The old ways do not work. During a May 2024 Zoom call, Derek Nobrega, retired senior officer in Canada’s military after serving 26 years and 13 years in the intelligence sector, said Canadian Senators were bought. Each of the 105 Senators was offered between $3 and $300 million of which 15 declined.
I was absolutely horrified, yet not surprised to see government secretly pushing a United Nations style pandemic and emergency agreement. The bill is chugging through parliament, while many are unaware of its existence. Agenda 2030 seems to give government more of an excuse to be loyal their United Nations and the World Economic Forum allegiances. When the general public find out about policies it is late in the ball game and the politicians lie more to cover their tracks. On a side note, I do recall awhile back Leslyn Lewis talking about stopping the World Health Organization's pandemic agreement. It is interesting how Canadian politicians are on the verge of allowing the United Nations walk all over the average Canadians. Oops, that must be the meaning of Agenda 2030. It is a totalitarian state.
The old ways do not work. During a May 2024 Zoom call, Derek Nobrega, retired senior officer in Canada’s military after serving 26 years and 13 years in the intelligence sector, said Canadian Senators were bought. Each of the 105 Senators was offered between $3 and $300 million of which 15 declined.
I was absolutely horrified, yet not surprised to see government secretly pushing a United Nations style pandemic and emergency agreement. The bill is chugging through parliament, while many are unaware of its existence. Agenda 2030 seems to give government more of an excuse to be loyal their United Nations and the World Economic Forum allegiances. When the general public find out about policies it is late in the ball game and the politicians lie more to cover their tracks. On a side note, I do recall awhile back Leslyn Lewis talking about stopping the World Health Organization's pandemic agreement. It is interesting how Canadian politicians are on the verge of allowing the United Nations walk all over the average Canadians. Oops, that must be the meaning of Agenda 2030. It is a totalitarian state.