Tomorrow we get hit with a 25% tariff from Trump, so on top of the carbon taxes Canadians will be screwed even more but Trump doesn't give a shit, he thinks by doing this he'll force our stupid Liberal gov to act, don't hold your breath Trump, and no we don't want to become American.
His demands. 1 fentanyl getting in. We could clean up our fentanyl disaster too. 2. Illegal immigrants. We do have a problem. We could spend on that and reclaim Canada. 3 military spend. Counter proposal we leave the WHO and UN and use the funds.
Very wise idea … for both organizations. The US has already announced these withdrawals. Before any further election in Canada is held it needs to be made a law that belonging to the WEF translates into also representing Communism. Canada is a Democratic country … the “True North Strong and Free”. Freedoms hard won and many lives lost in fighting world wars. Yet CCP police stations have received approval and were built in Toronto? Why? Who can explain this?
Perhaps this law will require a sworn statement and signature required prior to, and even now, to ensure the candidates and incumbents in all parties running and now in power are vetted with this new regulation/requirement/law in order to legally qualify to represent the population of Canada. Canada has given millions and billions of dollars to non Canadian countries. We are now told that our economy
The time is right for this change and the time is NOW. God bless the people of Canada and the Americas. 💟☮️
Lawyer Lisa ,you are the best! and while I am here, this old chestnut," The pharmaceutical industry is a blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity". I've read that they are ,for many reasons, going bankrupt. Billions in bribes would be one of them. Scum sucking pigs, may they rot in hell.
Trump is creating a Bi-Polar World instead of aligning with the BRICS concept of multi-national world with Sovereign Countries (don't get me wrong here I"M NOT for any of this globalized and centralized imperialisms... BUT there has been very few moments in history when we the people have not be cast as the slaves feed the cog system under the British (&US) measures.
Make no mistake people who are living through this 3 Ring Circus Shit show of United States politics are FED UP WITH THESE ANTICS OF CORRUPTION...
Decades upon decades of corruption filling our People's Houses-
U.S. Congress-
With UNITED NATIONS REPRESENTATIVES...all bought and paid for with TAXPAYERS DOLLARS or CORPORATE BIG PHARMA 🤔 which is basically the same thing. AGENDA 2021 began a long long time ago. Welcome the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives to your towns whether you have invited them or not !
Same goes for voting in another Rockerfeller/Manning family member Pollievre!
Check out the Ogdensburg Treaty of 1943 between FDR and Mackenzie King - giving Canada to the US. Signed on a napkin at that time, this was re-signed in Feb 12 1947 - the DAY BEFORE - "OIL was found in AB"
WE have another issue with the family tree and Danielle Smith also!
If you click on that video link, the show notes provides all the documentation by Boychuk or pm me Lisa and I will send along.
Mackenzie King signed Canada over to FDR on Aug 14, 1943
Then again in 1947 as stated above - the key behind the value of all that resource rich oil fields was that day given away for free - zero royalties to the US... why the country is impoverished, yet the richest in resources and water.
What also is apparent is the amount of facade we have been given by some very talented mass psychosis known as msm.
Canada has had official censorship since 1941 ( but was implemented shortly after start of WWI actually)
In Canada according to Boychuk, The Manx & Cole families built the Progressive Conservative party as a challenge to the Rockerfellers causing some patriotism. They groomed Peter Lougheed and for a short time, we had a chance at sovereignty.
Meanwhile the Manning's built the Socred's - and tried to absorb Lougheed, it explains why even though he won 75 out of 78 seats in the election mid 80's there was made some examples of people dying that intonated the cause of him stepping down.
Danielle Smith is part of the Manning family echelon - SO IS Poilievre!
… my apologies… please read within my above comment….
We are now being told that our economy has failed and almost completely decimated the middle class establishing just the rich and the poor. Not once did the current government or any other party actually champion an approach to the Canadian people via a referendum as to where the public wanted THEIR tax dollars spent… not once!
The politicians in power and the WEF members/ advisors seem to believe we will continue to accept being told mis truths, half truths and arbitrary unsubstantiated Mandates. Will we?
