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Why bury Andrew Bridgen's important speech in such an unprofessional post?

If you had highlighted it properly and not dressed it up with frivolity, I would have cross-posted.

As it is, I will share the video, with respect.

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Thank-you for reading. I appreciate your perspective. I'm glad you are sharing his speech. I previously did a post entirely on Andrew and the unfair attacks he faced.

But my writing will not always follow a format that pleases everyone. We are in serious times, but not every time we write about serious subjects do we need the same approach. I actually think memes, cartoon, and this kind of 'frivolity' serves the purpose to contrast how banal the mandates are. A friend from Slovakia, told me the most effective way to win followers and to dispel fear from an oppressive regime is through humor. If you can make people laugh, he told me, they stand more easily with you. If you can ridicule your opponent, you will raise more sheep. Some are motivated by fear, some by example, some by courage, but others by the confidence of this banality. So chastise me as you will, there is an audience and purpose though you don't see it. The awake are already there.

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Andrew Bridgen has been suspended from his party, accused of anti-semitism and is now suing Matt Hancock over that. This is an extremely serious issue.

In case you have not noticed, PEOPLE ARE DISABLED, PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Excuse me if I do not think making a joke about the recent events is appropriate.

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This was my serious post which you may like better.


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It is much better but unfortunately you have allowed the real issue, that of the toxic nature of the mRNA jabs, to be buried by the issue of anti-semitism in Canada, the relevance of which escapes me.

I have now written a post on the subject:


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Aren't we all supposed to bring our body of work to the table, and our voices. You may no like mine. That is fair. Trudeau calling out an MP who herself was Jewish was very big news here. The Freedom Convoy was also very important to Canada. It is also a parallel in my mind, if not yours.

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smh..... and the toxic nature of the mRNA jabs continues to be buried under a heap of other loosely related issues!

If you are truly a lawyer, Lisa, you will know that obfuscation is capable of derailing any good case and confusing the jury.

The most important work we should be bringing to the table are the horrendous adverse effects from the jabs and the astonishing lack of political response to that.

The UK Conservative Party have diverted attention away from the issue and caused the conversation to centre around the man [ad hominem] rather than the points he made in his blistering speech. By invoking the spectre of anti-semitism they have suckered you into focusing on that aspect too.....

Meanwhile more than 1,000 excess deaths PER WEEK are occurring in the UK and I suspect that will only increase as time goes by.

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Caesar's wife must not only....

We must maintain a degree of "dignitas" in our work or we become too easy to dismiss.

I am referring to Frances Leader's thread below. It is useful and important to mock "them", less so for those who speak truth on our side.

Jagmeet made a brief guest appearance in our community last Wednesday, an hour and a quarter late, and gave a heartwarming spiel on his childhood. He and our local MP, Mr. Alistair McGregor, made hasty exits, without spending time on questions. I coined the descriptive term "Jag-Zag" for the technique.

As is evident from Canadian cases, our courts are captured. I applaud your suggestion for investigation and action in Tennessee. By the way, have you reviewed the Tennessee nurses' licensing for 2023?

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a lot of info in one comment! Do you think part of the 'capture' is a habit of getting their news from CBC and not being truly aware?

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If it were only CBC only 15% of the population would have the "extremely clean minds", ie brainwashed.

The media are owned by oligarchs, as are our communication networks. The government pays for advertising, and "He who pays the piper...."

Even our local weeklies are owned by The Black Press- David Black, not Lord Conrad- and support the narrative 100%. The Weather Network is also fully engaged in "Climate Crisis."

One must make a concerted effort to escape the deluge of propaganda, and many people tell me they have just stopped "consuming" any news.

Substack, Brownstone Institute, and The Epoch Times are my current sources.

I look at Aljazeera for hopes of seeing balanced reporting of the war in Ukraine, but it is otherwise captured by the climate catastrophe.

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I introduce any radio broadcast in my car right now with: what do they want me to be thinking today. The Farm has had some great substacks on the psyop and war on the mind. I'd love to know what percentage of your friends/family have changed in this last year: on shots, or perspective generally. The older generation (aka the judges) have been the most willing to continue to march as good comrades.

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