudeau is misguided, but that he truly has a MALICIOUS INTENT. Brad Salzberg of CAP on SubStack, and a few others would agree with that too.
This really is a very scary situation. IMO Justin seemed to lose it when Gerald Butts left, and stopped whispering instructions in his ear.
There's little he can do now to save his A$$, other that hope for another opportunity to invoke the Emergencies Act . When he screws up he consistently Doubles-Down.
The US is very busy arming TAIWAN to the teeth. I'm reasonably certain that both Taiwan AND UKRAINE have a few NUKES.
When Putin jumps up and down yelling "NUKES ... NUKES ... NUKES !!!" he is admitting that Russia cannot win in a Conventional war.
Imagine what life in China would be like IF ONLY ONE NUKE hit Beijing.
The fat lady hasn't sung that they are Trudeau's anymore. MAC has definitely weighed in already on the rights of parents in school in ways no Christian leaders or Jewish leaders have. https://www.macnet.ca/2023/official-statements/statement-by-mac-on-statements-by-canadian-leaders-and-school-boards-on-recent-protests/
"September 25, 2023
The Muslim Association of Canada strongly condemns remarks on recent protests made by certain politicians, including our Prime Minister, as well as statements from school boards, unions, and reports from some media outlets.
By characterizing the peaceful protests of thousands of concerned parents as hateful, Canadian leaders and school boards are setting a dangerous precedent of using their position of influence to unjustly demonize families, and alienate countless students.
On Wednesday September 20th, thousands of Muslims, joined by other faith-based groups, protested to raise their concerns, calling for their rights as parents in relation to their children’s education. Their intent was to be heard, not to sow division. Parents should have the absolute right to advocate for the wellbeing of their children.
The statements from Canadian leaders and school boards increase the potential for Muslim children to face increased bullying and harassment in schools, both by educators and peers, a trend that’s already distressingly escalating. Civil rights organizations and Muslim organizations across the country have documented numerous validated accounts detailing situations where children have been coerced into activities that contradict their faith, or where parents teaching religious values to their offspring have been unfairly attacked.
We call on politicians and school boards, beginning with Prime Minister Trudeau, to retract their deeply inflammatory and divisive comments and issue an apology to the thousands of Canadian parents hurt by these comments."
They both advocate for parents and Muslim parents and for other faith groups. It was a good statement.
Forget the MAC ... The NCCM (aka CAIR or Muslim Brotherhood) is run by the top 12 IMAMS and it will determine the direction of CDN Muslims during the election.
Their base is upset. The MSM coverage of the parental protest woke a ton up to the media control. Many are choosing to home school. Some of their concerns involve the intense immigration because it keeps wages low and costs high, and because they need always to focus on helping integrate new families, which their communities do. Trudeau has not been good to Canadians, and I give them enough credit to see it. I do not know the 12 imams. I think if the globalists are successful, the faiths will be helping each more and more. In fact it will become a conduit of information, when all other sources are lost. If the globalists are defeated, it will be because people not used to coming together do. I will not judge other people's source of solace in a world that is frightening. I will not assume my brother is my enemy. I know the war now further polarizes people. But my eye is on this ball to defeat the globalists stalking us in every manner through all weaponized laws.
Read it about two months ago Jan 2024
This substack is under-rated….give it some LOVE today!!! Sharing is caring…..
New Crop Circle Decoded: "Wake Up Sheeple"
It appears to be a dire warning for the docile masses.
Just wondering, could countries declare treason on the basis of a foreign party such as an ngo or rogue state hijacking policy to instate totalitarianism in western countries. The hijacking of policy led to negative economic, political and social consequences. The people's health and well-being was is also negatively effected by these actions. The supposed leaders sat back and let this happen.
Do get me started on covid, net-zero and transgenderism.
Ah but so often the tyrant is knowingly elected or raised by..the people.
Who quite support the “tyranny” if it gives them what they desire.
Then later blames “the tyrant.”
No tyrant who remembers who put him there and what they are, and doesn’t lose wars is removed.
All politicians/tyrants gain their power via deceiving the so-called voter, so is their title of power and jurisdiction over the voter valid?
Deceiving? 🤣
Yes, in terms of complicity.
I suggest the foundation of their deception is the legal entity known as the citizen. A citizen is a legal fiction and isn't our property. So a vote is meaningless.
In about 1952 in Canada there was a law that forbade elected people from lying to the public.
Trudeau had this law stricken as well.
Is it likely they expect to be made accountable?
A reference to that would be nice.
Alas not saved, will keep an eye open for that