It's called patriarchy and has always and will always produce war, misery, hunger, destruction and suffering. Some day people will educate themselves enough to realize that we lived in a Matriarchal Structure here on Turtle Island prior to the arrival of the ships with their bibles. No guns, no police, no jails, no hierarchy. And this is the ONLY SOLUTION for the future. Women have the maturity and wisdom to clean up the mess and organize everything because that is just who we are and what we do. Imagine a world with80% less men for just 5 years!
What did Canadians really expect? What did we think our future was going to look like with what passes for government in Ottawa? How did any of those politicians get into office? Oh right... we voted. Things got worse, and we Canadians sat in our Tim Hortons or by the office water cooler slamming how bad the government is and then..... we did nothing. We waited until the enxt election, argued the talking points placed before us by the owned media, didn't really research anything deeper than news soundbytes and we voted again.... and things got worse. How Canada handled the C-vidd issue demonstrated how programmed we Canadians are, how gulliuble and programmable we are.
The USA suffered similarly, disastrous leadership, if any at all, from the Democrats and reducing America to the point of WW3, its potential dollar collapse threshold, and a failing economy. Then along comes Trump and somehow convinces a majority to vote for him.... depsite all the years of demonizing and ridiculing him, despite his being charged with civil offences.
The Democrats and the Canadian Liberal government sold out much of each country to foreign corporate interests while we peasants slept. Gender fluidity, pronouns, white privilege and guilt, D.E.I, obscene literature in grade schools were the issues of focus and energy.... while each nation slid closer to bankruptcy, fiscal and moral.
So along comes a guy like Trump who wants to change all that the majority of people asserted was wrong with the Dem administration. Is he extreme..?. hell yeah ! All the while Trudeau catered to his globalist gurus, selling off Caanadian sovereignty and freedoms to the WEF and others. So would we want a Trump for Prime Minister? Nope... well some Canadians might.... more by the week.
But the question has to be asked as to why Canadians are ready for a Trump-like leader? Because the liberal agenda has brought Canada to its economic knees.... and the great insult to injury is Trudeau giving money to other nations while he cares not a lick about Canadians battling inflation, unaffordable housing, increased homelessness ( I mean unhoused persons), long waiting lists for medical care, etc. They are tired of all the polticial correctness and much ado about nothing of substance. Toronto declares a food insecurity emergency ??? Seriously? Canada?? But no worries because if Canadians get too depressed about their situation, there is always the MAID program to relieve them of their plight.
Trump will do what he needs to do to clean house, right, wrong, or extreme.... while the Canadian PM prorogues Parliament. At a time of crisis, and make no mistake, Canada is in a crisis, the leader suspends government, a nation with no real leadership ... and you wonder why Trump sees an opportunity to absorb Canada as the next state??? Oil and gas and Uranium and lithium $$$$$$.
We have to stop blaming what Trump is doing or might do. WE voted in the inept corrupt government we have while Trump wasn't even on the radar. The question is what are WE Canadians gonna do to make Canada even mediocre, never mind great. If you don't like Conservative government, then fix the Liberal leftie government. It is a good thing that Canada has socialized medicine because maybe we can get a backbone implanted into Canadian backs.
Canada, we got what we got cuz we did noting to affect real change. We thought for ourselves, not what was good for all Canadians. WE invested in special interest agendas and we fell for the C-vidd scam which has mountains of evidence to prove the govt was complicit in the crimes of the madnates etc. Canada will need an extreme leader to clean up the mess we allowed to happen, the mess we voted in and for which we did not hold government accountable.
Canadians can assuage their concerns with the knowledge that China's people are employed making things for us Canadians. Good for China eh? China is a much bigger concern for Canadians than Trump is or will be. There is almost nothing we buy, consume or use that isn't from China .... b-b-but... Trump ... Orange Man say??
America will sink or swm under Trump's administration.... So we can choose to watch, ridicule, or criticize it... or we can start figuring out how to keep Canada afloat,...or else start passing out life jackets,.... preferrably not made in China.
Tomorrow we get hit with a 25% tariff from Trump, so on top of the carbon taxes Canadians will be screwed even more but Trump doesn't give a shit, he thinks by doing this he'll force our stupid Liberal gov to act, don't hold your breath Trump, and no we don't want to become American.
His demands. 1 fentanyl getting in. We could clean up our fentanyl disaster too. 2. Illegal immigrants. We do have a problem. We could spend on that and reclaim Canada. 3 military spend. Counter proposal we leave the WHO and UN and use the funds.
