Humans in general are neither very smart nor very honest. Once Humanity accepted Money as a "God", this process became inevitable. The accumulation of Money and Wealth has become the ultimate measure of Worthiness and Intelligence. Those people who have achieved this accumulation, not surprisingly, view themselves as justified in ruling the Earth by whatever means.

The rest of the population are merely 'wannabees'.

The hubris and ignorance of our "Leaders" is astounding. People who cannot manage populations of rats and cockroaches, cannot hope to lead Humanity, to anything but disaster. Their offspring will reap the results.

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Apparently if you talk to an adult like they're 12 years old in adverts it bypasses their critical reasoning skills, and they respond like 12 years old. Psyops are well designed for maximum effect.

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Hey; What can we say, or do? Humans are not an admirable species. I also have many failings and weaknesses. But, I would like to leave a little Liberty for future generations?

These "Elites" are so blind to the results of their petty manipulations! The Hive Queens are as much slaves as the workers.

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Behind the green mask was an excellent book. It exposed, among many other things, the Delphi technique of running public meetings to give the façade of seeking public input when in fact they had no intention of acting on any of it.

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She tried to get the word out but not many listened then....will we now?

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Despite the darkness described by this Australian politician, Jeffrey F. Tucker's article in Brownstone highlights signs of hope through legal victories against administrative overreach. It underscores the importance of continued vigilance and advocacy for rights and liberties. Ultimately, it portrays a somber view of current affairs while leaving room for optimism through ongoing efforts to reclaim foundational freedoms and integrity in governance. [https://brownstone.substack.com/p/its-darkest-before-dawn]



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Paul Keating signed Australia up for Agenda 21 in Rio in 92. Without consulting the public. Agenda 21 was about a thousand pages. It was the blue print for Humanity. Agenda 21 opened the door for the United Nations to take control of Australian land through Mabo(indigenous land rights).

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Great group of resources. Thank you!

I have been writing a series on the global depopulation on my Substack that has additional resources that complement these:


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Rosa Koire was taken from us too young.

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