Feb 18Liked by LawyerLisa

Net zero is suicide pac ideaology, not science.

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Feb 18Liked by LawyerLisa

Will the global elite care how much of the world’s arable land or previously occupied small towns are covered with solar cells or windmills since they’ll still be using vilified fossil fuels? Or is this all a load of BS envisioned to further depopulate the heathens and stuff the survivors into 15-minute cities?

And regarding nuke plants there’s always that pesky problem of dangerous spent fuel lingering around for how long with still inadequate disposable methodologies - or did I miss something new on that front?

Good read to start my Sunday. Thanks, Lisa. Think I’ll grab my Bible now.

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It's the filler that convinces the sheep we are solving for Climate and not erecting political entities that are feudalism.

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I don't think they care about carbon dioxide. But they do care about oil. They want to conserve the declining oil reserves for their own use on into the indefinite future. That means there has to be far fewer of us, in the first place. It also means that we -- the remainder -- have to be controlled down to the last detail, so we can't make trouble for them, their progeny, their religion (if any), and their ideology. All this arm-waving about carbon dioxide, global warming, and so on, is probably the strategy they've hit on (after running innumerable alternatives through their think-tanks) to get the most cooperation out of us -- the common people.

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Oil in an ice age would be vital. I did a post on how much nuclear detination has occurred since ww2 mostly in oceans and the poles. Imagine the heating and disruption to climate patterns those blasts invoke. And here is your carbon passports

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I think they already know their net zero goals are impossible anytime soon and have no real intentions of getting there.

For the psychos conjuring up this shit, its about carbon taxing the whole world and social engineering.

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Its the part in the magic trick where you are distracted. All the while they build the digital gulag.

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