The chem trails are part of the preparation for these forest fires, all part of the WEF!

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Herbicide sprays over the forests you mean? Those are definitely part of a fire creation concern... these are actual sprays though, not contrails or chem trails.

Our ministry of forest monoculture plans are a BIG part of the problem.

Check out the latest on fire stories in The Narwhal Magazine!

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Interview today with Dane Wiggington: https://www.brighteon.com/f515db12-fbd5-4392-8f2d-8af62e43c304

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Not a fan of the guy - he's all about pushing fear porn to gain readership than sticking to reality!

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How can you say that of a man who has literally been putting his life aside to warn the world about how bad geoengineering really is, for like 20+ years. Do you think he is doing this for his health and finances for readership? I myself believe it to be THE most dangerous happening on this planet right now. Everything else is moot. Nothing, absolutely nothing is worth more than our environment, without it nothing else matters! How about this lady, think she is doing it for readership too! https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/

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Follow the money - you want to find out why - there is much debunking on his work, there are those in it for the fearporn readership and money and there are those doing it for a better life for their children - and you betcha, Reinette makes good dough on her substack for the readership... But alas, it is superbly hard to pull the wool off peoples eyes. If you really want some info I can send you some debunking detailed work. But I suspect most will not be interested.

The common ground is that we will find in our opposing views on a particular feed is we both wish for a peaceful world and a healthy planet, we may have opposing views on what that looks like, but we have a common goal in mind.

So I will grant you that DW has definitely done a good job of waking up people to the concepts of GeoEngineering - but seriously, can you tell me what it is exactly? I wrote Gather2030 too (I see you shared Maggies substack on the Climate ENMOD post - I wrote a letter which corrected some of their terminology and gaps in honor of all the work they are doing to help in the political world.

So I'm sorry to say, people seemingly make attempts at comprehending things or buy into things without understanding what is actual truths.

Try figuring out exactly what IS geoengineering.

Thank you for all your courage to want to learn something about what is happening these days/

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I have nothing against them making money, they gotta eat too! I'm witnessing everyday the chemtrails in my little neck of the woods. I have documented in photos. The relentless rains we have had since Sept is far more than usual with maybe at most some days with some blue skies for maybe 1/3 of the day! saturating the ground so much so that the slightest wind blows a whole patch of them over. The dying burnt/scorched mature shrubs in my yard with no fires, burnt from the sun last summer which hardly was. The dying cedar trees for miles on end. The entire tree is red. This is highly unusual and happening mostly in the last 2 years. Geoengineering is poisoning our air and water with numerous types of chemicals, bacteria and god knows what else. Changing the very fabric of life on earth! They have no right and the whole climate change agenda is a lie to increase their bank rolls and to continue with their depopulation of the human species by 80%. These people are insane. Here's more of DW and what he has to say. https://www.brighteon.com/f515db12-fbd5-4392-8f2d-8af62e43c304

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Hi, I have watched enug DW and that's fine you are very much seeing similar to me in how our world is a shite show right now... what I really wish is to see a path through as equal in it's demise as the climate agenda is the development of divisiveness - do you also see how the divisiveness even amongst us with a common cause pulls out the rug from underneath us? It's time to put together our critical thinking caps. https://substack.com/home/post/p-154678408

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I posted this somewhere else, but it might be relevant here, too.

Altadena. It’s not the first time these hillsides have burned. Around 1960 there was a big fire in the Verdugo Hills (above Glendale): the whole hillside burned. The Bel Air fire was in 1962 (over near Pacific Palisades, of all places). Then there was another big fire in the San Gabriels above Altadena/Pasadena somewhere between 1958 and 1964; I forget exactly when. But before then if you were in the Rose Bowl looking north on a clear day you could see the San Gabriels, which presented a dark green aspect because of the continuous chaparral up there. After the fire it was mainly rather brown, and over the years the chaparral came back in places but not everywhere. Now, from glimpses offered by the news videos, it looks like the affected areas of the hills are a uniform beige – completely burned once again. What’s different this time is that the fire got down off the mountainside and burned houses in the residential area. From aerial photos it looks like about half or more of Altadena has been destroyed. It could be bad luck, but it might also be planning.

It looks suspicious, resembling Paradise, Lahaina, and elsewhere. Whole tracts of houses reduced largely to ash, but trees, shrubs, some plastic escaping. Cars with melted wheels and vaporized tires. Mayors out of town. Lack of water. Wind. Budget cuts to firefighting units, and so on. If it’s once, that’s curious. But the same scenario over and over again? It suggests planning. All this severe destruction then would likewise suggest a certain term: namely, war.

If you want to destroy a city, in the old days, a good way to do it is round the clock bombing: for instance Dresden. But it’s obvious where the bombs are coming from. Nowadays, with directed energy weapons, you can be, well, sneaky. Stealthy. We don’t know exactly how they are doing it, but it is known that if metal is subjected to strong microwave radiation, it can heat up to over 2,000 degrees, and ignite adjacent material, such as lumber. Maybe they have other ways to start fires over a wide area that we don’t know anything about. Of course there are cover stories: lightning, the stray arsonist, bad luck with the wind, whatever. It looks like war, the more you think about it, and add it up.

