I want this evil to end.

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I am looking forward to the presentation in Kitchener next week. I want to learn more.

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Perhaps I am wrong Lisa but I saw where Ursula von der Leyen got herself elected as the president of the EU commission until 2029 by some guile and deceit methods . I saw how she was "in bed " with Bouria all through the virus debacle and wonder ,if any of this information could be related to this ongoing evolution with the intention of a one world government and health ? Also what are your suggestions with all this information since there is an overwhelming amount of stuff that is going on here as well with our own governments intentions, corruptions, and collusion .

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Getting involved locally. Picking a spot or an issue and pushing on that spot. Talking now like the names they call are nothing.

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Makes sense to me totally Lisa and have been involved since 2019 when I knew something was wrong . Involved with the ways I can re the national citizens inquiry , the nhppa, the CCCA , and doing what I can to help elect the individual I know running in our Don Valley West election . As you know , those that smear are the many , those that you know nothing John Snow are the many, and those who read and research anything are the few . Thank you Lisa for speaking up and writing about these issues .

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Unfortunately, from my understanding this evil must first come about. Satan must have his day in the sun. It’s for us to overcome, those of us still standing at the end of this age, we will experience the end of this evil and its supporters.

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We totally must not assume to know God's plans and assume that good men must pick a side.

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This is SURREAL but exactly like it was prophecied to happen towards a one world satanic government in God's Word, particularly in Revelation!

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I hope Europeans will stop this terrible project right in its tracks.

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Not funny but "tehdas" in Finnish is "factory".

Use of health data for secondary uses is not going to benefit the patient.

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Oh wow. Thank you.

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One of GOD's Beautiful and highly intelligent WOMAN working for the defense of Humanity who works tirelessly to present the data that humanity so desperately needs. Thank You for your work, may GOD Bless and Protect you.

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Thank you

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Do you anybody that could help ( lawyers): Anybody?

From: Arthur Firstenberg <info@cellphonetaskforce.org>

Date: October 31, 2024 at 6:00:33 PM EDT


Subject: The door is slamming - lawyer needed now

Reply-To: info@cellphonetaskforce.org


For the past nine years our organization, New Mexicans for Utility Safety (NMUS), has kept open the door labeled “Wireless technology is killing all life”. We need a lawyer, now, to prevent this door from finally slamming shut on us all.

New Mexico is the only state in the US, and possibly the only jurisdiction in the world, that has so far prevented the installation of smart meters on the basis of health and environmental protection. Beginning in 2016, NMUS has loaded successive smart meter proceedings with evidence that wireless radiation in general, and smart meters in particular, are lethal to living things -- people, birds, animals, plants, insects, and everything else -- and therefore should never be approved. And for the last nine years, the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC), has repeatedly denied applications for smart meters, while postponing the evaluation of that evidence. Now, the NMPRC has refused to ever evaluate that evidence.

On October 17, 2024, the NMPRC issued its Final Order on Public Service Company of New Mexico’s (PNM’s) latest application for smart meters. In its Order, it both approved the installation of 550,000 smart meters in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and other cities, and issued a threat to NMUS: henceforth the NMPRC will fine NMUS up to $100,000 for each document submitted by NMUS that mentions either health or environment.

The parties to this proceeding have until November 18 to either file a Motion for Rehearing with the NMPRC, or -- if no one files such a motion -- an Appeal of the Final Order in the Supreme Court of New Mexico. Since we will not know in advance whether anyone will file a Motion for Rehearing, and since we cannot afford fines of $100,000; and since only an attorney may represent an organization before our Supreme Court, we need to find a lawyer NOW.

So far, we have not found a New Mexico attorney who wants to file this appeal, but we do have a New Mexico attorney who is willing to sponsor an out-of-state attorney to file this appeal. If you are an attorney anywhere in the US who might be interested, please contact me ASAP. If you know an attorney who might be interested, please contact that attorney yourself and only contact me after you verify their interest.

In our Appeal, we will ask our Supreme Court to reverse the NMPRC’s approval of smart meters and to order the NMPRC to evaluate nine years and thousands of pages of both scientific evidence and worldwide testimony that smart meters sicken and kill people, pets, wildlife, and plants as soon as they are installed.

Smart Meters in New Mexico Are the Ideal Test Case

This is the ideal case to blast open the door and put a halt to the unrestrained global proliferation of a lethal technology. It is ideal (a) because there are presently no smart meters in most of New Mexico, and a precedent can still be set here; and (b) because there is no federal preemption of smart meters as there is of cell towers and cell phones. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 provides that states and local governments may not regulate cell towers or cell phones on the basis of health or environment. But there is no such preemption of smart meters. The NMPRC would be perfectly within its rights to prohibit smart meters throughout New Mexico on the basis of health and environment, and once this precedent is set, other states could follow suit. And once the truth is finally known, this precedent could then spread to the rest of the world, and the rest of wireless technology, to liberate our planet from this scourge of three decades and to rescue life on Earth.

Arthur Firstenberg

President, Cellular Phone Task Force

Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life

P.O. Box 6216

Santa Fe, NM 87502



+1 505-471-0129

October 30, 2024

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I sent your message to 🇺🇸 lawyers i know

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That's great!

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