
Will be forwarded to our local politicians & our Marxist press.

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This explains everything about the downfall of LA! Prosperity and safety cannot live in a land ruled by brainwashed fools with no sense of reality.

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$1M per acre to clean up a site. My guess is no professional business man would ever put the money up unless there was a payback. Another example of government throwing money at a problem and taking a loss. As I recall Love Canal in NY was solved with $5000. I watched an old contaminated factory site be remediated by stripping (pumping water up from contaiminated area and spraying into the air which is cheating but perfectly legal at the time), a cheap solution.

I was in a soil remediation building where soil was dumped on the floor and heated with infra red heaters to strip the volatiles. Not every remediation project has to be insanely expensive.

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Tomorrow, Monday January 20th dawns a new day.

This is so full of holes it's unbelievable people buy into the "Green New Deal" invented and run by the British Crown https://larouchepub.com/other/2021/4807-prince_charles_invented_green_nd.html

Keeps us in the slavery cog system.

So the current electrical load crashes routinely - summers due to high volume cooling devices, winters due to high volume heating and lighting demands on their electrical grid...

I know the LaRouche group are aligned with Trump and the development of the NAWAPA system, thing is they are putting the cart waaaayyyyyy before the horse on all things 'GREEN'!

THINK BIGLY! Why we should Buy Canada and Greenland and End the Drought in the Southwest


A lot of their plans align with Trump and the 51st State and the DNA Act with Canada and Mexico created in 2023 - not ratified lawfully at least. How different is this from Globalism truly???

The American Systems of Economics - built on a credit system would create sovereign nation states (from the Brits) as always the plan to reduce their influence against the BRICS...

but what of the common man and the Nature vs Man Made???

What will happen to life in the future appears outside our controls and current perspectives.

One thing we can do is start loving our neighbors no matter what their mindset is, start looking for common ground.

"Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW..."

"Get Together' Youngbloods


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Are those 16,000 new EV charging stations run using coal energy?

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So that is why the reservoirs were empty, and fire hydrants melted?. As for reducing polystyrene products the urban redevelopment area I live in is throwing up two story units, the second floor has three inch styrofoam stapled to the frame, and coated with render to look like concrete. If there is a fire the environment will become extremely toxic. Not to mention the wood utensils they now supply with take away food- full of PFAS , as a women’s hygiene products. Yep folks they’re saving the world.

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There's all this talk about zero carbon, reduced emissions, green energy, and so on. But these arguments contain a hidden assumption: that the energy available from alternatives has the same energy available from oil. They don't. There is much less energy available. In particular, the EROEI (Energy Returned On Energy Invested) is very close to 1:1; of course, the exact figure for the alternatives is disputed. It might even be less than 1:1 for some of them. This means that it is likely that in the future, if oil is banned (for private use), then there will be a lot less movement, and at the same time, since there is less energy input into the system as a whole, that the economy will decline. A corollary to the green energy scenario would seem to be sequestering the main mass of the population into camps (15 minute cities, by any other name), where movement is strictly controlled (banned, one might say). NWO/TPTB need less energy use by anyone other than themselves, which means fewer people on the whole, and less energy use per capita for those that survive.

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