Geoengineering. Pretend it doesn’t exist. Fires everywhere: blame it on climate change. Gain leverage on the population as a whole, and bureaucrats in particular. Advance your agenda. What agenda are we talking about? It’s likely Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030. There are some who look back over a hundred years and seem to find a recurring pattern: using fire to accomplish social engineering goals, such as Reinette Senum, who recently published this post:


Now we are confronted with the idea that these most recent fires are meant to bring about a closer adherence to the 15 Minute Camps idea. Check, that’s 15 Minute Cities. Could be. Others suggest a land grab, or, more precisely, Disaster Capitalism, at its finest. That would suggest greed as the primary motivating impulse. But I can’t help thinking that pride is actually at the root of it. They, whoever they are (the New World Order boys), are obsessed with control. They adopt the posture, perhaps even to themselves, of having the finest altruistic motives for saving the planet and creating a manageable and sustainable future: yea, a paradise on earth. Of course they have to manage the dynamic themselves, and brook no opposition. Knowledge, Rule, Order. Sauron, we remember, was most excellent at ordering things efficiently…and even for the actual greater good, in the beginning.

But it’s easy to overlook the Theory of the Progression of Evil (“Evil men go from bad to worse”). If you’re going to wipe out various areas and cause numerous casualties for some nebulous ideal, that’s evil (apart from any other activities), and the expectation would be that more and worse manifestations of that evil state of mind can and will occur. There are some who have analyzed the progression of the evil state of mind in relation to pride (pride understood in its technical sense as a species of sin) and have concluded that, sooner or later, the person caught in the grip of pride will come to desire the annihilation of others, on general principles; for the fun of it, one might say. That’s what we’re seeing now. The New World Order boys are manifesting their desire for destruction in accordance with their perverted mentality. Not surprising, if they actually are under the influence of demonic entities (Bohemian Grove, etc.) as they seem to be.

So we are in a war, but it’s not one nation state against another; it’s the New World Order boys against everybody else. And it’s usually not bullets and high explosives deployed, as in the customary and usual wars fought during the 19th and 20th centuries, but it’s everything. A total campaign of subversion. They hate the United States (they hate everybody, but especially the US). Because the US Constitution expressly limits the power of the central gov’t. Moreover, the Constitution is based on acknowledging God as supreme sovereign. They really hate that. The US is also, or has been, strong in various ways, and on that basis disinclined to cede its sovereignty to a global, what should we call it: cabal. Cartel. So they want to get rid of the country, or at least weaken it enough so that it can’t resist the coming tyrannical New World Order.

What are their modes of attack? In D-Day we had coordination of the army, navy, and air force. But now we have much more. We are under attack from a variety of dimensions: physical, chemical, biological, psychological, social, spiritual. It’s all coming to a head. They’re trying to soften us up with the first five modalities. The decisive weapon will likely be the super-AI that all interested parties are striving so hard to produce. Once that appears it will have the smarts to convince anybody of anything, and acquire total control. Unfortunately, it will no doubt sequester the exercise of free will entirely to itself, and make it void in everyone else. But no one will notice; the super-AI may even be lauded, or perhaps even worshiped. AI as antichrist.

The trouble is, one wonders whether God is going to allow it. Probably not. Satan, super-AI, the New World Order boys, are likely to have the main objective of disallowing worship of God. That will not fly. The End, in the traditional Biblical apocalyptic sense, is very near.

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I guess the question now is who is actually running the US Military????

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War without bullets, you nailed it.

I read an excellent book by David A. Hughes (available as free download) who coined the term "Omniwar" to describe what we are seeing:


Quote from the book:

"World War III looks nothing like its two predecessors and is waged by the transnational deep state against populations using the novel methods of Omniwar, i.e. war waged in every domain, but clandestinely, so that the public does not recognise it as such."

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The institutions built to protect humanity are being used to commit mass genocide to enslave those who remain. Military men and women in a position that could change the course of things better start deciding who they work for ie humanity or Satan . This is the game.

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... well, we might tend to assume the PP fire didn't start by itself, LL, until we were informed about an Auto Fire in Ventura County, California?...

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This is where people get the conspiracy label - assumption.

The region was susceptible and had a fire in exact same location in 1938.

The Santa Anna winds were blowing strong and the fires fed them to become stronger.

David DuByne does ask some good questions let's wait for the answers: https://t.me/climateviewerchat/1/27083

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A forest fire where only houses and cars burn - far out.

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Hey these observations are great... how do we put a factual foundation to them to point the finger at a cause and lead us to the 'who dun it'?

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...my entire comment is intended as ironic and based on sarcasm!...it's obvious these fires are controlled...

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Darpa is very busy nowadays.

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...and on schedule?!...

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How do you know? What are your provable points, resources, acounts? If we can pin 'them' on things then we can hold them accountable.