Very wise idea … for both organizations. The US has already announced these withdrawals. Before any further election in Canada is held it needs to be made a law that belonging to the WEF translates into also representing Communism. Canada is a Democratic country … the “True North Strong and Free”. Freedoms hard won and many lives lost in fighting world wars. Yet CCP police stations have received approval and were built in Toronto? Why? Who can explain this?
Perhaps this law will require a sworn statement and signature required prior to, and even now, to ensure the candidates and incumbents in all parties running and now in power are vetted with this new regulation/requirement/law in order to legally qualify to represent the population of Canada. Canada has given millions and billions of dollars to non Canadian countries. We are now told that our economy
The time is right for this change and the time is NOW. God bless the people of Canada and the Americas. 💟☮️
Lawyer Lisa ,you are the best! and while I am here, this old chestnut," The pharmaceutical industry is a blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity". I've read that they are ,for many reasons, going bankrupt. Billions in bribes would be one of them. Scum sucking pigs, may they rot in hell.
We may also want to know how much fascism rule there is in Canada.
True dope Sold Canada down the Yangtze-
Trump is creating a Bi-Polar World instead of aligning with the BRICS concept of multi-national world with Sovereign Countries (don't get me wrong here I"M NOT for any of this globalized and centralized imperialisms... BUT there has been very few moments in history when we the people have not be cast as the slaves feed the cog system under the British (&US) measures.
Wow, those numbers are staggering! In a normal society people like him, well....
Make no mistake people who are living through this 3 Ring Circus Shit show of United States politics are FED UP WITH THESE ANTICS OF CORRUPTION...
Decades upon decades of corruption filling our People's Houses-
U.S. Congress-
With UNITED NATIONS REPRESENTATIVES...all bought and paid for with TAXPAYERS DOLLARS or CORPORATE BIG PHARMA 🤔 which is basically the same thing. AGENDA 2021 began a long long time ago. Welcome the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives to your towns whether you have invited them or not !
Whistleblowers have no rights. All the elites just circle jerk money back-and-forth through treaties and international companies.
And let's not forget the foreign aid packages include "women's reproductive abortion, one of his many obsessions.
Same goes for voting in another Rockerfeller/Manning family member Pollievre!
Check out the Ogdensburg Treaty of 1943 between FDR and Mackenzie King - giving Canada to the US. Signed on a napkin at that time, this was re-signed in Feb 12 1947 - the DAY BEFORE - "OIL was found in AB"
WE have another issue with the family tree and Danielle Smith also!
I'm interested
If you click on that video link, the show notes provides all the documentation by Boychuk or pm me Lisa and I will send along.
Mackenzie King signed Canada over to FDR on Aug 14, 1943
Then again in 1947 as stated above - the key behind the value of all that resource rich oil fields was that day given away for free - zero royalties to the US... why the country is impoverished, yet the richest in resources and water.
What also is apparent is the amount of facade we have been given by some very talented mass psychosis known as msm.
Canada has had official censorship since 1941 ( but was implemented shortly after start of WWI actually)
In Canada according to Boychuk, The Manx & Cole families built the Progressive Conservative party as a challenge to the Rockerfellers causing some patriotism. They groomed Peter Lougheed and for a short time, we had a chance at sovereignty.
Meanwhile the Manning's built the Socred's - and tried to absorb Lougheed, it explains why even though he won 75 out of 78 seats in the election mid 80's there was made some examples of people dying that intonated the cause of him stepping down.
Danielle Smith is part of the Manning family echelon - SO IS Poilievre!
Thank you for your insight and for "telling it like it IS."
My favorite parts of Covid:
No one likes to blame a victim(s).
But sometimes you have to.
Experimental Injections
… is one of those times.
… my apologies… please read within my above comment….
We are now being told that our economy has failed and almost completely decimated the middle class establishing just the rich and the poor. Not once did the current government or any other party actually champion an approach to the Canadian people via a referendum as to where the public wanted THEIR tax dollars spent… not once!
The politicians in power and the WEF members/ advisors seem to believe we will continue to accept being told mis truths, half truths and arbitrary unsubstantiated Mandates. Will we?
