The glitter science doesn't work
And in Canada the government continues to spend and invest millions of dollars of climate change schemes which make things worse or do nothing at all. Major fraud and total waste of tax payers money.
As far as I’m concerned, In the court of public opinion you have not lost a case.
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
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Take Action
"97 of the carbon sycke?" Are you trying to say cycle?
Also.........#19 "So we have two fronts them" WHAT <❓<
Them... net zero believers, green nutters and the totalitarians who use the green alarm for the purpose of a perpetual digital feudalism.
Yes cycle. Thanks for the edit. You're hired.
Good job questioning and always calling it out Lisa. You rock!
And in Canada the government continues to spend and invest millions of dollars of climate change schemes which make things worse or do nothing at all. Major fraud and total waste of tax payers money.
As far as I’m concerned, In the court of public opinion you have not lost a case.
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
Raise Public Awareness
Take Action
"97 of the carbon sycke?" Are you trying to say cycle?
Also.........#19 "So we have two fronts them" WHAT <❓<
Them... net zero believers, green nutters and the totalitarians who use the green alarm for the purpose of a perpetual digital feudalism.
Yes cycle. Thanks for the edit. You're hired.
Good job questioning and always calling it out Lisa. You rock!