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This tree expert's slideshow is an eye opener. As to the perpetrators I'd also recommend the book "Burn Back Better" about the Lahaina fires.


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Totally on board with these and in fact there are many many counter narratives, the point I am really having a hard time making is HOW do we PIN it on to A company, military, DARPA, government, UN or whatever - HOW do we clearly outline the historical and climate information to HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE?

And for that matter, since the courts are primarily seemingly buggered too, how do we the people gather with all our divisiveness, even though we have a similar cause, everyone has to prove their point and angle to be the one and not the others, however many out there like DW are completely feeding the narrative THEY want us to think... for who knows why until it's too late - like maybe they want us to be the cause of all air travel dies - for example...

So much shite - how does one filter and stay critical minded.

If you want me to watch a segment of this video, please share the timestamp to the slides - otherwise, it goes on my watch list sometime...

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Sure, it's proving it that's challenging.

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...nothing in terms of my meaning is based on assumption, also, i live near an area where i've encountered phenomena for years someone informed me seems like that at 'Skin Walker Ranch' among other things..subsequently reading some military documents reveal possible explanations that may shed light on these...imo u seem to be almost deliberately missing the point for some reason and in denial of militarily oriented technological developments and published agendas, and in terms of proof there is no amount of which will convince some people...also, courts are generally controlled...

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hmmm well share your intel would love it! :)

it would be great to actually build a case - but it's soooo hard to prove!

yes indeed courts are bought, but so are so many people shouting narratives and counter narratives... somewhere in there is some truth right?

Certainly the wayback and archives are going away too - but thankfully a man with forethought and his own server captured stories like Operation Popeye...


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...well, experiences are in one sense merely that, and are subjective…i don’t consider them intel…i might go into a couple of them sometime, one in particular, and to some acquaintances amazement, that was shortly after verified to an impressive degree by a high technology space operations source …however, there was more in my ‘report’…and my experience would be deemed impossible by most controlled scientists, this one goes back to August 31, 2012 in broad day light…i’ll let u know if i do describe it in written form…got to get some sleep now, take care and keep putting in ur own efforts… 🙏➕🙏...

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Well at least there is some proof from a guy who had the forethought to archive proof on his own server. Here's some proof on Operation Popeye for example. https://climateviewer.com/2013/11/17/it-was-a-conspiracy-military-experiments-on-unsuspecting-public/

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I love “The debate is over, climate change causes bad forest management,” that you posted. 😂

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Try some historical content and natural occurrences - perhaps, if we could prove it there was some weather modification, accidental or intentional... perhaps there was a criminal act on the ground, bottom line is, who are you draggin into the courthouse to hold accountable with facts...that stand up?


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DEW for the globalist smart cities and Agendas 2028/2030. Newsom is already out there celebrating. Wondering how those people that escaped their burning homes feel about his lack of care about the situation!

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Climate change? A weapon? Depends on who is changing the climate and why...

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How I see the polarity is, "is this climate change? or is this the climate changers?"

Impacts of accidental geoengineering is one thing but when there is intentional, then, there is a reliance on the lack of knowledge zone most people have on the skies.

Both camps of people whether they believe the climate narratives (with the foundations in the "Green New Deal" created by Prince Phillip and then Prince Charles, or they believe in the natural forces of rebalancing life on the planet, and we especially have to wonder when mankind is in it's path of previous recorded fires and floodplains why there is so much devasting destruction. What we can begin to realize is that there is a common ground - that of which the people in these opposing views want a healthy peaceful planet, I believe too majority of the people would prefer peace over war.

So in this, please consider that these narratives that have brought divisiveness even among family members is our first line and our bigger outer line needs to be to find a clear path for the betterment of all humanity.

The Schiller Institute has their pro-development and technological advancements from the proposal of water paths from Canada throughout the US with their NAWAPA project from the 1970's being brought back into the limelight. To clearing out the nasties that rule over the poor and compromise another's well being types. (So which coin toss did you hear about Trump the pedophilia side or something else more empowering for humanity? and how did this happen this polarity? what's REALLY true???)

Schiller Institute - LaRouche Org - Promethean Action directions:


Then we have those who want a more natural world, like the return to nature and our natural world. Which in an Indigenous way, has always found balance.

Somewhere, we need to have a planet that provides a safe landing for all its creatures the slither, creep, crawl and walk as the Bible outlined...

I'm not a fan of living in the hyper-connectivity spider inter-web of satellites in our troposphere nor am I a fan of the emf's and rf's bouncing around my head and especially not those of our pollinators.

But my choice seemingly has little voice in the matter. This is a concern in itself, we people have lost our voice in the government we created.

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We need to ask the people who are running the country some pointed questions and if they don’t answer they need to be held accountable

I asked our MLA about the constant spraying in our sky and she would not even answer me, what are we supposed to do?

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Your, & the usual comment "....communist policies...." is not correct per many National Socialists. It is "the enemy within" i.e. the joo. They control 99.9% of our government. The USA is a puppet of i$rahell.

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