Georgescu's arrest raises the question as to whether it occurred because the deep state is becoming desperate and is resorting to desperate measures or whether it now feels that it has become so powerful that is can openly act tyrannically with impunity, regardless of the increasingly vocal, global obloquy.

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They won't stop until we are fully subjugated by the Atheist and Satanic Kharzanian cabal, or dead.

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The globalist are too close to their goal to put the brakes on now. It is peddle to the metal, full speed ahead.

We better do everything we can to make them crash before we get run over !!!

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Sadly, the same thing could happen here in Canada. Satan knows his time is short.

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Freedom is infectious go for it.

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Terrible! The good ol' post-Weimar Republic Gestapo regime comeback, right?

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Now arrests are being made for people who make comparisons to Germany, Hitler and the death camps.. such comparisons are described by newspeak totalitarians, as minimizing the holocaust, and therefore Antisemitism (More like weaponizing). When real Antisemitism abounds.

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Hard to understand what’s wrong with them. They are surrounded by reminders of past corruption, authoritarian leaders and mass graves. Do people ever learn? One thing to understand, it’s not the majority that support these totalitarian tactics, which is why they need to use totalitarian tactics.

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Thanks for getting this out.

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