Both my husband and I have asked our Conservative MP in Oxford County Ontario about aspects of geoenginerring. It was implied that it is something that MPs really don't discuss. The county is comprised of a few cities and towns between several farming communities. The idea of the lack of concern by MPs regarding citizens concerns is very frustrating 😑.

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Hey Lisa, Conservatives are Rockerfellers - at least those who know...

Have you heard of the Ogdensburg Treaty? Signed btwn FDR and Mackenzie King Aug 14, 1940? And again signed in 1947 the day before "oil was discovered in AB" https://youtu.be/K_Zp6UiEeVQ?si=DC-31ehedLe7FyG9&t=1711

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In Ontario area if you want straight answers ask Leslyn Lewis (MP for Haldimand Norfolk) or Cheryl Gallant (MP for Renfrew) Both are conservative. I have a beautiful hand written response letter from Cheryl from a few years back. Leslyn also has a substack here.

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Those who deny this is occurring don't look up and refuse to see. It's been obvious to me for about 20 years. Who is paying for it?

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The taxpayer. In the states, approximately 10 billion per year.

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I live in west texas. They have been intensely spraying for a few weeks now. The texas dept. of environmental 'quality" says they spray texas skies to help bring rain. This whole year has seen very little rain, much less than before. I truly don't know if they are trying for a fire to "Mange Relocation".

I do note that many people get sick from this and end up in the hospital or they die. We are losing so many animals as well.

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Lisa, it says you have 45 comments on this post but I can only see 3. Are there more than 3 comments? My Best, Jill

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I now see five. Honestly I'm shadow banned even here. I'm subscribed but never get my own substacks.

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I'm sorry about this Lisa but not surprised. You really take things on in a deep way. I'm sure this is not appreciated by those who are committing evil, but it IS appreciated by many other people who aren't psychopaths!

Keep up the good work!

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My husband is still in denial

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Well this is a professor authoring it. Might help.

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I feel your pain - mine too!

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Many have scales over their eyes. Look up Dane Wigginton geoengineering. Some people don't appreciate whst he does but there is over 100 patents on his website and they're easily verifiable. The rub is, it's not judt about screwjng up the weather, there's a poisoning aspect too. But start with getting them to accept the engineering.

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It doesn't matter if the plane farts are white (ice saturated condensed emissions = contrails) or

clear (non ice saturated plane farts) the part about all those planes in the sky that everyone calls 'chemtrails' is the pollution from these plane farts - and the application that air companies would benefit in carbon credits if they 'make more' ice saturated condensation trails = CONTRAILS.

These contrails leave behind Cirrus Homogenitus clouds - this is the idea of "making more contrails during the daytime" in order to reflect the sun by sky brightening versus "making less at night time" in which the sky is supposed to clear and allow the earths blanketed warmth from the day to release... only its NOT working!


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OK. We need to be serious. What would you do if someone unknown to you came into your home with family and kids and sprayed toxic chemicals all over the place, nearly EVERY day? You would call police, right? And if they ignored you, then what?

We need to find the instigators and their proxies and engage in our own justice with local DAs if there is no judicial recourse and it is proven that TPTB is attempting to shorten our lives. Otherwise, we are as insane as they are.

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People on Vancouver Island are wondering why the Arbutus trees are dying.

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In AB our premier was asked why the government allows this spraying and she said something about conspiracy theory.

Do we as tax payers for this poison to be sprayed on us? Who signs the invoices and pays them?

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Daniele is part of the Manning/Tavistock/Rockerfellers tribe:

Conservatives are Rockerfeller - at least those who know...

Have you heard of the Ogdensburg Treaty? Signed btwn FDR and Mackenzie King Aug 14, 1940? And again signed in 1947 the day before "oil was discovered in AB" https://youtu.be/K_Zp6UiEeVQ?si=DC-31ehedLe7FyG9&t=1711

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