It's called patriarchy and has always and will always produce war, misery, hunger, destruction and suffering. Some day people will educate themselves enough to realize that we lived in a Matriarchal Structure here on Turtle Island prior to the arrival of the ships with their bibles. No guns, no police, no jails, no hierarchy. And this is the ONLY SOLUTION for the future. Women have the maturity and wisdom to clean up the mess and organize everything because that is just who we are and what we do. Imagine a world with80% less men for just 5 years!
No thankyou. That's AS wrong as replacement of women or other races
No men were replaced in our Culture. They protected everyone and respected everyone and were loved and respected.
What did Canadians really expect? What did we think our future was going to look like with what passes for government in Ottawa? How did any of those politicians get into office? Oh right... we voted. Things got worse, and we Canadians sat in our Tim Hortons or by the office water cooler slamming how bad the government is and then..... we did nothing. We waited until the enxt election, argued the talking points placed before us by the owned media, didn't really research anything deeper than news soundbytes and we voted again.... and things got worse. How Canada handled the C-vidd issue demonstrated how programmed we Canadians are, how gulliuble and programmable we are.
The USA suffered similarly, disastrous leadership, if any at all, from the Democrats and reducing America to the point of WW3, its potential dollar collapse threshold, and a failing economy. Then along comes Trump and somehow convinces a majority to vote for him.... depsite all the years of demonizing and ridiculing him, despite his being charged with civil offences.
The Democrats and the Canadian Liberal government sold out much of each country to foreign corporate interests while we peasants slept. Gender fluidity, pronouns, white privilege and guilt, D.E.I, obscene literature in grade schools were the issues of focus and energy.... while each nation slid closer to bankruptcy, fiscal and moral.
So along comes a guy like Trump who wants to change all that the majority of people asserted was wrong with the Dem administration. Is he extreme..?. hell yeah ! All the while Trudeau catered to his globalist gurus, selling off Caanadian sovereignty and freedoms to the WEF and others. So would we want a Trump for Prime Minister? Nope... well some Canadians might.... more by the week.
But the question has to be asked as to why Canadians are ready for a Trump-like leader? Because the liberal agenda has brought Canada to its economic knees.... and the great insult to injury is Trudeau giving money to other nations while he cares not a lick about Canadians battling inflation, unaffordable housing, increased homelessness ( I mean unhoused persons), long waiting lists for medical care, etc. They are tired of all the polticial correctness and much ado about nothing of substance. Toronto declares a food insecurity emergency ??? Seriously? Canada?? But no worries because if Canadians get too depressed about their situation, there is always the MAID program to relieve them of their plight.
Trump will do what he needs to do to clean house, right, wrong, or extreme.... while the Canadian PM prorogues Parliament. At a time of crisis, and make no mistake, Canada is in a crisis, the leader suspends government, a nation with no real leadership ... and you wonder why Trump sees an opportunity to absorb Canada as the next state??? Oil and gas and Uranium and lithium $$$$$$.
We have to stop blaming what Trump is doing or might do. WE voted in the inept corrupt government we have while Trump wasn't even on the radar. The question is what are WE Canadians gonna do to make Canada even mediocre, never mind great. If you don't like Conservative government, then fix the Liberal leftie government. It is a good thing that Canada has socialized medicine because maybe we can get a backbone implanted into Canadian backs.
Canada, we got what we got cuz we did noting to affect real change. We thought for ourselves, not what was good for all Canadians. WE invested in special interest agendas and we fell for the C-vidd scam which has mountains of evidence to prove the govt was complicit in the crimes of the madnates etc. Canada will need an extreme leader to clean up the mess we allowed to happen, the mess we voted in and for which we did not hold government accountable.
Canadians can assuage their concerns with the knowledge that China's people are employed making things for us Canadians. Good for China eh? China is a much bigger concern for Canadians than Trump is or will be. There is almost nothing we buy, consume or use that isn't from China .... b-b-but... Trump ... Orange Man say??
America will sink or swm under Trump's administration.... So we can choose to watch, ridicule, or criticize it... or we can start figuring out how to keep Canada afloat,...or else start passing out life jackets,.... preferrably not made in China.
The DAY AFTER Trudeau resigned Trump announced Canada will be the 51st State:
They have reset the nature of the game. We need to understand the the rules to have a chance. Thx Lisa
Yesss, you are right on. As you showed. the children of Big Lies are Big Fakes. AndThey stay away from the Simple Truth.