There’s a solid 1/3 of the population that are easily led by the nose and always will be. There’s another one third that is eternally skeptical. And there’s 1/3 in the middle that goes along to get along, unfortunately usually siding with the nose ring people. I can only hope that the people in the middle this time have had their eyes opened.
That would be Mass Formation Psychosis, very few critical thinkers amongst us. As the WEF King of Britain says, "let them eat bugs", as his pawns kill off all the livestock.
I'm thinking there will be far less compliance. For each of their chaos plays it brought in new awake. And then the immigration from despotic regimes never trusts their governments. The laws of unintended consequences will apply.
Sadly over here the brainwashed are everywhere. I am struggling to find more than 10 awake people in the entire county of Dorset. If there is any more they are too scared to speak out. It is like living in the worst kind of Hollywood dystopian film. We have a long way to go. Everyone is so fucking polite it gets on my wick!
I leave fliers laying around. Sometimes its just patent numbers for viruses, geo-engineering, it gets seeds planted. Sometimes it's easier than just screaming your government wants you dead! Which is what I want to do.
I’m 82 not jabbed Should the worse come I pray at my tender years “I’m not so tender still shovel snow ,snowshoe and active” it will be the hill I will die on!!! From my cold dead hands…easy to say at my years! This is WWIII…they are killing us willy nilly yet
I hate yo say it,but, they live under the thumb of socialism and nice as they are they just only know how to “obey”. It’s in their genes. Look how they line the streets for the “Royals”…
"WHO have stated that these changes do not have any public health significance." as they utter under their breath, 'they told us that they finally got this gain of function changes to this thing right this time. They swore that it will now be easily transmitted to humans and kill them off!'
Not playing that game, didn’t play it the first time and won’t for any others. I laugh in their face or as Monty Pythons be said “I fart in your general direction”. That is hail to the king of course 🤪
What are the chances multiple viruses would be jumping from animals to people suddenly. Not seeing respiratory illness in the healthy population or even the covid jabbed. However the severe high blood pressure for young mothers continues. No one talks about that...
Hey hey no need to dis vegans!! Been one since way before the plandemic! Hopefully people don’t get forced into it with the mRNA in the meat supply- I think it’s a choice we should all have to make.
I know there’s conflation between whole foods vegans and those eating Gate’s chemical non foods… gah - god love the ones eating the vegan chemicals for the love of animals but know lots of us are onto that nasty business now too.
As the WEF King of Britain says, "let them eat bugs", as his pawns kill off all the livestock. Lack of critical thinkers who, by the time they wake up from their video game world, will no longer be allowed to think. A brain is such a terrible thing to waste...
There’s a solid 1/3 of the population that are easily led by the nose and always will be. There’s another one third that is eternally skeptical. And there’s 1/3 in the middle that goes along to get along, unfortunately usually siding with the nose ring people. I can only hope that the people in the middle this time have had their eyes opened.
I feel that the awake are 45 per cent now. So we will see.
That would be Mass Formation Psychosis, very few critical thinkers amongst us. As the WEF King of Britain says, "let them eat bugs", as his pawns kill off all the livestock.
I just wish the public would tell the parasites to crawl back into their stinking holes but that would be impolite.
The peasants will comply.
I'm thinking there will be far less compliance. For each of their chaos plays it brought in new awake. And then the immigration from despotic regimes never trusts their governments. The laws of unintended consequences will apply.
Sadly over here the brainwashed are everywhere. I am struggling to find more than 10 awake people in the entire county of Dorset. If there is any more they are too scared to speak out. It is like living in the worst kind of Hollywood dystopian film. We have a long way to go. Everyone is so fucking polite it gets on my wick!
Sounds awful.
I have recently found the 10 awake locals so it is getting slightly better but we need to multiply faster.
I leave fliers laying around. Sometimes its just patent numbers for viruses, geo-engineering, it gets seeds planted. Sometimes it's easier than just screaming your government wants you dead! Which is what I want to do.
I’m 82 not jabbed Should the worse come I pray at my tender years “I’m not so tender still shovel snow ,snowshoe and active” it will be the hill I will die on!!! From my cold dead hands…easy to say at my years! This is WWIII…they are killing us willy nilly yet
they still walk amongst us!
God almighty! England is certainly under siege!
I hate yo say it,but, they live under the thumb of socialism and nice as they are they just only know how to “obey”. It’s in their genes. Look how they line the streets for the “Royals”…
I fear it’s not sinking in yet. Most are still asleep.
Not one word is ever mentioned even close to all these rabbithole problems. Canadians are oblivious😢🇨🇦
1. Current global situation
• We remain in WHO pandemic alert phase 3 with limited avian (H5N1)
transmission from birds to humans. Up to 14 July WHO reports a total of 230
cases with 132 deaths. New cases have recently been reported from
Indonesia and China.
• A family outbreak has been reported from Indonesia where an index case in
an middle aged family member gave rise to 5 secondary cases in close family
contacts and a further 2 contacts of them. There were 7 deaths. WHO
investigated the outbreak and consider this to be a family cluster without
evidence of sustained human to human transmission.
• There have been reports in the media about genetic changes being identified
in the recent virus isolates from Indonesia. Influenza A viruses mutate
normally during any infection and minor changes are to be expected. WHO
have stated that these changes do not have any public health significance.
26 JULY 2006 ....
If the news were to suddenly go away, so would the virus.
That’s what happened to the Amish😱!
"WHO have stated that these changes do not have any public health significance." as they utter under their breath, 'they told us that they finally got this gain of function changes to this thing right this time. They swore that it will now be easily transmitted to humans and kill them off!'
Nope. People have been poisoned by nanotechnology, and Gain-of-function story fits the narrative nicely (virus/fear/vaccine).
And here in BC we have the potential to save lives with Ostrich antibodies showing immunity from Avian Flu, but no, the powers that be want them destroyed!
Not playing that game, didn’t play it the first time and won’t for any others. I laugh in their face or as Monty Pythons be said “I fart in your general direction”. That is hail to the king of course 🤪
What are the chances multiple viruses would be jumping from animals to people suddenly. Not seeing respiratory illness in the healthy population or even the covid jabbed. However the severe high blood pressure for young mothers continues. No one talks about that...
And I don't believe in viruses.
I know that people die/disease because of toxins, and these are given in tests, drugs, injections, in water, air, etc.
Hey hey no need to dis vegans!! Been one since way before the plandemic! Hopefully people don’t get forced into it with the mRNA in the meat supply- I think it’s a choice we should all have to make.
I know there’s conflation between whole foods vegans and those eating Gate’s chemical non foods… gah - god love the ones eating the vegan chemicals for the love of animals but know lots of us are onto that nasty business now too.
No just trying to control people again
As the WEF King of Britain says, "let them eat bugs", as his pawns kill off all the livestock. Lack of critical thinkers who, by the time they wake up from their video game world, will no longer be allowed to think. A brain is such a terrible thing to waste...
I know it is all a scam but Canada has a lot of sheep who will follow along aimlessly.
"Viruses".... Like Santa Claus?
Ostrich Cull coming in Edgewood British Columbia, Canada. Bird flu. It's starting. Mask up or stand up. Time to choose.