
I have a big video to share in 2 days and I hope you help make it viral. Lots going on behind the scenes.

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Thanks for this- the line between public and private, government and corporations, has been horribly blurred, and used to hurt and kill us. I am so glad this judge was able to see that.

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Imagine Being A Liberal Guy

And Waking Up Every Morning

Wishing That You Were Equal To Men.

Now We Have Twice As Much

Of This Shit To Deal With.


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Jun 14, 2023Liked by LawyerLisa

These globalists are the epitome of fascists, thank God the judge did the right thing. It should've settled the case there and then though and made them appeal if they didn't like it.

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Uplifting. Love this.

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Thanks for this report!

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This is excellent!! The judge took 20 minutes and came back saying “Why Boys, I do believe this right here strongly resembles a proverbial smoking gun. Not only may it be entered as evidence, it must be entered as evidence!” (Paraphrased.)

Have you ever read Wirt’s account of Henry’s first criminal defense case? It’s a smashing good read and certainly foreshadows this particular case except dear bumbling, stammering Patrick was all alone against the dream team. No other barrister was fool enough to take that particular case against the Crown! Mr. Henry, Sr. was said to literally face-palm when his son first began to speak and the lawyers representing the Ministry smiled and nodded at one another as they slid their files and notebooks into attaché cases, sure they had this one in the bag!

You’d enjoy it, I’m sure!

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Great news :)

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That is great news. I know that more has to be done. Our environmental policies are greatly attributed to documents by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. I think it is important that people know this. I suggest everyone take a good look at Agenda 2030. I am happy to see Rebel News taking stories from a different perspective. We desperately need independent journalism in Canada.

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Turdo the Tyrant is a sad brain-empty excuse for a guy besides a PM. Embarrassing Canada on the world stage as the bumbling actor and fake he really is.

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