Food in Western Canada has gone up so much that I worry for our elderly and poor, they are now buying food at the Dollar stores. Our family is very fortunate to have enough money to live comfortably but if I see someone in the grocery line who can't pay, I help them.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20Liked by LawyerLisa

Awful perspective, indeed. If Argentinian President Javier Milei could courageously say what he did at the Davos annual convention, I would opine that Mr. Pierre Poilievre could do the same, once elected Prime Minister... in the face of King Charles.



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The link between the carbon tax and Technocracy of the 1930's and the rise of Technocracy today, it is not just the socalled expert technocrat today but also the return in an update form of the Technocracy philosophy of the 1930's.

To study and understand what the return of technocracy in an updated format today is the technocracy web site is worth a study https://www.technocracyinc.org/ and yes Elon Musk's maternal grandfather was a leader of Technocracy in Canada during the 30's and 40's - even went to jail because he was a technocrat in the 1940's

In my opinion there are strong similarities between fascism and technocracy and one could say that while Europe had fascism in the 1930's the North American equivalent was Technocracy. The "blueprint" for today and going forward was laid-out by the Fascist/Technocrats of the 30's.

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You know in Canada these comparisons get school board trustees ousted from their positions. Therefore you walk into being removed in Canada for these very comparisons. I discourage it because there are a fine number of ways to criticize the operation of the technocracy without going there. It is now weaponized for silence. It is so effective as the argument is that if you use the comparison, it means you are anti-semitic and are dismissing the horrors of the Holocaust. As such I do not think it is either nice for those who are so sensitive that they do believe you are dismissing the worst of the worst in humanity OR for those who are mentioning it as a comparison for voicing dissent to power and the power uses those words for further silence. JUST DON'T GO THERE. ALL THE CANADIANS SILENCED IN THIS FASHION are not likely even close to being antisemitic (some are even Jewish) but that doesn't matter for the argument to succeed. And then we lose those freedom fighters in key positions. We just have to be smarter than the opponents. And this is a no go zone. Maybe for you it isn't. Also I've noticed that there are lots of people encouraging us to make those comparisons. circulating those memes, hoping I guess we walk into the trap. Canadians in particular despite having a Parliament that gives actual Nazis standing ovations, should not use those comparisons. Defeating fascism today might just mean not saying there were other fascists in history.

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In its public outings, Technocracy Inc. had an oddly militaristic look. Its members, both men and women, wore tailored grey suits and drove cars that they also painted grey. They greeted each other with salutes. To Scott’s critics – which included many of his former allies – the uniforms and salutes were evidence of a penchant towards authoritarianism https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk/

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My concern too, in fact very much a big part of Technocracy concerns me and where I feel things are headed if we do not stop them

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Thank you for sharing! Everyone needs to share!

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June 2020, through the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset. https://www.royal.uk/prince-wales’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset

The Oath of Allegiance Act in Canada requires 'every' public official to take an oath to the Queen; now King Charles III. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/O-1/page-1.html

Isn't taking an Oath to King Charles III consent to one world governance and the great reset? Did you know the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that elected representatives have no legal duty to constituents? https://can.politics.narkive.com/dIfMdEx5/to-those-who-wanted-the-j-wilton-littlechild-m-p-v-citizens-of-canada-case

Voting is consent to give our power of attorney to politicians to make decisions in our absence that become the norm. The alleged covid pandemic proved this is so.

Perhaps revelations have deeper meaning and opportunities, to re-evaluate beliefs that divide us and limit our collective potential to transform harm into harmlessness.

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