Jul 28Liked by LawyerLisa

Hi Lisa

I believe this quote from your writing touches on the most grounding revelation our spoiled humanity can experience -

“This world has seen great evil, continues to see great evil. Imagine living through WW2 and not wondering then if end times were upon them” -

Once the whining and accusations stop pandering to the elitist script; the victimization will be replaced by an instinct to survive. I say, the oxymoron of arrogance and tolerance being coupled in a society of ‘useless eaters’ has finally exposed its forked tongue.

You are right, the good times are over - we must recognize the unrelenting attack from within our own government, and from all 3 levels.

I will not conform, nor will I run. All I have is the will to fight those stupid humans.


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Who would have thought that Switzerland, the country with a cross for a flag would also be the heart of darkness.

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It reminds me of the explanation an old testament religious scholar made that the New Testament was actually a banking charter written in codified language for how chosen people were to run banks and world banking systems.

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The article reports BIS collaborated to 'sell gold seized by the Nazis'. Firstly, Germany had expelled international bankers, put an end the deeply destructive and nation destroying usury of the Weimar Republic and ushured in an economic miracle to go from the most impoverished country in Europe to the world's sole superpower in the space of 5 years. All this whilst the Roosevelt and the US government was seizing gold of its citizens by way of Executive Order 6102, on top of the wealth transfer facilitated by the Fed Reserve (as Alan Greenspan admitted) by way of the Great Depression. It is worth a good look in the history of theft, looting and piracy by these banks - BIS included.

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The Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) includes the following influential central bankers:

1. François Villeroy de Galhau (Chairman) - Governor, Bank of France

2. Jerome Powell - Chairman, Federal Reserve System (USA)

3. Christine Lagarde - President, European Central Bank

4. Andrew Bailey - Governor, Bank of England (UK)

5. Haruhiko Kuroda - Governor, Bank of Japan

6. Yi Gang - Governor, People's Bank of China

7. Luis de Guindos - Vice-President, European Central Bank

8. John Williams - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (USA)

9. Ignazio Visco - Governor, Bank of Italy

10. Gabriel Makhlouf - Governor, Central Bank of Ireland

These individuals are among the most influential figures in global monetary policy and financial regulation, and they play a crucial role in shaping the BIS's agenda and decisions.

Please note that the composition of the Board may change over time due to rotations or changes in central bank leadership.

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Notice there are 10 heads in the BIS, no president, rather a chair person. This stirs up Daniel’s vision in my mind. In other words, the 10 heads with the little horn yet to be revealed

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True leaders create other leaders.

Follow no one.

Create agency within yourself. And do it with Courage.

Fuck the powerful, they are the weakest of the weak. Hence their need for power.

Mock them and laugh your way home.

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They are the Casino and we are the gamblers. The cards are stacked against us. Quit betting on them to help us. They won’t. They will just keep taking our money and everything else we have.

The House always wins. !!!

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You have so many good ideas Lisa and I love watching your videos.

I have a Substack I've been uploading to.

If you have time to please let me know what you think about it.

Thank you.

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well if the same kosher tribe did not control the banks and the media maybe we could believe stories like this.

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