Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by LawyerLisa

How can we get the word out. I am still hearing family, friends, neighbours and co-workers talking about covid, like it is separate from the flu. I hear people talking about their declining health over the last few years and not making connections. I have heard people still saying that covid is to attribute to their loved one's serious illness or death and not the vaccine. When I mention about the gene therapy and how the harms are there, I am not being listened to. I work in a childcare I can us falling under the pandemic hoax again.

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I have come to the conclusion that all we can do is warn them and back up our claims with articles and documentation to prove our claims.

We can’t make people believe if they are not willing to look.

I feel your frustration as I too still have family and friends that don’t want to look even though many have died and have had terrible adverse events.

Like the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

You did the right thing to warn them. It’s up to them to take heed of those warnings.

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Use game theory to our advantage. Put stickers theylied.ca every single time you go out. It's "the pack" that matters to the. They practice their whole life on how to be in the middle of it. We have to signal ALL THE TIME where the pack is. If you are being ignored individually then speak to strangers, and signal to others. Not doing the mask again say to cashiers in line. Not doing the clot shot. Say it aloud again and again. Say it to people not in your influence. We dismiss our loved ones but believe strangers. For town or city meetings join action4canada. In the UK join #together. Every where else ho to school board meetings and meet each other there.

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AFTER 4 YEARS????!!!! Do people understand what the hell is happening in the world????

“How can we get the word out?” If you’re STILL pushing this insanity, it’s pointless. That’s called stupidity!

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I would also say, what is not coming from a point of stupidity, that most mainstream candidates have been taken by the agenda. The 17 Sustainable Developmental Goals are actually a control mechanism. It will lead to a control of money and natural resources. It is intended to control the behavior of people under the guise of environmental protection. The protection, if taken without question, will lead to restrictive and damaging policies surrounding collective health and safety. Most candidates have been influenced by this agenda.

I am Canadian. I see this country in distress. I see the censorship is being used to hide the truth.

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Renee, I know what is happening is for destruction. It is to depopulate under the guise of an orchestrated emergency.

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I’ve known this for years. Losing my job, simply validated my assumptions.

“Living With Agenda 21”, Dr. H. Lawrence Zillmer…this was written in 2012!

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I have pretty much given up on talking to the people who have between 4-10 jabs, whats the point, they're going to succumb to their jabs sooner than later so let them enjoy what time they have left.

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Donald J. Trump should campaign on this information. If DJT does not admit he was duped about the Covid 19 vaccines that are not vaccines, he has no credibility about going after big-Pharma and the “safety” of their toxic products. It is a contradiction in terms. People forget:

1. Trump is a nationalist, and he is the existential enemy of the globalist elite and its Great Reset.

2. Trump is a germaphobe––it is his personal, psychological, emotional, social, and political weakness exploited by the globalist elite to deceive him.

3. The entire COVID-19 debacle is a lethal psyop powered by fear.

4. The entire man-made climate change narrative is an economic psyop powered by fear.

5. And then there is Voltaire: Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

6. COVID-19 + Man-Made climate change are absurdities that have resulted in massive atrocities commited by people who are overwhelmed with fear.

7. The globalist elite social engineers are gifted strategists who know what they are doing. Their massive and coordinated propoganda campaign is a sinister psychological operation designed to reduce the world's rational adult population to psychological children, and to paralyze the world's young children in a state of mind before the development of critical thinking. You would be hard pressed to find a 10 year-old who does not believe in the overarching threat of man-made climate change, or that masks will keep them safe from Covid.

8. We are a world at war: Globalism v. Nationalism

9. It is an Orwellian informational/psychological assault on humanity that markets war as peace, freedom as slavery, and ignorance as strength.

10. Knowledge is power. The globalist elite live in the safety of factual objective reality where they control the narrative of absurdities. Those who insist on living in the fiction of safety provided by subjective reality, empower the globalists and cooperate in the war against themselves. Denial is not a survival strategy.

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Trump KNEW exactly what he was doing! And he did it anyway. After voting for him twice, I woke up…BIG TIME!

I went down the rabbit hole, and it’s not pretty.

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Donald J. Trump should campaign on this information. If DJT does not admit he was duped about the Covid 19 vaccines that are not vaccines, he has no credibility about going after big-Pharma and the “safety” of their toxic products. It is a contradiction in terms.

People forget that:

1. Trump is a nationalist, and he is the existential enemy of the globalist elite and its Great Reset.

2. Trump is a germaphobe––it is his personal, psychological, emotional, social, and political weakness exploited by the globalist elite to deceive him.

3. The entire COVID-19 debacle is a lethal psyop powered by fear.

4. The entire man-made climate change narrative is an economic psyop powered by fear.

5. And then there is Voltaire: Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

6. COVID-19 + Man-Made climate change are absurdities that have resulted in massive atrocities commited by people who are overwhelmed with fear.

7. The globalist elite social engineers are gifted strategists who know what they are doing. Their massive and coordinated propoganda campaign is a sinister psychological operation designed to reduce the world's rational adult population to psychological children, and to paralyze the world's young children in a state of mind before the development of critical thinking. You would be hard pressed to find a 10 year-old who does not believe in the overarching threat of man-made climate change, or that masks will keep them safe from Covid.

8. We are a world at war: Globalism v. Nationalism

9. It is an Orwellian informational/psychological assault on humanity that markets war as peace, freedom as slavery, and ignorance as strength.

10. Knowledge is power. The globalist elite live in the safety of factual objective reality where they control the narrative of absurdities. Those who insist on living in the fiction of safety provided by subjective reality, empower the globalists and cooperate in the war against themselves. Denial is not a survival strategy.

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Just yesterday my friend tried desperately trying to reach a former friend who’s 5 shots in and now has turbo cancer… she asked me to send links I had on the jabs and turbo cancer so I sent 1/2 dozen from Dr Makis including videos which my friend forwarded to her friend in BC and asked me to pray for her friend.

The upshot? Her friend completely blocked her on everything as well as did her entire family and her friend said I’m not reading anything that you send. My friend said I give up, they’d rather go to their deathbed not knowing the truth. She was pretty upset.

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